Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the pursuit of sustainable development intended as an enhancement of the of social, environmental and economic well-being .
The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics and sustainable development, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: legal, economic and managerial. The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt sustainable and ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law, the techniques of its regulation and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics:
- Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources
- Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions
- Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards
- Social rules and juridical relevance
- Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation
- The principle of subsidiarity
- The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR
- CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system

Core Documentation

Legale modul:
- E. Bellisario, La responsabilità sociale delle imprese fra autonomia e autorità privata, in Danno e responsabilità, 2013, pp. 809-822
- E. Bellisario, Rischi di sostenibilità e obblighi di disclosure: il d.lgs. n. 254/2016 di attuazione della dir. 2014/95/UE, in Le nuove leggi civili commentate, 2017, pp. 19-46
- E. Bellisario, Le “autorità private” nell’era della sostenibilità. Gli impatti dell’EGS Disclosure Regulation e del Taxonomy Regulation, in Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, Numero Speciale, Estudios de derecho privado en homenaje al Profesor Cesare Massimo Bianca, 2022, pp. 104-123

To access the teaching material, it is necessary to enroll in Course AA23/24, on the Moodle platform

Reference Bibliography

Legal module: for the reference bibliography, please contact the professor

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom training; seminars


Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written test. The mark of the written test can be integrated with the points collected by the student that attend the lectures. The exam is aimed at verifying the knowledge of the phenomenon and the policies adopted over time to govern it, as well as the understanding of the relationship between social rules and legal rules and of the role of the legal system in the development of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21201460-1 GESTIONE ETICA D'IMPRESA (ETHICS AND ECONOMICS) in Economia e Management LM-77 N0 BELLISARIO ELENA


The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law, the techniques of its regulation and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics:
- Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources
- Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions
- Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards
- Social rules and juridical relevance
- Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation
- The principle of subsidiarity
- The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR
- CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system

Core Documentation

Legale modul:
- E. Bellisario, La responsabilità sociale delle imprese fra autonomia e autorità privata, in Danno e responsabilità, 2013, pp. 809-822
- E. Bellisario, Rischi di sostenibilità e obblighi di disclosure: il d.lgs. n. 254/2016 di attuazione della dir. 2014/95/UE, in Le nuove leggi civili commentate, 2017, pp. 19-46
- E. Bellisario, Le “autorità private” nell’era della sostenibilità. Gli impatti dell’EGS Disclosure Regulation e del Taxonomy Regulation, in Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, Numero Speciale, Estudios de derecho privado en homenaje al Profesor Cesare Massimo Bianca, 2022, pp. 104-123

To access the teaching material, it is necessary to enroll in Course AA23/24, on the Moodle platform

Reference Bibliography

Legal module: for the reference bibliography, please contact the professor

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom training; seminars


Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written test. The mark of the written test can be integrated with the points collected by the student that attend the lectures. The exam is aimed at verifying the knowledge of the phenomenon and the policies adopted over time to govern it, as well as the understanding of the relationship between social rules and legal rules and of the role of the legal system in the development of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21201460-1 GESTIONE ETICA D'IMPRESA (ETHICS AND ECONOMICS) in Economia e Management LM-77 N0 BELLISARIO ELENA


The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law, the techniques of its regulation and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics:
- Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources
- Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions
- Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards
- Social rules and juridical relevance
- Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation
- The principle of subsidiarity
- The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR
- CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system

Core Documentation

Legale modul:
- E. Bellisario, La responsabilità sociale delle imprese fra autonomia e autorità privata, in Danno e responsabilità, 2013, pp. 809-822
- E. Bellisario, Rischi di sostenibilità e obblighi di disclosure: il d.lgs. n. 254/2016 di attuazione della dir. 2014/95/UE, in Le nuove leggi civili commentate, 2017, pp. 19-46
- E. Bellisario, Le “autorità private” nell’era della sostenibilità. Gli impatti dell’EGS Disclosure Regulation e del Taxonomy Regulation, in Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, Numero Speciale, Estudios de derecho privado en homenaje al Profesor Cesare Massimo Bianca, 2022, pp. 104-123

To access the teaching material, it is necessary to enroll in Course AA23/24, on the Moodle platform

Reference Bibliography

Legal module: for the reference bibliography, please contact the professor

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom training; seminars


Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written test. The mark of the written test can be integrated with the points collected by the student that attend the lectures. The exam is aimed at verifying the knowledge of the phenomenon and the policies adopted over time to govern it, as well as the understanding of the relationship between social rules and legal rules and of the role of the legal system in the development of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21201460-1 GESTIONE ETICA D'IMPRESA (ETHICS AND ECONOMICS) in Economia e Management LM-77 N0 BELLISARIO ELENA


The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law, the techniques of its regulation and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics:
- Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources
- Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions
- Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards
- Social rules and juridical relevance
- Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation
- The principle of subsidiarity
- The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR
- CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system

Core Documentation

Legale modul:
- E. Bellisario, La responsabilità sociale delle imprese fra autonomia e autorità privata, in Danno e responsabilità, 2013, pp. 809-822
- E. Bellisario, Rischi di sostenibilità e obblighi di disclosure: il d.lgs. n. 254/2016 di attuazione della dir. 2014/95/UE, in Le nuove leggi civili commentate, 2017, pp. 19-46
- E. Bellisario, Le “autorità private” nell’era della sostenibilità. Gli impatti dell’EGS Disclosure Regulation e del Taxonomy Regulation, in Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, Numero Speciale, Estudios de derecho privado en homenaje al Profesor Cesare Massimo Bianca, 2022, pp. 104-123

To access the teaching material, it is necessary to enroll in Course AA23/24, on the Moodle platform

Reference Bibliography

Legal module: for the reference bibliography, please contact the professor

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom training; seminars


Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of a written test. The mark of the written test can be integrated with the points collected by the student that attend the lectures. The exam is aimed at verifying the knowledge of the phenomenon and the policies adopted over time to govern it, as well as the understanding of the relationship between social rules and legal rules and of the role of the legal system in the development of corporate social responsibility and sustainability.