Deepening the skills in planning and design of urban and territorial space, urban sustainability and climate adaptation of settlements on different scales.
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The course “Innovations in Governing the Territory” is made up of two components: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability and climate adaptation.
As part of the Urban Regeneration component, the most recent themes and tools of urban and territorial governance will be discussed, with particular reference to integrated approaches to city management, which jointly consider both the physical aspects (brownfields recovery, public spaces redevelopment, urban expansions), and social and environmental issues of urban settlements.
A particular attention will be given to cooperative tools among various public administrations and to collaborative tools between public and private subjects (the so called Complex Plans and Urban Regeneration Programs) that nowadays represent the most innovative forms to manage the urban transformations in Italy.

The course starts with a series of theoretical communications on the main macro-themes of innovation, and by the provision to students of abundant bibliographic and documentary material in digital format. The student will have to choose among the proposed macro-themes which theme to deepen in his study, bringing original research contents and critical-design elaborations.

Core Documentation

Gabellini P. (2018) Le mutazioni dell’Urbanistica. Principi, tecniche, competenze. Carocci

Reference Bibliography

Rigenerazione urbana – Urban Regeneration Avarello P, Ricci M eds. (2000) Politiche urbane, INU Edizioni Avarello P (2010), Il Progetto Urbano. INU – Gruppo di Studio La città contemporanea Bobbio R. ed alii (2008), Urbanistica Creativa, progettare l'innovazione nella città. Maggioli Calthorpe P. “New Urbanism” http://www.newurbanism.org/ Climate Booklet for Urban Development Online - Indications for Urban Land-Use Planning http://www.staedtebauliche-klimafibel.de/Climate_Booklet/index-1.htm Dovey K, Woodcock I eds (2014), “Intensifying Melbourne. Transit-Oriented Urban Design for Resilient Urban Futures” http://msd.unimelb.edu.au/sites/default/files/docs/Intensifying%20Melbourne%202014_180dpi.pdf Gabellini P. (2010) “Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria.” Carocci, Roma Filpa A, Talia M (2009), Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci

Type of delivery of the course

The activities subsequent to the theoretical communications provide, alternatively, between them: - a planning exercise in the preparation of a masterplan for the urban redevelopment of a jointly chosen area, in which it is possible to intercept the essential components of structural planning: settlement system, infrastructural system, environmental system; - The production of thematic research, with data processing, comparison between cases and drafting of a text that will have the characteristics of a scientific publication. The educational activities of the application type will receive help from the didactic support guaranteed by the Course, in particular for the use of GIS systems. The course will activate forms of coordination with the Resilient City Graduation Laboratory, Resilient Society; the thematic in-depth studies carried out in the course will find development in the drafting of the thesis, in which must be identifiable as a result of the course.


Attendance at the course is mandatory, attendance will be collected.

Type of evaluation

The verification of the learning takes place through the oral discussion during the examination of the chosen study topics and the evaluation of the prepared papers, as well as through a critical analysis of the didactic experience carried out.