The organization of Italy's system of government has undergone a profound change characterized by progressive decentralization. Since the creation of the Regions in 1970, and the reform of Title V of the Constitution in 2001, the Italian central government has transferred more and more functions to local governments and devolved powers and responsibilities to the Regions. Hence the importance of the financial knowledge of decentralized entities for those seeking employment both in public administration and in private sectors releted to health issues. In fact, since local and regional authorities play an important role in health, part of the course will deal with analyzing the health sector. The contradictions that emerge between the attribution to the Regions of ownership of healthcare and the imposition of rigid organizational models and the maintenance at a central level of a series of interventions. Direct management will be the subject of an in-depth analysis to understand the relationship between the State and the Regions and Local Authorities in the organization, management and provision of health services.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810008 FINANZA DEGLI ENTI LOCALI ED ECONOMIA SANITARIA in Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni LM-63 AUTERI MONICA


for non Italian speaking students:

book: State and Local Public Finance, C. Fisher

Chapter 1. Why State and Local Government Finance
Chapter 3. Demand for State and Local Government Goods and Services Chapter
Chapter 4. Public Choice Without Mobility: Voting Chapter
Chapter 5. Public Choice Through Mobility Chapter
Chapter 6. Organization of Subnational Government

Budgeting and Fiscal Outcomes in Italy
Chapter 8. Costs and Production of State and Local Goods and Services
Chapter 9. Pricing of Government Goods—User Charges
Chapter 10. Intergovernmental Grants Chapter
Chapter 13. Property Tax: Institutions, Structure, and Process Chapter
Chapter 21. Health and Welfare Chapter

Book: The Economics of Health and Health Care by Folland, Goodman, Stano

Supply and Demand
Chapter 5 Production of Health
Chapter 6 The Production, Cost, and Technology of Health Care
Chapter 7 Demand for Health Capital
Chapter 8 Demand and Supply of Health Insurance
Chapter 9 Consumer Choice and Demand
PART III Information and Insurance Markets
Chapter 10 Asymmetric Information and Agency
Chapter 11 The Organization of Health Insurance Markets
Chapter 12 Managed Care
Chapter 13 Nonprofit Firms

PART IV Key Players in the Health Care Sector
Chapter 14 Hospitals and Long-Term Care
Chapter 15 The Physician’s Practice
Chapter 16 Health Care Labor Markets and Professional Training
Chapter 17 The Pharmaceutical Industry

PART V Social Insurance
Chapter 18 Equity, Efficiency, and Need
Chapter 19 Government Intervention in Health Care Markets
Chapter 20 Government Regulation: Principal Regulatory Mechanisms
Chapter 21 Social Insurance
Chapter 22 Comparative Health Care Systems
Chapter 23 Health System Reform

Core Documentation

Libro di testo:
1. G. Brosio, e S. Piperno, Governo e finanza locale. IV ed Torino, Giappichelli, 2009.
NB Il formato cartaceo del testo non è piu disponibile. Dal sito dell’editore si può acquistare il testo
in formato pdf con ISBN 9788834847145 codice breve 3484714
2. Auteri M, Il mercato del farmaco. Tra andamenti e prospettive, Libreria Universitaria, 2013
3. Tre articoli in inglese tra quelli indicati
4. Per il materiale relativo alla parte di economia sanitaria contattare il docente oppure:
Levaggi, R. Capri, S. (2008) Economia Sanitaria, Franco Angeli, 4a edizione: Capitoli 1, 2, 3 [par 3.1, 3.2,
3.3], 4 [par. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.9], 5 [pp.213-220, 228-237], 6 [introduzione, pp. 280-288], 9, 10)

Type of delivery of the course

lectures and econometrics applications


Not mandatory but recommended

Type of evaluation

prova orale e prova scritta intermedia facoltativa