A good knowledge of the art movements from Neoclassicism to our days
teacher profile teaching materials
Each four-hour lesson examines and analyzes a monographic theme originating from current events with references to artistic currents, the historical context, the world of collecting, techniques, aesthetic theories from the twentieth century onwards.
Giulio Carlo Argan, L’arte moderna 1770-1970; Achille Bonito Oliva, L’arte oltre il Duemila,
Sansoni, Firenze 2003
Giuliano Briganti, Carlo Bertelli, Antonio Giuliano, Storia dell'arte italiana. Vol. 4: Dal Romanticismo alle correnti contemporanea, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1997
Werner Hofmann, I fondamenti dell'arte moderna, Donzelli, Roma 2003
A trajectory in the history of modern and contemporary art from the avant-garde forward through a choice of images that have meant or mean today, compared to the past, a different stylistic, iconographic or symbolic approach to representation.Each four-hour lesson examines and analyzes a monographic theme originating from current events with references to artistic currents, the historical context, the world of collecting, techniques, aesthetic theories from the twentieth century onwards.
Core Documentation
One text among the following:Giulio Carlo Argan, L’arte moderna 1770-1970; Achille Bonito Oliva, L’arte oltre il Duemila,
Sansoni, Firenze 2003
Giuliano Briganti, Carlo Bertelli, Antonio Giuliano, Storia dell'arte italiana. Vol. 4: Dal Romanticismo alle correnti contemporanea, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 1997
Werner Hofmann, I fondamenti dell'arte moderna, Donzelli, Roma 2003
Reference Bibliography
A reading of your choice between the following texts: Vincent van Gogh, Lettere a Theo, Guanda editore, Milano 2016 Pablo Picasso, Abscondita, Milano 2015 Henri Matisse, Scritti e pensieri sull’arte, a cura di Maria Mimita Lamberti, Abscondita, Milano 2003 Umberto Boccioni, Pittura e scultura futuriste, Abscondita, Milano 2006 Marcel Duchamp, Ingegnere del tempo perduto, conversazione con Pierre Cabanne, Abscondita, Milano 2017 Piet Mondrian, Il Neoplasticismo, Abscondita, Milano 2008 Wassili Kandinsky, Punto linea superficie, Adelphi, Milano 2004 Giorgio De Chirico, Ebdomero, Abscondita, Milano 2019 Gino Severini, La vita di un pittore, Abscondita, Milano 2008 Alberto Giacometti, Scritti, Abscondita, Milano 2016 Jackson Pollock, Lettere, riflessioni, testimonianze, Abscondita, Milano 2017 Willem De Kooning, Appunti sull'arte, Abscondita, Milano 2013 Barnett Newman, Il sublime, adesso, Abscondita, Milano 2019 Michel Leiris, Francis Bacon, Abscondita, Milano 2001 A reading of your choice between the following texts: André Breton, Il surrealismo e la pittura, Abscondita, Milano 2018 Georges Bataille, L'esperienza interiore, Adelphi, Milano 2000 Meyer Schapiro, Lo stile, Donzelli, Roma 1995 Paolo Fossati, Storie di figure e di immagini, Einaudi, Torino 1995 Yve-Alain Bois, Rosalind Krauss, L'informe. Istruzioni per l'uso, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2003 Rosalind Krauss, Passaggi : storia della scultura da Rodin alla Land Art, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2000 Suggested but not compulsory reading among the following texts: Lea Vergine, L’arte in trincea. Lessico delle tendenze artistiche 1960-1990, Skira, Milano 1996 Meyer Schapiro, Tra Einstein e Picasso: spazio-tempo, cubismo, futurismo, Marinotti, Milano 2003 Pierre Francastel, Lo spazio figurativo dal Rinascimento al Cubismo, Mimesis, Milano 2005Type of delivery of the course
didactic methods: traditional lesson with the teacher addressing the whole class, use of electronic devices for projection of films and documentaries.Attendance
For 75% of the duration of the courseType of evaluation
platform: ZOOM https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4213421828?pwd=bmY4VW5tZUdPM2hNVGdxS2h2L0VTQT09 personal meeting ID: 4213421828 password: roma3 time for test: 15-20 minutes number of questions: the exam will be conducted in a discursive dialogue starting from a question where the candidate can choose the argument. During the following discussion other questions could follow up to a maximum of three. A general cognition of the history of contemporary art is requested and a knowledge of the texts indicated in the reading list.