Architecture: innovation and heritage

Link identifier #identifier__9785-1Link identifier #identifier__46714-2
The PhD objective is to form an expert specialized in the problems of ancient, modern and contemporary architecture; these problems regard the design and the building at the different scalar dimensions, the environmental and the economic sustainability, energy conservation, maintenance and management, etc. The field of interests of this PhD is architecture, precisely the architecture design which: – today and in our country in particular, has among its principal concerns the comprehension and the appreciation of the built heritage, but also its revitalisation, actualisation, innovation and reinsertion in a context of uses, cultural necessities and activities, present and future – is set in a wide field of disciplinary interactions, not strictly assigned in a compartment and not at all static, but physiologically in development. Consequently, the definition of the doctorate field is thematic, therefore its teachings and its researches are organised in three curricula – relevant to the themes – that reflect rigorously the contribution that the various disciplines can offer in the development of the architecture design: Building culture. This curriculum examines the architecture project in its developing interactions with scientific, technical, and tools related acquisitions and researches. The new techniques of survey and evaluation allow a more precise knowledge of the consistency of the construction and of its interaction with environment. The technical and scientific evolution provided new methods, models and materials, allowing a better comprehension of the structural behaviour and a more efficient intervention for the appreciation, promotion, enhancement, of the heritage: thus, the innovation should be searched in the same designing approach. The philological design. In this curriculum the architecture project: Is oriented to the comprehension and the interpretation of the language and the techniques of the built heritage, aiming to its enhancement, conservation, revitalisation, and reinsertion in a context of usages, cultural necessities and activities, present and future. Simultaneously is analysed from a history of architecture perspective, according to the different variations, from the historic research to the studies for the heritage enhancement and conservation, to the knowledge eventualities still active and potential. Design in ancient country. In this curriculum, the architecture project is oriented to comply the research and the aesthetic innovation – functional and constructive, imposed by the contemporary necessity – with the appreciation and the rediscovery of the deep meaning of the historical stratifications, hidden in the territory and in the city.


Curriculum Cultura della costruzione
codice CURR800
Curriculum Il progetto filologico
codice CURR801
Curriculum Progettare in un paese antico
codice CURR802