This course introduces students to the most important concepts and approaches used by anthropologists in understanding socio-cultural variation focusing on : holistic approach, fieldwork, ethnicity, gender, migrations, transnationalism and globalism.
teacher profile | teaching materials


This course explores (first part) the basic concepts of cultural anthropology and ethnography (culture / s, ethnicity / ethnic groups, cultural relativism / ethnocentrism, racisms, globalization). The ethnographic method will be analyzed from participant observation up to multi-location and multi-vocal research). In this direction the course (second part) studies the anthropology of migrations also focusing on gender and feminist ethnography. The third part of the course examine the concepts relating to the sociocultural representations and uses of bodies in the local dimension and in the global ecumene (body techniques, habitus, incorporation). Therefore, some ethnographic cases will analyze, focusing on the bio-political dimension and the anthropological critique of human rights.

Core Documentation

1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Roma.
2. M. Fusaschi, 2018, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo/logiche di genere nella globalizzazione, Cisu, Roma.
3 G. Cavatorta, 2018, Tornare è tuo dovere. Genere, etnografie e capitali in Senegal, Cisu, Roma

Reference Bibliography

Adjamagbo A, Calvès A. E. 2012, L'émancipation féminine sous contrainte , Autrepart ,2 , n. 61, p. 3-21. Abu-Lughod L., 2013, Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, Harvard University Press, Massachussetts & London, England, Cambridge. Boltanski, L. 1993. La souffrance à distance : Morale humanitaire, médias et politique. Paris : Seuil. Coene G., Longman C. (dir), 2005, Féminisme et multiculturalisme. Les para-doxes du débat, Bern, Peter Lang. DelageP., Lieber M. et Chetcuti-Osorovitz N., 2019, Lutter contre les violences de genre. des mouvements féministes à leur institutionnalisation, Cahiers du Genre , vol. 1 n° 66, pp. 5- 16 Engle Merry S., 2006, Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International Law into Local Justice, Chicago, University of Chicago Press. —, 2014, Le norme per la protezione dei diritti umani e la demonizzazione della cultura (passando per l’antropologia), in Cammarata R., Mancini L. (a cura di), Diritti e culture: Un’antologia critica, Torino, Giappichelli. Fusaschi M.,2003, I segni sul corpo. Per un’antropologia delle modificazioni dei genitalifemminili, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri. —, 2007, Verso un multiculturalismo all’italiana. Il dibattito sull’infibulazione in Italia, in Pompeo F. (dir.), La società di tutti. Multiculturalismo e politiche dell’identità, Roma, Meltemi, p. 95-116. - 2011a, Quando il corpo è delle Altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo spettacolo, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri. —, 2018, “L’etnografia attraversata dal genere: per uno sguardo storico e pratico- politico sulle soggettività”, Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa n. 2, p. 388- 340. Fusaschi M., Cavatorta G. (dir.), 2018, FMG/C From medicine to critical anthropology, Torino, Meti. Nader L., 2006, Human Rights and Moral Imperialism, in “Anthropology News” , p. 6. Moore H., 1988, Feminist Anthropology, Cambridge, Polity press. S. Engle Merry, Le norme per la protezione dei diritti umani e la demonizzazione della cultura (passando per l’antropologia), dans R. Cammarata, L. Mancini (édité par), Diritti e culture: Un’antologia critica, Giappichelli, Torino 2014. Shell-Duncan B., 2008, “From Health to Human Rights. Female Genital Cutting and the Politics of Intervention”, American Anthropologist, vol. 110, n. 2, p. 225-236.

Type of delivery of the course

Course in form of a seminar with student involvement, audiovisual material. Attendance and active participation are essential.


Recommended but not mandatory

Type of evaluation

For the students attending: 1 - Mid term written exam based on multiple choice questions . 2. finale exam based on open questions. The final grade is formed by 90% on the written tests 1.and 2.; 10% on attendance and active participation during classes . Students who do not attend will have to take an oral examination (max 20 minutes). See also art.1 del Decreto Rettorale n°. 703 del 5 maggio 2020