The course teaches the methods of reading the anthropized territory at different scales (of the landscape, of the urban settlement, of the single architectures) and in the residual permanences of the different eras that over time have contributed to structuring it. The reading of the diachronic signs of anthropization is a specific area of ​​the architectural disciplines: the course (two modules of architectural design and two modules of architectural restoration) teaches to recognize the signs of permanence and transformation of the territory in order to conserve, enhance and update them to the present.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The starting hypothesis imagines that the territory is like a sort of huge truthful not falsifiable palimpsest, on which the different cultures are destined to write their own chapter of the humanity historical narration, usually reusing, in whole or in part, the structural traces of previous generations. Settlements, fabrics, paths and boundaries constitute the implied categories of primary elements to be considered in reading. That aims approximately to reconstruct backwards scenarios, based on the same logic of projects that contributed in the various periods to build what can be precisely defined 'permanent substratum structures'.
The course aims at giving, through lessons, lectures and site visits, an overview of the way of reading the territory at the different scales: of the landscape, of the urban settlement, of the living practices and of the community expressions.
Based on specific case-studies, the course will deal with the topics concerning the man-made activities aimed at modifying a geographical context for satisfying the human necessities: to travel, to build settlements, to inhabit, to exploit it for the subsistence, to have exchanges and relationships, to represent a community.
Through the presentation of the case-studies the cultural tools and the operational methodologies will be exemplified for the definition, also on digital base, of 'organized forms of knowledge' useful for the documentation, for the characterization for planning purposes, for the communication of peculiar cognitive data related to the environment and settlements man-made transformation processes and for the vernacular language of the material culture of which building typologies and their components are the expression.

Core Documentation

references and bibliography are given during the course

Reference Bibliography

Caniggia G. (1963) Como: lettura di una città (Centro Studi di Storia Urbanistica, Roma). Caniggia G. (1976) Strutture dello spazio antropico (Uniedit, Firenze). Caniggia G. e Maffei G. L. (1979) Architectural Composition and Building Typology: Interpreting Basic Building (Alinea, Firenze). Caniggia G. e Maffei G. L. (1979) Composizione architettonica e tipologia edilizia. 1. Lettura dell’edilizia di base (Marsilio, Venezia). Cataldi G. (1970) ‘La viabilità dell’Alto Lazio dalle origini alla crisi dell’impero romano’, in Quaderni di ricerca urbanologica e tecnica della pianificazione 4, 3-29. Cataldi G. (1977) Per una scienza del territorio (Uniedit, Firenze). Cataldi G. (2004) ‘Attualità e persistenza delle strutture pianificate antiche nella periferia di Roma’, in assetti, R. and Spagnesi, G. (eds) Il centro storico di Roma: storia e progetto (Gangemi, Roma) 78-89. Cataldi G. (2006) ‘Attualità e persistenza delle strutture pianificate antiche nella forma di Roma’, in Cassetti R. and Spagnesi G. (eds) Roma contemporanea: storia e progetto (Gangemi, Roma) 116-29. Cataldi G. (ed) (2013) Saverio Muratori architetto (Modena 1910 – Roma 1973) a cento anni dalla nascita (Aiòn, Firenze). Cataldi G. e Formichi F. (2007) Pienza Forma Urbis (Aiòn, Firenze). Cataldi G., Cherici A., Gialluca B., Lavagnino E., Maffei G.L., Orgera V., Vaccaro P. (1987) Cortona struttura e storia. Materiali per una conoscenza operante della città e del territorio (Editrice Grafica L’Etruria). Conzen M. R. G. (1960) Alnwick, Northumberland: a study in town-plan analysis, Institute of British Geographers Publication 27 (George Philip, London). Conzen M.R.G. (2012) L’analisi della forma urbana, Alnwick, Northurberland (Franco Angeli, Roma). Maffei G.L. e Maffei M., Interpreting Specialised Buildings (AltrAlinea, Firenze). Maretto P. (1980) Realtà naturale e realtà costruita (Uniedit, Firenze). Muratori S. (1963) Architettura e civiltà in crisi (Centro Studi di Storia Urbanistica, Roma). Muratori S. (1967) Civiltà e territorio (Centro Studi di Storia Urbanistica, Roma). Muratori S. (1967) Civiltà e territorio (Centro Studi di Storia Urbanistica, Roma). Muratori S., Bollati R., Bollati S. e Marinucci G. (1963) Studi per una operante storia urbana di Roma (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma).

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures on the following topics 1. For a science of the territory 2. The theory of the ridges 3. The theory of the square form 4. The theory of medievalization 5. Urban morphology, epistemology of the discipline 6. For a general theory of urban morphology 7. Rome, the city that lived twice 8. The geometry of Florence


For 75% of the duration of the course

Type of evaluation

oral exam