The course reflects on the methodologies and strategies to be adopted in the teaching of film, as well as on the pedagogical advantages of audiovisual literacy.


Mutuazione: 20710405 DIDATTICA DEL CINEMA E DELL'AUDIOVISIVO 2 in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course focuses on the forms of Media Literacy in contemporary digital culture. The first part is theoretical and deals with the transformations of pedagogical forms and school learning interpreted in synergy with the new forms of spectatorship based on the logic of participatory cultures. The second part focuses on the forms of the crito-film and the video-essay. Read in continuity with the theoretical analyzes on the motif of the picture frame, the paratext and the screen, these critical-expressive practices reinterpret peculiar motifs and styles of the history of cinema and art, promoting an unprecedented educational and creative elaboration of comparison with contemporary images.

Core Documentation

Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Nuovi alfabeti. Educazione e culture nella società post-mediale, Scholé, Brescia, 2020.
A selection of texts edited by the teacher, available at the beginning of the course at the photocopy shop “Graffetta” of Viale Leonardo Da Vinci, n. 168.

For non-attendance students:
Henry Jenkins, Culture partecipative e competenze digitali. Media education per il XXI secolo, Guerini, Milano 2010.

feature films: Be Kind Rewind (2007) Michel Gondry; Rembrandt’s J’accuse (2008) Peter Greenaway; Shirley: Visions of Reality (2013) Gustav Deutsch;

short films, experimental videos, music videos: I bambini al cinema (1957) Francesco Maselli; Zorns Lemma (1970) Hollis Frampton; Live-taped Video Corridor (1970) Bruce Nauman; Present Continuous Past (1974) Dan Graham; Mein Fenster (La mia finestra, 1979) Zbigniew Rybczynski; Media (1980) Zbigniew Rybczynski; Tele-racconto (1991) Giacomo Verde; Evidence (1995) Godfrey Reggio; Blinkenlights (2001) Chaos Computer Club; Star Guitar (music video The Chemical Brothers, 2002) Michel Gondry; Arcade (2002) Chaos Computer Club; La pozzanghera (2006) Studio Azzurro; Stereoscope (2008) Chaos Computer Club;

anthology of found footage films: Trade Tattoo (1937) Len Lye, Rainbow Dance (1936) Len Lye, Rose Hobart (1939) Joseph Cornell, Le film est déjà commencé? (1951) Maurice Lemaitre, A movie (1958) Bruce Conner, Very Nice, Very Nice (1961) Arthur Lipsett, La rabbia (1963) Pier Paolo Pasolini, La verifica incerta (1965) Gianfranco Baruchello, Alberto Grifi, Movie Drome (1965-1968) Stan Vanderbeek, The Cut-Ups (1966) William S. Burroughs, Antony Balch, Exploding Plastic Inevitable (1966) Andy Warhol, Le stelle di Mario Schifano (1967), L’inizio (Načalo, 1967) Artavazd Pelešian, Tom Tom the Piper’s Son (1969-1971) Ken Jacobs, La société du spectacle (1973) Guy Debord, Technology Transformation: Wonder Woman (1978) Dara Birnbaum, Mongoloid (music video Devo, 1978) Bruce Conner, Koyaanisqatsi (1983) Godfrey Reggio, A TV Dante. The Inferno (1985-1989) Peter Greeneway e Tom Phillips, Dal polo all’equatore (1986) Yervant Gianikian e Angela Ricci Lucchi, Art of Memory (1987) Woody Vasulka, Steps (1987) Zbigniew Rybczynski, Histoire(s) du cinéma. 1a Toutes les histoires (1988) Jean Luc Godard, Dab (1988-2016) John Oswald, Alchemie (1992) Jürgen Reble, Filmarilyn (1992) Paolo Gioli, Passage à l’acte (1993) Martin Arnold, 24 Hour Psycho (1993) Douglas Gordon, Telephones (1995) Christian Marclay, The Georgetown Loop (1996) Ken Jacobs, Yours (1997) Jeff Scher, Film Ist 1. Movement and time (1998) Gustav Deutsch, L’arrivée (1998) Peter Tscherkassky, Outer Space (1999) Peter Tscherkassky, Essere morti o essere vivi è la stessa cosa (2000) Gianluigi Toccafondo, The Pentagon Tv Commercials (2003) Cane CapoVolto, Fast Film (2003) Virgil Widrich, Celestial Subway Lines/ Salvaging Noise (2004) Ken Jacobs, Sync(Watch) (2005) Marco Brambilla, 24 seconds Psycho (2005) Chris Bors, Installazione Film Ist (1-12) (2006) Gustav Deutsch, Crumax Rins (2006, visual Plaid) Bob Jaroc, Blob. THI$ I$ NOTH&ND (2008), Domine Jesus (2008) Leonardo Carrano, Alessandro Pierattini, Pasolini Requiem (2009) Mario Verger, The Clock (2010) Christian Marclay, Delia Derbyshire, Loop Composer (2011) AK_Alias, Blue Matter, Change Your Mind (2011) AK_Alias, Distorted Times (2012) Gideon van der Stelt, Creation (2012) Marco Brambilla, Cinema rianimato n. 3 (2012) Daniele Puppi, Cirrus (music video Bonobo, 2013) Cyriak, The Emoshjining (2014) Donato Sansone, Sigla Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Pesaro (2016) Virgilio Villoresi, Purge The Odd Couple (2017) Pogo, RedruM (2018) Pogo;

anthology of crito-films: Stile di Piero della Francesca (1954) Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Carpaccio (1947) Roberto Longhi e Umberto Barbaro, Il dramma di Cristo (1948) Luciano Emmer ed Enrico Gras, Pittori di provincia (1953) Lucio Fulci, Cinéastes de notre temps (1964-1972) e Cinéma, de notre temps (1989-2018);

anthology of video-essays: Le combat avec l’ange (2004) Alain Bergala, The Doors of Perspection (2011) People Like Us (Vicki Bennett), Double Lives, Second Chances (2011) Cristina Álvarez López, Kubrick // One Point Perspective (2012) kogonada, Tarantino // From Below (2012) kogonada, Wes Anderson // From Above (2012) kogonada, The Career of Paul Thomas Anderson in Five Shots (2012) Kevin B. Lee, Rear Window Timelapse (2012) Jeff Desom, Zero De Doom (2012) Matthew Cheney, The Essay Film: Some Thoughts of Discontent (2013) Kevin B. Lee, Screen and Surface, Soft and Hard: the Cinema of Leos Carax (2013)Adrian Martin, Cristina Àlvarez López, [De Palma’s] Vision (2014) Adrian Martin, Cristina Àlvarez López, Wes Anderson // Centered (2014) kogonada, Peter Greenaway // Centered (2014) LaurentG, Evolution of the Dolly Zoom (2014) Vashi Nedomansky, Eyes of Hitchcock (2014) kogonada, Alphaville - A Crystal Maze (2014) Henrike Lindenberger, Cross-cut (2014) Drew Morton, Last Year At The Overlook (2015) Drew Morton, The Dutch Angle (2015) Jacob T. Swinney, First and Final Frames (2015) Jacob T.Swinney, The Definition of Film (2015) Richard Misek, Auteur in Space (2015) kogonada, Volumetric Cinema (2015) Kevin L. Ferguson, Manderley Motel (2015) Corey Creekmur, Blue Shining (2015) Richard Vezina, Joel & Ethan Coen - Shot | Reverse Shot (2016) Tony Zhou, Taylor Ramos, Amélie - Symmetry & Camera Movement (2016) Lessa Räbiger, Godard in Fragments (2016) kogonada, The Spielberg Touchscreen (2016) Ken Provencher, Graphic Spaces: Film Transitions in Steven Spielberg’s Filmmaking (2018) Andrea Minuz.
Films will be shown in full or in part during lessons. Dvd copies will be available at the Biblioteca "Lino Miccichè", via Ostiense 139.

Reference Bibliography

Chiara Grizzaffi, I film attraverso i film. Dal “testo introvabile” ai video essay, Mimesis, Udine-Milano, 2017. Rossella Catanese, Giacomo Ravesi (a cura di), Found Footage Experience. Pratiche del riuso cinematografico e forme del contemporaneo, «Imago – Studi di cinema e media», a. 12, n. 24, 2022. Paolo Cherchi Usai, Una passione infiammabile. Guida allo studio del cinema muto, Utet/Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Torino-Roma, 2022. Rossella Catanese, Bill Morrison, Decasia: The State of Decay. L’alchimia della rovina, Mimesis, Udine-Milano, 2023.


Optional, but attendance is strongly recommended due to the poor availability of the audiovisual materials shown during the lessons.

Type of evaluation

Oral. Students can write a text on a theme developed during the course. The text must be of around 20.000 characters and will be an integration – not a substitution – of the oral exam. It must be given to the teacher 10 days before the exams.