Urban transformation - the course area of interest - is faced in a way to convey to the students the most suitable attitudes and postures, excluding final and preordained solutions. The course aims to convey the skill to identify the policies in action in the urban transformations and how they shape the contemporary city. Identify means acquire the skill to distinguish the policies in elements, actors and actions. The students will face the instruments and the operative methods usually employed for the policies implementation; they will learn to build, with different way to examine in depth the specific policies addressed to the theme of transformation, limited to some selected themes: sharing, habitability, density/intensity.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Part One addresses the conceptual definition of public policies, introducing and critically discussing the distinction between policy and politics; the formulation of the problems that policies must deal with, and their putting 'on the agenda'; the coupling between problems and solutions; the nature and role of the actors that influence policy design in a multilevel governance framework and policy implementation, assessment and effects.
Part Two explores a wide array of regeneration policies and practices in European and North American contexts, that pay increasing attention to the quality of life at local level by intertwining affordable housing, local development and community empowerment issues. The case of the construction of local agendas also helps revisit a wide range of Italian urban and territorial policies, notably in reference to governance issues. Environment and biodiversity take in a major role, allowing to tackle welfare and wellbeing in urban and peri-urban areas.
Part Three, that will be developed alongside the previous parts, is devoted to a practical approach to a specific case study.
On the backdrop of the challenges awaiting the Municipality of Rome (Roma Capitale), the pilot will be Ostiense-Marconi district along the Tiber River, affected by industrial decommissioning and currently undergoing a culture-led regeneration process. The Ostiense working-class district just south of the city centre, has become part for thirty years now of a regeneration program conveying a brand new idea of a ‘Knowledge City’, deemed able to supplant the previous image of the ‘Factory City’.
The district, named after the Consular road Via Ostiense linking the republican Rome to the port town of Ostia, hosted among others at the turn of the XX Century the river port, the first electric power station in Rome and a huge gasometer, that stands as an impressive landmark in the skyline. Ostiense has long since experienced different migrant communities’ waves forming intense cross-cultural networks within the social fabric.
Despite its renown as a successful example of a multicultural melting pot as well as a cool creative environment with a strong appeal to citizens and visitors, Ostiense is facing a far more ambitious challenge. Beyond conflicts over space and uses, this contribution will frame the regeneration process over time focusing on governance expectations and failures in mediating between various interests at stake resulting in highly segmented dynamics along the multiple paths of ethnic, cultural and socio-economic difference.
Throughout the course's development, surveys, communications, seminars, and meetings with stakeholders will intertwine theoretical and practical narratives, highlighting syntonies and contradictions, negotiations and interference between top-down and bottom-up approaches witnessing the fluctuating interplay between the community and institutions.

Core Documentation

Riferimenti bibliografici

Testi obbligatori
Calzolari V., Storia e Natura come sistema, Argos, 1997.
Hall P., Good cities, better lives : how Europe discovered the lost art of urbanism, London New York, Routledge, 2013.
Insolera I., Roma moderna, Einaudi, Torino, 1962.
Palazzo A.L. (a cura di), Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana, Gangemi, Roma, 2005.
Palazzo A.L., Orizzonti dell’America urbana. Scenari politiche progetti, RomaTrePress. 2022.


Governo dei processi
Calafati A., Economie in cerca di città, Donzelli 2009.
Caroli M.G., Prezioso M., Roma metropolitana. Prospettive regionali e ipotesi cross-border d'area vasta, Franco Angeli, 2016.
MIT, Dieci anni di governo delle complessità territoriali, 2008.
Sennett R., Insieme. Rituali, piaceri, politiche della collaborazione, Feltrinelli, 2012.

Disciplina degli assetti
Aristone O., Palazzo A.L. (a cura di), Forme del Periurbano. Suoli, usi, vocazioni, “Urbanistica Informazioni”, n. 269-270 e n. 271.
Aristone O., Palazzo A.L., Né città né campagna. La nuova “Forma Città”, “Agriregionieuropa”, anno 12, n. 44, Mar 2016, pp. 7-9.
Cao U., Il progetto della densità, “EcoWebTown”, n. 9, 2011.
Duany A. (2002), Introduction to the Special Issue: The Transect, Journal of Urban Design, 7:3, 251-260.
Gabellini P., Grandi questioni e rappresentazioni della città, “Urbanistica”, n. 156, 2016.
Gambino R., La Convenzione europea del Paesaggio (CEP): dall’osservazione all’attuazione (datt.), ottobre 2015.
Palazzo A.L., Citta, spazio e tempo. Traiettorie del progetto, “EcoWebTown”, n. 17, 2017.
Russo M., Un nuovo orizzonte territoriale per il progetto urbanistico, “Urbanistica”, n. 156, 2016.
Secchi B., Analisi territoriale, in Secchi B., Un progetto per l’urbanistica, Laterza, 1989.
Secchi B., Attraversare il tempo, in Secchi B., Prima lezione di urbanistica, Laterza, 2004.

Critica della ragion pratica
Hölzer C., Hundt T., Lüke C., Hamm O.G., Riverscapes. Designing urban embankments, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2008.
Otto B., Mc Cormick K., Leccese M, Ecological Riverfront Design. Restoring Rivers, Connecting Communities, American Planning Association, 2014.

Reference Bibliography

Battaglini E., La negozialità territoriale dell’innovazione nell’era digitale. Generatività sociale come nuova prospettiva interpretativa?, Annali della Fondazione Di Vittorio, 2019. Calafati A., Economie in cerca di città, Donzelli 2009. Caroli M.G., Prezioso M., Roma metropolitana. Prospettive regionali e ipotesi cross-border d'area vasta, Franco Angeli, 2016. MIT, Dieci anni di governo delle complessità territoriali, 2008. Sennett R., Insieme. Rituali, piaceri, politiche della collaborazione, Feltrinelli, 2012. L E X I T Y Aristone O., Palazzo A.L. (a cura di), Forme del Periurbano. Suoli, usi, vocazioni, “Urbanistica Informazioni”, n. 269-270 e n. 271. Aristone O., Palazzo A.L., Né città né campagna. La nuova “Forma Città”, “Agriregionieuropa”, anno 12, n. 44, Mar 2016, pp. 7-9. Cao U., Il progetto della densità, “EcoWebTown”, n. 9, 2011. Duany A. (2002), Introduction to the Special Issue: The Transect, Journal of Urban Design, 7:3, 251-260. Gabellini P., Grandi questioni e rappresentazioni della città, “Urbanistica”, n. 156, 2016. Gambino R., La Convenzione europea del Paesaggio (CEP): dall’osservazione all’attuazione (datt.), ottobre 2015. Palazzo A.L., Citta, spazio e tempo. Traiettorie del progetto, “EcoWebTown”, n. 17, 2017. Russo M., Un nuovo orizzonte territoriale per il progetto urbanistico, “Urbanistica”, n. 156, 2016. Secchi B., Analisi territoriale, in Secchi B., Un progetto per l’urbanistica, Laterza, 1989. Secchi B., Attraversare il tempo, in Secchi B., Prima lezione di urbanistica, Laterza, 2004. Hölzer C., Hundt T., Lüke C., Hamm O.G., Riverscapes. Designing urban embankments, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2008. Otto B., Mc Cormick K., Leccese M, Ecological Riverfront Design. Restoring Rivers, Connecting Communities, American Planning Association, 2014.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is split into didactic units, which allows a better finalization of means-end relationship in tackling the case study. Therefore, lectures, seminars with experts, teamwork aimed at going deeper in the case study are foreseen. Attendance of the course is mandatory.


mandatory attendance for 75%

Type of evaluation

The final evaluation is related to the results achieved through the activities carried out during the year and to the ability to argue theoretical and methodological contents, with reference to exercises and seminars held during the year and to the recommended bibliography.