The course teaches the methods of reading the anthropized territory at different scales (of the landscape, of the urban settlement, of the single architectures) and in the residual permanences of the different eras that over time have contributed to structuring it. The reading of the diachronic signs of anthropization is a specific area of the architectural disciplines: the course (two modules of architectural design and two modules of architectural restoration) teaches to recognize the signs of permanence and transformation of the territory in order to conserve, enhance and update them to the present.
teacher profile teaching materials
The third module of this course is aimed at providing critical knowledge on the main themes and problems concerning the recurrent modes of historical construction of the living environment. Habits of both living and building are presented in relation to the theoretical and applicative dimension by exposing specially selected study cases. The examples are considered in the frame of their historical development and are connected to other disciplines and research fields (art, history, documentation and representation, anthropology and geography).
As part of this process, the course is aimed at achieving the following learning outcomes:
1) The understanding of the educational and transformative processes of Heritage and Landscape.
2) The ability to trace, contextualize, analyse and critically interpret historiographical sources both direct (critical and targeted surveys) and indirect (bibliographic, iconographic, cartographic, archival documentaries)
3) The propensity to practice creating information management systems in digital form and on a geographic basis.
The course takes place during the first semester of the third year of the Degree in Architecture.
The third module of the course consists in lessons related to three thematic groups: introductory lessons illustrate the theoretical and methodological themes concerning general concepts of the Landscape and Heritage and the normative repertory that regulates them; the work after consists in lectures and in in-depth seminars concerning general themes held through presentation of models of analytical behaviour, demonstrated by discussing real examples at the scales of the territory, of the settlement, of the architecture and of its components. The lessons of the third thematic nucleus present a propositional synthesis; they consist in the exposition of organizational models useful to digital management of historical and geographical informations.
The optional course “Art and Sciences of the Territory” is part of the training activities in the degree course in Architecture.The third module of this course is aimed at providing critical knowledge on the main themes and problems concerning the recurrent modes of historical construction of the living environment. Habits of both living and building are presented in relation to the theoretical and applicative dimension by exposing specially selected study cases. The examples are considered in the frame of their historical development and are connected to other disciplines and research fields (art, history, documentation and representation, anthropology and geography).
As part of this process, the course is aimed at achieving the following learning outcomes:
1) The understanding of the educational and transformative processes of Heritage and Landscape.
2) The ability to trace, contextualize, analyse and critically interpret historiographical sources both direct (critical and targeted surveys) and indirect (bibliographic, iconographic, cartographic, archival documentaries)
3) The propensity to practice creating information management systems in digital form and on a geographic basis.
The course takes place during the first semester of the third year of the Degree in Architecture.
The third module of the course consists in lessons related to three thematic groups: introductory lessons illustrate the theoretical and methodological themes concerning general concepts of the Landscape and Heritage and the normative repertory that regulates them; the work after consists in lectures and in in-depth seminars concerning general themes held through presentation of models of analytical behaviour, demonstrated by discussing real examples at the scales of the territory, of the settlement, of the architecture and of its components. The lessons of the third thematic nucleus present a propositional synthesis; they consist in the exposition of organizational models useful to digital management of historical and geographical informations.
Core Documentation
Pugliano A. The Recognition, the Documentation, the Catalog of Architectural Heritage. Elements of a constituting Thesaurus useful for Knowledge, Protection, Conservation of Architecture, 2 vols. Rome: Prospective editions; 2009.Reference Bibliography
Pugliano A. The Recognition, the Documentation, the Catalog of Architectural Heritage. Elements of a constituting Thesaurus useful for Knowledge, Protection, Conservation of Architecture, 2 vols. Rome: Prospective editions; 2009.Type of delivery of the course
The third module teaching will provide students with some operational elements (cognitive, critical, and technical) useful in understanding the anthropological process of structuring the historical landscape.Attendance
Teaching is carried out by means of lessons about tools and methods for understanding the historical ways of living and building the territory. The contents will be exposed by means of examples suitably selected for their typological eloquence.Type of evaluation
The learning test is carried out by means of an individual oral exam and it consists in the discussion of the general themes highlighted during the third part of the course. The exam tests by the new methods will be carried out connecting the Student and the Teacher by means of the Microsoft Teams platform. This modality can take advantage of sharing the screen (i.e. the desktop) in order to support the dialogue with graphical and/or textual materials. In order to allow analyzing such materials in view of the exam discussion, the files of concern have to be sent to the Teacher’s mail address at most three days in advance, by also using file transfer service available for free online, such as “wetransfer”.