Students will obtain the basic competencies for evaluating, analyzing and reading the religious phenomenon in a historical approach and its consequences on modern culture; Secondly they will learn the history of the study of religions.
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Mutuazione: 20702418 STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI in Scienze storiche, del territorio e per la cooperazione internazionale L-42 N0 GIORDA MARIA CHIARA


In our society religion and religious issues have an important space, which can be recognized in different forms of belief.
This class offers an introduction to the principle themes and theories which emerge in the history of the studies about religion/religions. We will try to tackle the difficult question "What is religion? What are religions?". In particular, we will discuss different theories about religion, its essence, its function in the society, up to the last approaches which underline the imbrication of religion with cultures, politics and societies.
Key words and topics (body, gender, violence, space) will be discussed in a comparative and historical approach.
The history of religious studies is taught through a multidisciplinary perspective, which allows students to focus on different approaches such as history, anthropology, sociology, cognitive sciences. The historical study of tools and approaches in religious studies are as follows:
Religious diversity in Italy
The beginning of Religious Studies and the History of religions: from the modern period to new paradigms
Chronological development of some histories of religions
A glance from, a glance on the East

Core Documentation

1. Notes, readings, materials (see on line-one drive and moodle platform)

2. One of the following books:
N. Spineto, La festa, Laterza, Roma Bari, 2015 oppure
B. Salvarani, Dopo. Le religioni e l’al di là, Laterza, Roma Bari, 2020
C. Ghidini, P. Scarpi, La Scelta Vegetariana, Ponte alle Grazie, Firenze 2019.
or students can discuss a book with Professor Giorda

Nonno attending students will replace point 1 with G. Filoramo, Manuale di storia delle religioni, Laterza, Roma Bari, 2005.

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional lessons, fieldwork in small groups Organization of a thematic cineforum non religious topics


Attendance is not mandatory

Type of evaluation

Evaluation could be modified due to the possibility of a digital course (In itinere evaluation)