In the second semester, It consists in the didactic foundation of the design excercise teaching the principle of indissolubility between plan, teaching intentions, tectonics, subject and location.


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i. Introduction to basic aspects of the structural concept.
ii. A sketch of the fundamentals of Statics.
iii. Main features of the mechanical behaviour of the structural elements and their assemblage, and consequently of the global structural response.
iv. Some examples of both structural and architectural design choices, with a particular focus on common building materials.

Core Documentation

G. Pizzetti, A.M. Zorgno Triscuoglio, "Principi statici e forme strutturali", Utet, 1980

Reference Bibliography

Schodek D.L., “Strutture”, 4a ed., Patron Ed., Bologna, 2008

Type of delivery of the course

The course is carried out through lectures and classroom reviews of students' work. The structural concepts will be presented in a not completely formalized way, but an explanation by means of examples of the behavior of simple structural elements or of existing architectures will be preferred. Actual examples and related teaching materials will be given. The behavior of simple elements will also be presented with classroom experiments.


Compulsory attendance for at least 75% of the hours

Type of evaluation

Students are evaluated in the application of the structural concepts presented during the course. In particular they will have to recognize the structural taxonomies in examples of existing architectures (the same studied in the first part of the design laboratory). They will then apply these concepts to the project of a small house.

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The course refers to the foundamental structural elements of buildings. This objective will be achieved through lectures, both theoretical and applicative, which will guide the student towards the first experiences on structural design.
The part 2 of the module will continue what explained in part 1 implementing it with practical applications.
The student will try to apply what has been discussed during the part 1 of the module in the exercises that will take place during the laboratory until a structural solution, integrated with the architectural solution, is obtained.

-first approaches to structural design on a real case
- integration between architecture and structure

Core Documentation

recommended books, not mandatory for the exam, but useful for studing and integrating the material distributed during the lessons

Reference Bibliography

If it is useful to refer to the literature, the teacher will provide the appropriate references during the course

Type of delivery of the course

Theoretical and applicative lessons The frontal discussion of the program of the course will be followed by practical applications on real case study. The program will be proposed with a teorethical discussion together with real examples of existing structural solutions adopted in well known buildings.


lessons attendance is mandatory according to the didactic regulations of the department

Type of evaluation

Discussion of the course program and discussion of the practical application developed by the student. The exam is individual. The exam, based on the presentation of the final project of the laboratory, is focalized on the discussion of the structural aspects that influenced the work developed. The project will be used to inspire the discussion that will touch the whole program developed during the course. No intermediate test will be requested

teacher profile | teaching materials


Basics of statics of rigid bodies: body, force, moment of a force, static balance. Basics of mechanics of building materials: glossary. Introduction to structural mechanics: beams, pillars, frames, masonry walls, concrete septa. Organization of a frame building; organization of a building with masonry walls or concrete septa. Structural reading of important houses in the history of architecture.

Core Documentation

the reference text is being written. The class notes are sufficient

Type of delivery of the course

the course takes place in the classroom, through lessons with obligatory presence and laboratory activities. The activity of the Mechanics laboratory consists in the classroom reproduction of the following experiments. 1) the center of gravity, the dynamometer 2) The force triangle, the force polygon, the simple pulleys 3) The Archimedes lever, the supportive reactions of a doubly supported beam 4) The moment of inertia of a section


Attendance of the course is mandatory, because most of the work is done in the classroom, especially in relation to the design exercises. Mandatory attendance means attendance of at least 80% lessons.

Type of evaluation

the exam takes place with oral questions and evaluation of structural design proofs