20710575 - Aesthetics of Music: Music and Emotions

The course ‘Aesthetics of Music’ is part of the program in DAMS (BA level) and is included among the complementary training activities. The aim of the course is to provide students with an overview of the contemporary debate on the relation between music and emotions from both a theoretical and an aesthetical perspective. The course will investigate music’s ability to express emotions as well as music’s capacity to arouse emotional reactions in the listener.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to acquire the following skills:
- capacity to read and analyse philosophical sources in the aesthetics of music;
- advanced critical thinking in relation to the relevant debate;
- advanced language and argumentation skills with regard to the topics discussed in class.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Title: Music and Emotions
Throughout the course, the following issues will be examined:
How can we justify attribution of emotional qualities to music? What do we mean when we say, for example, that music is sad, joyful, melancholic?
How can music can arouse emotions (e.g. emotion, sadness, euphoria) in the listener?
How can we explain our emotional response to music?
Finally, what kind of emotions are those generated by music listening?

Core Documentation

Hanslick, E., On the Beautiful in Music (any English edition) (chapters 1-3).
Langer, S., Philosophy in a New Key (any edition) (ch. 8: On significance in music).
Lentini, D., La musica e le emozioni. Percorsi nell’estetica analitica, Mimesis, Milano, 2014 (first part).
Kivy, P., An Introduction to the Philosophy of Music, Clarendon Press 2022 (chapters. 1-7).

Further readings:
Bertinetto, A., Il pensiero dei suoni. Temi di filosofia della musica, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2012 (cap. 3: Una scienza emozionale, pp. 99-154)

Type of delivery of the course

The course is taught by: Lectures Interactive discussions with students.


Attendance is not compulsory but it is highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

An oral test is scheduled at the end of the course.