20710325 - MEDIA

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course unit, students are able to:
• Use the main theoretical and methodological approaches in analyzing the relationship between media and culture, with particular reference to Sociology and Cultural Studies
 Understand the key role of media in “shaping culture” and in the process through which culture and its (both symbolic and material, tangible and non tangible) expressions are assigned meaning and (aesthetic, social, economic, etc.) values
 Understand how the role of media in “shaping culture” has changed with the diffusion of digital technologies/environments, user-generated contents, the shift from “broadcast cultures” to “participative cultures”
 Deconstruct media representations of culture and its expressions, and uncover the functioning of discourses on culture that are reproduced by the media
 Understand the role and functioning of media as a cultural/creative industry, whose products are forms of culture in their own right (notion of “cultural reflexivity”)
 Develop their own analysis of media texts
 Effectively use media technologies and languages in cultural sector-related professions: as tools for research (digital humanities), for education, and as curatorial tools


Mutuazione: 20710325 MEDIA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course “Media” offers an overview of the main social and cultural transformations due to the evolution of the mass media (press, radio, television) and the digital media (World Wide Web, social networks), focusing on the relationship between technology, individuals and society.
The first part is dedicated to studying the principal theories in media studies and sociology of the 20th century, starting from the elements involved in the communication process, such as sender, message, receiver, and media effects.
The second part is dedicated to the social, cultural and interpersonal transformations due to the development of the internet and social network sites, as spaces for new opportunities and, at the same time, as vehicles of new inequalities. Starting from the discussion of some case studies, such as WikiLeaks and Cambridge Analytica, the advent of ChatGPT and the use of AI, the contradictions and anomalies, advantages and opportunities offered by the new information and communication technologies, as well as the gradual transformation of the social and cultural models linked to the information and platform society will be discussed.

Core Documentation

Materials to be defined.


Frontal teaching.

Type of evaluation

Written test (open questions) on the topics discussed during the lectures.