21010039-2 - PLANT ECOLOGY

The interdisciplinary nature of the course allows you to recognize and describe the areas of natural and man made landscape in which intervenes, to deal consciously with the different phases of human settlement, with the history and form of urban structures.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Learning Goals and Objectives: provide students basic knowledge of Botany and Vegetal Ecology related to patterns, processes and paradigms in Landscape Ecology and Urban Ecology.

•Elements of Biology, Botany and Ecology: Definition of living system, plant and vegetal organism. - Structure and Function of Vascular Plants - Photosynthesis process – Life-forms and Chorotypes.
•Biocenosis – Biotope–Habitat-Ecosystem –Landscape. Anthropocene and Symbiocene.
•Matter cycles and energy flows in natural and urban ecosystems. The city as a dissipative system.
•Nature’s gradients in the Landscape: naturals, semi-naturals, rurals, artificial ecosystems (parks and gardens, urban and peri-urban areas).
•Systematic Botany - Flora and Vegetation - Native and aliens plants, archeophytes and neophytes, spontaneous, apophytes and cultivated plants.
•Flora and vegetation in urban environment and in natural habitat.
•Vegetation structure – Plants Community - Vegetation dynamics – Phytosociology - Biomes and Ecoregions.
•Phytogeography - Mediterranean biogeographical region– World mediterranean ecozones.
•Latium green Landscape: mediterranean, submontan and riparian vegetation, Roman Campagna (Countryside) as anthropic steppe.
•Habitat, definition and classification scheme based on EU Habitats Directive; list of threatened regional endemic habitats objects of conservation and protection measures: SIC, ZSC e ZPS; Hot-spots and Vegetation Red Lists of endagered species.
•Landscape Ecology: patch - matrix - corridor model, buffer zone, ecological network.
•Habitat fragmentation and connettivity, Genetic drift, Biodiversity in natural and urban areas. Third Landscape.
•Trees and the process of vegetal succession in urban areas.
•Taxonomy of forest, wood, countryside and streetscape trees, arboreal composition and dynamics of periurban and urban green, performance, physiology, and morphology of urban trees as well their ecosystem services.
•Urban forestry between wilderness, planning and ecosystemic approach.

Core Documentation

E. ODUM, 1987 – Ecologia. Zanichelli

PIGNATTI S. et al., 1995 - Ecologia vegetale. UTET
POLUNIN O. e WALTERS M., 1987 – Guida alle vegetazioni d'Europa. Zanichelli

Ecologia del paesaggio:
RICHARD T T FORMAN, 1995 - Land Mosaics The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions. Cambridge University Press
Ecologia urbana
RICHARD T T FORMAN, 2014 - Urban Ecology Science of Cities
Cambridge University Press
DUNCAN GOODWIN 2017 The Urban Tree

Gilles Clément Manifesto del Terzo paesaggio 2005 Quodlibet o pdf libero online.

Reference Bibliography

Ecologia del paesaggio: RICHARD T T FORMAN, 1995 - Land Mosaics The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions. Cambridge University Press Ecologia urbana RICHARD T T FORMAN, 2014 - Urban Ecology Science of Cities Cambridge University Press DUNCAN GOODWIN 2017 The Urban Tree Routledge Gilles Clément Manifesto del Terzo paesaggio 2005 Quodlibet o pdf libero online.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is conducted through frontal classroom lessons with projection of explanatory slides. The teaching material will be made available to the students online. Green excursions will take place in open fields of natural and semi-natural areas.


Students participation is defined by our "Regolamento didattico" (at least 75% of presence of the student to the teacher's lessons).

Type of evaluation

Active participation in classroom and reviews; Compilation and discussion of written tests related to field exursions; Final discussion of the green project at the end of the Course.