The course deals with the complex relationship between climate and city. The evaluation of mitigation strategies and adaptation to the effects of climate change in the urban environment, becomes an increasingly important and essential issue in every hypothesis of modification of physical space and, in particular, of collective spaces in the city.
The main objective of the course is to provide students some tools and techniques to evaluate the impact of an intervention on public space in terms of climate resilience and urban health (with particular attention to the microclimatic phenomenon known as "Urban Heat Island"). The course, conceived as a design exercise, aims to stimulate an innovative and sensitive approach to the understanding of urban morphologies, territories and their own needs for adaptation to new climatic conditions that affect the life and health of the inhabitants of metropolitan areas. The course tries to stimulate this sensitivity and, at the same time, to experience a broad design vision that can deal with the complex challenges that affect the contemporary public space, with the new and changing needs that contemporary urban communities express and that the project must be able to meet.
The main objective of the course is to provide students some tools and techniques to evaluate the impact of an intervention on public space in terms of climate resilience and urban health (with particular attention to the microclimatic phenomenon known as "Urban Heat Island"). The course, conceived as a design exercise, aims to stimulate an innovative and sensitive approach to the understanding of urban morphologies, territories and their own needs for adaptation to new climatic conditions that affect the life and health of the inhabitants of metropolitan areas. The course tries to stimulate this sensitivity and, at the same time, to experience a broad design vision that can deal with the complex challenges that affect the contemporary public space, with the new and changing needs that contemporary urban communities express and that the project must be able to meet.
teacher profile teaching materials
The course is composed of two parts:
The first part of the program consists of a series of seminars led by external guests, focusing on thematic framing and acquiring fundamental knowledge and techniques for a contemporary public space project that addresses themes of mitigation and adaptation to climate change (CC).
The second part is practical and involves a design application where students can engage with the course themes through hands-on experimentation. During this phase, students will be provided with foundational concepts for using the microclimatic simulation software ENVI-met.
Georgiadis T. (2018) "Cambiamenti climatici ed effetti sulle città" in REBUS. Renovation of public Building and Urban Space / 3° Edizione
Musco F, Fregolent L. (2014) (a cura di) Pianificazione urbanistica e clima urbano. Manuale per la riduzione dei fenomeni di isola di calore urbano. Padova: Il Poligrafo
Pone M (2023) (a cura di) «CLIMACTIONS» La mitigazione dell’Isola di Calore Urbana tra salute e pratiche di rigenerazione. Macerata: Quodlibet
Pone M (2019) Pone M. (2019) ‘Paesaggi dell’Antropocene’, in Op.Cit Selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea,165.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2008) Reducing urban heat islands: Compendium of strategies [online] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
UCCRN (2018) Climate Change and Cities. Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. Cambridge University Press
Ulteriori riferimenti verranno eventualmente forniti nel corso delle lezioni
The course's main objective is to introduce students to the themes and tools that concern the relationship between climate change and the design of public space, but not with the exclusively "technical" logic with which it is often addressed. The ability to read the spatial characteristics, in terms of geography, morphology, and typology, is considered the first interpretive key for a project that can deal with the effects of climate change in the urban environment.The course is composed of two parts:
The first part of the program consists of a series of seminars led by external guests, focusing on thematic framing and acquiring fundamental knowledge and techniques for a contemporary public space project that addresses themes of mitigation and adaptation to climate change (CC).
The second part is practical and involves a design application where students can engage with the course themes through hands-on experimentation. During this phase, students will be provided with foundational concepts for using the microclimatic simulation software ENVI-met.
Core Documentation
D’Olimpio (2008) La progettazione del microclima urbano. Le caratteristiche microclimatiche in ambiente urbano come fattori per la definizione della qualità ecosistemica dei sistemi insediativi; Roma: Kappa.Georgiadis T. (2018) "Cambiamenti climatici ed effetti sulle città" in REBUS. Renovation of public Building and Urban Space / 3° Edizione
Musco F, Fregolent L. (2014) (a cura di) Pianificazione urbanistica e clima urbano. Manuale per la riduzione dei fenomeni di isola di calore urbano. Padova: Il Poligrafo
Pone M (2023) (a cura di) «CLIMACTIONS» La mitigazione dell’Isola di Calore Urbana tra salute e pratiche di rigenerazione. Macerata: Quodlibet
Pone M (2019) Pone M. (2019) ‘Paesaggi dell’Antropocene’, in Op.Cit Selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea,165.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2008) Reducing urban heat islands: Compendium of strategies [online] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
UCCRN (2018) Climate Change and Cities. Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. Cambridge University Press
Ulteriori riferimenti verranno eventualmente forniti nel corso delle lezioni
Reference Bibliography
Boano C. (2020) Progetto Minore. Alla ricerca della minorità nel progetto urbanistico ed architettonico. Siracusa: LetteraVentidue Commissione Europea (2009) Libro bianco. L’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici: verso un quadro d’azione europea; Bruxelles. [online] Disponibile al Montuori L., Filpa A., Ombuen S.(2015) “Changement climatique et ilots de chaleur a Rome”, in Terrin J.J (a cura di) Villes et changement climatique - Ilots de chaleur urbains. Parenthèses: Marsiglia. pp. 156-173. Musco F., Zanchini E. (2013) (a cura di) Le città cambiano il Clima, Atti della Conferenza 23-24 Maggio 2013, Università IUAV di Venezia; Venezia: Corilia. Oke T.R. (1982) “The energetic basis of the urban heat island”; in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society; Vol 108 n°455 (pp.1-24). Oke T.R. (1978) Boundary Layer Cimates, Londra: Methuen & Co Ltd. Pone M (2022) "Spazio pubblico, urban health e adattamento climatico. La ricerca Climactions" in EcoWebTown n.24 Turpin E (ed) (2014) Architecture in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Design, Deep Time, Science and Philosophy. OPEN HUMANITIES PRESS United Nations Human Settlements Programme (2020) World Cities Report 2020. The Value of Sustainable Urbanization; UN-Habitat Zanchini E., Nanni G., Minutolo A. (2020) (a cura di) Il Clima è già cambiato. La mappa di 10 anni di impatti nel territorio italiano, le nuove politiche da accelerare con il Recovery Plan. Rapporto 2020 dell’osservatorio di Legambiente CittàclimaType of delivery of the course
Students work in groups of two. In the first phase (alternating with frontal lessons), each group has to produce a research on a case study of a climate-aware public space project; students have to identify and underline the innovative aspects both in technical terms and in terms of design strategies. The work is illustrated and discussed collectively. This work has the value of an intermediate delivery. In the second part, groups develop the design exercise and will be assisted through individual reviews and collective discussions.Attendance
Course attendance is mandatoryType of evaluation
The final evaluation takes into account both the research work required on the seminar topics and the design exercise. The exam consists in the exposition and presentation of the project works: students have to produce illustrative panels (3) describing the main design strategies. A positive evaluation will be given to the projects that have adequately and consciously developed the design aspects addressed during the course.