Acquisition of basic knowledge about the mechanical behavior of the main building materials (masonry, steel, concrete) and of the main elements and structural systems made with them. Basic tools for evaluation of the structural safety, aimed to simplified constructions design. Main topics include: classification and modeling of the actions; structural materials (masonry, steel, concrete); design criteria for structural elements.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is devoted to the safety evaluation according to semi-probabilistic limit state methods. The main aim is to train the student to a conscious use of design criteria given by actual codes.

The main topics are:
analysis and dimensioning of structures
limit states methods
design values of strength and actions
designing and verification of masonry, steel and reinforced concrete simple structures.

Core Documentation

Testi di base:
Renato Giannini. Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Civili. Città Studi edizioni, De Agostini S.p.A., Novara 2011
NTC 2008. Nuove Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni, DM 14 gennaio 2008, pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 29 del 4 febbraio 2008 - Suppl. Ordinario n. 30.

Testi di approfondimento:
AICAP, Dettagli Costruttivi di Strutture in Calcestruzzo Armato, 2011
AICAP, Costruzioni in Calcestruzzo, Costruzioni composte acciaio-calcestruzzo,
Commentario alle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni D.M. 14/1/2008, 2011.

Reference Bibliography

R. Park and T. Paulay, Reinforced concrete structures, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975. F.I.B. (Fédération Internationale du Béton), fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, October 2013 edited by J. Walraven.

Type of delivery of the course

The course consists of lectures on the topics listed in the program integrated with guided exercises.


attendance is mandatory, at least 75% of the total hours.

Type of evaluation

The individual oral test will take place in two parts both on the Team platform. The first part replaces the written test required for the exam in presence mode and will therefore focus on the design and verification criteria for an example of structural element. The second will be a discussion of the topics covered during the course. The final evaluation will take into account both tests.

teacher profile | teaching materials


• methods and structural requirements
• structural safety
• limit states design
• actions on structures
• material
• strength, deformability and stability
• members in tension and compression
• members with flexure and axial load
• joints
• material (concrete and steel reinforcement)
• behavior under bending
• ULS for stresses due to flexure and axial load
• ULS for stresses due to shear and torsion
• SLS (crack and stress control)

Core Documentation

Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Civili (Renato Giannini, 2011, Ed. CittàStudi)

D.M. 17.01.2018: Aggiornamento Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni [G.U. 20.02.2018 n. 42]

Circolare 21.01.2019 n. 7: Istruzioni per l’applicazione dell’aggiornamento delle «Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni» di cui al D.M. 17.01.2018 [G.U. 11.02.2019 n. 35 – S.O. n. 5]

Reference Bibliography

AICAP. Dettagli Costruttivi di Strutture in Calcestruzzo Armato, 2011. AICAP. Costruzioni in Calcestruzzo, Costruzioni composte Acciaio-Calcestruzzo, Commentario alle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni D.M. 14/1/2008, 2011.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is organised in theoretical lessons and design exercises, during which some basic recurring problems in professional practice are faced and solved.


It is compulsory to attend at least 75% of the lessons.

Type of evaluation

• Written examination (passing for oral admission): checking the ability to design simple steel and r.c. elements; duration 2-3 hours; the previous years examination texts are available on teacher’s FTP to which the students can freely access. • Oral examination (individual): checking the learning of the topics discussed in the course and the ability to face design problems of simple steel and r.c. elements; duration 30-45 minutes. FOR THE SUMMER SESSION: Cause of emergency Codiv-19, the exam consists of the oral test only according to the remote procedures described in the vademecum published on the student’s portal, using the Microsoft Teams software. In particular, the following is specified: • To take the exam test: - the candidate must book on the Gomp system (non-booked candidates are not admitted to the test): it is strongly recommended, for organizational reasons, to book if and only if you have the serious intention of taking the test; - the candidate must have sheets of paper, a pen, a calculator and a valid identification document: it is not allowed to keep anything else during the test; - the candidate must have a smartphone, with the Microsoft Teams software installed, which he will use to carry out the test in an audio-video conference and to allow the teacher the monitoring he deems most appropriate; during the test, the candidate must continuously show the teacher what he will write to answer the questions. The use of earphones is not allowed. It is recommended to keep the smartphone charged for the duration of the test; - it is recommended to check that the personal data on Gomp are up to date; • Convocation of candidates for the exam: - in relation to the degree of crowding, the candidates are divided, at the discretion of the teacher, into one or more "turns"; - candidates receive an email (at the address on Gomp) with an indication of the day/time of their "turn" and with a link to access it. • Opening of the exam session: - maximum punctuality is recommended; - it is recommended to access Microsoft Teams with your university credentials; - it is recommended to disable microphone and video camera; - roll-call of the candidates: the called candidate activates microphone and video camera, answers "present" and then deactivates microphone and video camera again. • Examination test: - only the candidate examined activates microphone and video camera; - identification of the candidate; - to ensure maximum transparency, the presence of at least 3 students is required for the duration of the test; - in case of incorrect behavior, the teacher proceeds with a verbal warning or with the cancellation of the test; - it is strictly forbidden for anyone to register, even only in part, the examination session and/or to distribute the recordings. • In case of malfunctions during the exam test: - if correct functioning is restored immediately, the oral test continues; - if correct functioning is not restored immediately but within the exam day, the oral exam is continued within the day, at the end of all the scheduled exams; - if the correct functioning is not restored within the exam day, the student has the right to contact the teacher via email (tommaso.albanesi@uniroma3.it) to agree on another day for the exam; - if the correct functioning cannot be restored within the last day established for the oral tests, the student will be considered withdrawn.