
teacher profile | teaching materials


After an introduction on the subject and method of comparative law, the course will focus on the experiences of the Western legal tradition, with the illustration of the main Civil Law and Common Law systems. A special focus will be provided on the Latin American area, with specific regard to the legal practices of fueros and ordenações and the models of code reference in Europe. Among them, emphasis will be placed on the Italian influence on codification in South America and on the development of doctrine and jurisprudence in the related systems. With a comparative reading of the codes, through their evolution, we will analyze the first codes of the third millennium (especially the Brazilian and partly the Argentine one) in order to understand the current function of codification.

Core Documentation

Referral texts: V. VARANO BARSOTTI - La tradizione giuridica occidentale, ultima ED., Giappichelli, Torino; P.L. CARBONE, Latin American System, in Comparazione e diritto civile (scaricabile on line: http://www.comparazionedirittocivile.it/prova/files/carbone_latin.pdf); P.L. CARBONE, La rotta dei codici: orizzonte terzo millennio, ESI, Napoli, 2019; P.L. CARBONE, Il nuovo codice civile brasiliano. Aggiornato alla legge n° 13.792 del 3 gennaio 2019, Cedam, Padova, 2019.

Type of delivery of the course

Course carried out through frontal lessons with final evaluation test

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of an oral exam with marks from eighteen to thirty.

teacher profile | teaching materials


After an introduction on the subject and method of comparative law, the course will focus on the experiences of the Western legal tradition, with the illustration of the main Civil Law and Common Law systems. A special focus will be provided on the Latin American area, with specific regard to the legal practices of fueros and ordenações and the models of code reference in Europe. Among them, emphasis will be placed on the Italian influence on codification in South America and on the development of doctrine and jurisprudence in the related systems. With a comparative reading of the codes, through their evolution, we will analyze the first codes of the third millennium (especially the Brazilian and partly the Argentine one) in order to understand the current function of codification.

Core Documentation

Referral texts: V. VARANO BARSOTTI - La tradizione giuridica occidentale, ultima ED., Giappichelli, Torino; P.L. CARBONE, Latin American System, in Comparazione e diritto civile (scaricabile on line: http://www.comparazionedirittocivile.it/prova/files/carbone_latin.pdf); P.L. CARBONE, La rotta dei codici: orizzonte terzo millennio, ESI, Napoli, 2019; P.L. CARBONE, Il nuovo codice civile brasiliano. Aggiornato alla legge n° 13.792 del 3 gennaio 2019, Cedam, Padova, 2019.

Type of delivery of the course

Course carried out through frontal lessons with final evaluation test

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of an oral exam with marks from eighteen to thirty.