The second part of the course is devoted to the architecture of open spaces, in its historical and current evolution, and provides a framework of knowledge related to historical, composition, figurative and environmental disciplines, in close relationship with the architectural design and the urban project. Main
objectives are to transmit awareness of the complexity and richness of relationships that exist between the shape of the landscape and the technical, functional and expressive reasons that determine it in time.
objectives are to transmit awareness of the complexity and richness of relationships that exist between the shape of the landscape and the technical, functional and expressive reasons that determine it in time.
teacher profile teaching materials
The historic component, carried out in the first semester, will face the phenomenon "City" over time, and its manifold representations such as maps, charts, plans.
Students will be introduced to the GIS data coverage model of QGIS and several sample applications.
The SEL course, lasting one year, will develop jointly three components - Settlement, Environment and Landscape - considering their inseparable complementarity for the management of the reality around us. It will be a unitary course, led by lecturers who will perform the different parts along a common path.The historic component, carried out in the first semester, will face the phenomenon "City" over time, and its manifold representations such as maps, charts, plans.
Students will be introduced to the GIS data coverage model of QGIS and several sample applications.
Core Documentation
Filpa, A., Talia, M., Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci Editore, Roma (2009);Reference Bibliography
L. Benevolo, Le origini dell'urbanistica moderna, Laterza (1963) G.Caniggia, G. Maffei, Lettura dell'edilizia di base, AlineaType of delivery of the course
The course will be developed in a series of lectures, supported by the distribution of teaching materials A brief series of introductory exercises on the use of GIS will be carried out.Attendance
Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%Type of evaluation
The learning assessment takes place through the oral discussion during the examination of the study topics developed and the evaluation of the graphic works, as well as through a critical analysis of the didactic experience carried out teacher profile teaching materials
The historic component, carried out in the first semester, will face the phenomenon "City" over time, and its manifold representations such as maps, charts, plans.
Students will be introduced to the GIS data coverage model of QGIS and several sample applications.
The landscape training will introduce students to the meaning of landscape, focusing on its constitutive parts and proposing exercises on landscape reading, interpretation and representation. It will introduce the fundamental elements of open space design, with particular reference to the treatment of the soil grading, to the role of vegetation, to the relations with buildings, urban realm and public space.
The urban planning component – in the first semester - will introduce students to the social, environmental and urban issues characterizing Italy since 1945 until today, explaining the mutations occurred in the settlements and infrastructural networks, in the administrative systems, in the matrixes and objectives of the urban planning tools, with particular reference to the seeking of sustainability. In the second semester, the urban planning component will deal with the European contemporary issues of the urban management, offering as a practical assignment a detailed reading and interpretation applied to an area of Rome.
The SEL course, lasting one year, will develop jointly three components - Settlement, Environment and Landscape - considering their inseparable complementarity for the management of the reality around us. It will be a unitary course, led by lecturers who will perform the different parts along a common path.The historic component, carried out in the first semester, will face the phenomenon "City" over time, and its manifold representations such as maps, charts, plans.
Students will be introduced to the GIS data coverage model of QGIS and several sample applications.
The landscape training will introduce students to the meaning of landscape, focusing on its constitutive parts and proposing exercises on landscape reading, interpretation and representation. It will introduce the fundamental elements of open space design, with particular reference to the treatment of the soil grading, to the role of vegetation, to the relations with buildings, urban realm and public space.
The urban planning component – in the first semester - will introduce students to the social, environmental and urban issues characterizing Italy since 1945 until today, explaining the mutations occurred in the settlements and infrastructural networks, in the administrative systems, in the matrixes and objectives of the urban planning tools, with particular reference to the seeking of sustainability. In the second semester, the urban planning component will deal with the European contemporary issues of the urban management, offering as a practical assignment a detailed reading and interpretation applied to an area of Rome.
Core Documentation
L. Benevolo, Le origini dell’urbanistica moderna, Laterza 1963Reference Bibliography
Bibliography: Historic component - L. Benevolo, Le origini dell’urbanistica moderna, Laterza 1963. - G. Astengo, Voce “Urbanistica” dell’Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte, Ist. Geograf. De Agostini, Novara 1984 (vol. XIV, pp. 541-642) - G. Caniggia, G. Maffei, Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Alinea - A.L. Palazzo, L. Giecillo, Territori dell’urbano. Storie e linguaggi dello spazio comune, Quodlibet 2009. Bibliography: Landscape component −Alvarez, D., El jardin de la arquitectura del siglo XX, Editorial Reverte, Barcelona (2008). − Belfiore, E., Il verde e la città. Idee e progetti dal Settecento ad oggi, Gangemi Editore, Roma (2005). − Colafranceschi, D., Landscape+100 words to inhabit it. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcellona (2007). − Corrado, M. e Lambertini, A., Atlante delle nature urbane. Centouno voci per i paesaggi quotidiani, Editrice Compositori, Bologna (2011). − FAP, a cura, Vocabolazionario. 50 voci verbali per il progetto dello spazio pubblico, n.e. 2013. −Moore, C. W., Mitchel, W. J., Turnbull, W., The poetics of gardens, MIT Press, Cambridge-London (1988), trad. it. La poetica dei giardini, Muzzio Editore, Padova (1991). − Pandakovic, D., Dal Sasso, A., Saper vedere il paesaggio, Ed. CittàStudi, Novara (2009). − Panzini, F., Progettare la natura – Architettura del paesaggio e dei giardini dalle origini all’epoca contemporanea, Zanichelli, Bologna (2005). − Sereni, E., Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari (2014, 18° edizione). − Zagari, F., Questo è paesaggio – 48 definizioni, Gruppo Mancosu editore, Roma (2006). − Zagari, F., Sul paesaggio. Lettera aperta, Libria, Melfi (2013). Bibliography: Urban Planning component Campos Venuti G, Oliva F, Cinquant’anni di urbanistica in Italia, Laterza 1993 A. Lanzani, G. Pasqui, L’Italia al futuro, FrancoAngeli 2017 Filpa, A., Talia, M., Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci Editore, Roma (2009); - Additional texts in PDF will be provided by the lecturerType of delivery of the course
The course will be developed in a series of lectures, supported by the distribution of teaching materials. A short cycle of introductory exercises will be carried out on the use of GIS.Attendance
Attendance at the course is mandatory.Type of evaluation
The verification of the learning takes place through the oral discussion during the examination