The aim of the class is to give an overview of the more relevant methodologies of film analysis, with particular reference to the issues of film effectiveness and interpretation.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702659-2 INTERPRETAZIONE E ANALISI DEL FILM in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 N0 CAROCCI ENRICO


This course offers methodological tools for film analysis, and focuses on the relationships between analysis and interpretation, theory, and the viewer's experience.
The program is articulated around three main stages. The first one provides the fundamental knowledge about film analysis; the second one addresses the issue of audiovisual experiential design; the third one is focused on major methodologies of film analysis, including the video-essay practices.

Core Documentation

1) Luca Malavasi, Il linguaggio del cinema, Pearson, Milano 2019
2) Enrico Carocci, Attraverso le immagini. Tre saggi sull'emozione cinematografica, Bulzoni, Roma 2012
3) Chiara Grizzaffi, I film attraverso i film. Dal "testo introvabile" al video essay, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2017
4) An anthology of essays, edited by the teacher (paper materials, available at the print shop Graffetta, Viale Leonardo da Vinci 168, Rome)

Type of delivery of the course

The course is delivered through classroom-taught lessons with the use of slides and/or the screening of movies and videos. If permissible and when needed, lessons will be also accessible online.


The attendance is optional. However, also considering that the lessons are focused on close analysis, it is highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The written exam consists of three essays questions.

teacher profile | teaching materials


This course offers methodological tools for film analysis, and focuses on the relationships between analysis and interpretation, theory, and the viewer's experience.
The program is articulated around three main stages. The first one provides the fundamental knowledge about film analysis; the second one addresses the issue of audiovisual experiential design; the third one is focused on major methodologies of film analysis, including the video-essay practices.

Core Documentation

1) Luca Malavasi, Il linguaggio del cinema, Pearson, Milano 2019
2) Enrico Carocci, Attraverso le immagini. Tre saggi sull'emozione cinematografica, Bulzoni, Roma 2012
3) Chiara Grizzaffi, I film attraverso i film. Dal "testo introvabile" al video essay, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2017
4) An anthology of essays, edited by the teacher (paper materials, available at the print shop Graffetta, Viale Leonardo da Vinci 168, Rome)

Reference Bibliography

No recommended bibliography. However, it is possible to identify useful reference textbooks with the teacher.

Type of delivery of the course

The course is delivered through classroom-taught lessons with the use of slides and/or the screening of movies and videos. If permissible and when needed, lessons will be also accessible online.


The attendance is optional. However, also considering that the lessons are focused on close analysis, it is highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The written exam consists of three essays questions.