The course aims to provide students with the appropriate tools for analysis of Italian constitutional law, with particular reference to questions relating to the relationship between sources of law and between internal and supranational legal systems. Furthermore, the course intends to stimulate a broader reflection on the changes in the constitutional order through the analysis of the case law of the Constitutional Court.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Concepts and categories of constitutional law - The sources of law - Constitutional principles - Constitutional rights and duties - The law of the Republic - Constitutional justice

Core Documentation

Recommended texts:
S. Cicconetti, Le fonti del diritto italiano, Torino, Giappichelli, ultima edizione in commercio.

Alternatively, the student can choose one of the following two manuals:
F. Sorrentino, Le fonti del diritto italiano, Padova, Cedam, 2015
R. Bin, G. Pitruzzella, Le fonti del diritto, Torino, Giappichelli, 2012

integrated by the study of one of the following works:
P. Grossi, Prima lezione di diritto, Laterza, Roma-Bari
S. Romano, L'ordinamento giuridico, Sansoni, Firenze
T. Perassi, Introduzione alle scienze giuridiche, Padova, Cedam
R. Carré de Malberg, La legge espressione della volontà generale, Giuffré, Milano, 2008
V. Crisafulli, Voce Fonti del diritto, in Encicl. dir.
V. Crisafulli, Voce, Disposizione (e norma), in Enc. dir.

Students must also be in possession of updated legislation for the study of constitutional law, such as, for example, M. Siclari (a cura di), La Costituzione della Repubblica italiana nel testo vigente, Aracne, Roma, ult. ed.

Reference Bibliography

P. Grossi, Prima lezione di diritto, Laterza, Roma-Bari S. Romano, L'ordinamento giuridico, Sansoni, Firenze T. Perassi, Introduzione alle scienze giuridiche, Padova, Cedam R. Carré de Malberg, La legge espressione della volontà generale, Giuffré, Milano, 2008 V. Crisafulli, Voce Fonti del diritto, in Encicl. dir. V. Crisafulli, Voce, Disposizione (e norma), in Enc. dir.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching includes frontal lectures, but also reports from students on topics assigned during the course. Class attendance is not mandatory


Attendance to the course is not mandatory. However, students who choose to attend the course will be able to agree with the professor on a topic on which to report during class.

Type of evaluation

En oral examination is provided in order to verify the level of understanding of the concepts and the ability to develop a critical argument. Unless otherwise, in the next summer session (a.y. 2019/2020) oral examinations will be made by remote.