20710175 - Theatrical culture and literary culture

This course aims to provide students an introduction with the relationships between text and performance, theater and print, actors and writers
teacher profile | teaching materials


PROGRAMME. After a general introduction, the course will examine the presence of Shakespeare in the performances, images and teatrical practices from the twentieth century to the contemporary theatre.
In the last part of the course will be practically tested the use of the tools of research in collaboration with the librarians of the Library of the Arts.

Core Documentation

TEXT BOOKS: Lectures notes edit by the teacher; (available at the beginning of the course on the site https://sites.google.com/site/stefanogeraci1) W. Shakespeare, Amleto (a cura di Alessandro Serpieri, Marsilio 2001); Otello (trad. di A. Serpieri, Marsilio, 2009), Re Lear (a cura di Giorgio Melchiori , Mondadori);J.K. Stanislavskij, Otello. Note di regia, a cura di Fausto Malcovati, Dino Audino Editore.

The non-attending students must add to the program the following book: J. Kott, Skakespeare nostro contemporaneo, Feltrinelli

Type of evaluation

Oral examination