The course, aimed at enrolling professionals in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior - referred to in art. 4 of the Ministry of Interior Decree of August 5, 2011 - aims to provide future professionals with the main methodological indications to define, from the design stage, the fire safety requirements integrated with the other design requirements.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is divided into thirteen training modules, in relation to the complexity of the topics discussed, some modules have been foreseen for a learning test, both as a didactic and non-evaluative course, the completion of which will be determined by the teacher. Additionally, at the end of modules 10, 11, 12 the learners must deal with the predisposition of a fire prevention project under the guidance of the teacher. Overall, the minimum training course is 120 hours with compulsory class attendance.
The teacher remains to be able to add further arguments or to deepen the ones foreseen in the individual modules for a greater overall duration.
Part of the course is intended for the acquisition of the most frequently used notions that characterize the fire safety of activities subject to fire prevention procedures. This is achieved with the implementation of Modules 11 and 12 in addition to deepening the knowledge of technical rules and through practical exercises, with the adaptation of buildings to the requirements required by the specific technical rules.
The thirteen modules that comprise the course cover the following topics:
1. Objectives, directives, legislation and technical rules for fire prevention
2. Physics and fire chemistry
3. Technology of Passive Protection Materials and Structures
4. Technology of active protection systems and systems - Safety of technological installations
5. Fire risk assessment and fire safety management
6. Fire prevention procedures
7. Engineering Approach and Security Management System
8. Fire safety in workplaces
9. Activities at risk of major accident
10. Design in the absence of technical rules
11. Design in the presence of technical rules - Civil activities
12. Design in the presence of technical rules - Industrial activities
13. Visit at a nearby activity.

Core Documentation

Autori vari, (2019), Quaderno della Sicurezza 2019 - Progettazione antincendio Compendio delle norme e loro evoluzioni, CEFMECTP, Roma.
Dattilo F., Pulito C., (2016), Codice di prevenzione incendi commentato, Epc Editore, Roma.

Reference Bibliography

The reference standard for the Fire Planning.

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching methods used include classroom lessons based on blended learning methodology, alternating theoretical lessons with practical exercises. Educational trips are planned at important building sites and technical seminars at other institutes or associations of reference. In detail, in order to achieve the necessary knowledge and skills, the following teaching methods will be applied: lectures, exercises, seminars, simulations, laboratories, field work, group work, analysis of specific cases.


Attendance is mandatory for 90% of the scheduled course hours.

Type of evaluation

The attendance of the lessons is compulsory and will give the right to take the exam. The evaluation of the preparation of the students will take place through the passing of a written test and an oral test. The written test, to be carried out in 50 minutes, is divided into a test of 50 multiple choice questions. Candidates who have responded positively to at least 35 applications will be admitted to the oral examination. The candidate who does not respond positively to at least 35 questions, or does not positively pass the oral exam, can repeat the exam in the following session. NOTE WELL: The course exam for the summer session will take place, in an ordinary way, in written form and with an oral interview held remotely, via audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams software, as indicated of the Rectoral Decree 703 of 05 May 2020.