The course proposes to provide the basic knowledge of Roman public law, with reference to all the most relevant iussues, including criminal law, the Roman sources of law and the role of the jurists, always linked to the Roman social, political and economic context.
teacher profile teaching materials
The course is intended to be a synthetic exposition of the law-legal phenomenon relating to the historical-political reality of Rome, from the origins of the primitive civitas to the empire of Justinian
Topics covered:
1. Main characteristics of the periods of development of Roman public law (10 h.);
2. Constitutional right and administrative law in the various periods of Roman history (20 h.)
3. Criminal law (10 h.)
4. Sources of Roman law (10 h.)
5. Medieval, modern and contemporary publicistic juridical categories (6 h.)
The course aims to initiate a critical interpretation of Roman political and legal history, in particular through the reading of ancient sources and the examination of modern historiographical interpretations.The course is intended to be a synthetic exposition of the law-legal phenomenon relating to the historical-political reality of Rome, from the origins of the primitive civitas to the empire of Justinian
Topics covered:
1. Main characteristics of the periods of development of Roman public law (10 h.);
2. Constitutional right and administrative law in the various periods of Roman history (20 h.)
3. Criminal law (10 h.)
4. Sources of Roman law (10 h.)
5. Medieval, modern and contemporary publicistic juridical categories (6 h.)
Core Documentation
L. FASCIONE, Manuale di diritto pubblico romano (2a ed.), Torino, 2013.Type of delivery of the course
The fondamental structure of the course is constitued by frontal lesson; the lesson are in a diacronic perspective, throught the reasoned proposal of a peridization that allows to acquire the knowledge of moments and the most significant phases (ancient and classic period, the late empire, Justinian period) Learning material will be uploaded on the Uniroma Tre e-learning platform. Any conferences and/or seminars of interest for the topics dealt with, as well as tutoring activities and optional workshops related to the course will be reported from time to time during the lectures.Type of evaluation
The examination will take place for every student in oral form: in order to verify the level of achievement of the educational objectives indicated, the student is asked to answer three questions on different topics that are the subject of the course. Language of the oral exam: Italian. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths (30/30). The evaluation between 18 and 20 corresponds to a sufficient, yet low and basic, knowledge of the subject; the evaluation between 20 and 25 shows a more than sufficient / discreet knowledge; the evaluation between 25 and 29 shows a good or very good knowledge as well as commendable critical skills. The evaluation between 30 and 30 cum laude corresponds to a very good or excellent knowledge along with a high critical, analytical and connection skills. ERASMUS students are kindly requested to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course in order to agree on the exam’s programme. Extraordinary procedure for the Covid-19 emergency: for the entire duration of the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, the exams will be held exclusively in the remote mode, in accordance with the provisions of art. 1 of the Rector’s Decree n. ° 703 of 5 May 2020. teacher profile teaching materials
The course is intended to be a synthetic exposition of the law-legal phenomenon relating to the historical-political reality of Rome, from the origins of the primitive civitas to the empire of Justinian
Topics covered:
1. Main characteristics of the periods of development of Roman public law (10 h.);
2. Constitutional right and administrative law in the various periods of Roman history (20 h.)
3. Criminal law (10 h.)
4. Sources of Roman law (10 h.)
5. Medieval, modern and contemporary publicistic juridical categories (6 h.)
The course aims to initiate a critical interpretation of Roman political and legal history, in particular through the reading of ancient sources and the examination of modern historiographical interpretations.The course is intended to be a synthetic exposition of the law-legal phenomenon relating to the historical-political reality of Rome, from the origins of the primitive civitas to the empire of Justinian
Topics covered:
1. Main characteristics of the periods of development of Roman public law (10 h.);
2. Constitutional right and administrative law in the various periods of Roman history (20 h.)
3. Criminal law (10 h.)
4. Sources of Roman law (10 h.)
5. Medieval, modern and contemporary publicistic juridical categories (6 h.)
Core Documentation
L. FASCIONE, Manuale di diritto pubblico romano (2a ed.), Torino, 2013.Type of delivery of the course
The fondamental structure of the course is constitued by frontal lesson; the lesson are in a diacronic perspective, throught the reasoned proposal of a peridization that allows to acquire the knowledge of moments and the most significant phases (ancient and classic period, the late empire, Justinian period) Learning material will be uploaded on the Uniroma Tre e-learning platform. Any conferences and/or seminars of interest for the topics dealt with, as well as tutoring activities and optional workshops related to the course will be reported from time to time during the lectures.Type of evaluation
The examination will take place for every student in oral form: in order to verify the level of achievement of the educational objectives indicated, the student is asked to answer three questions on different topics that are the subject of the course. Language of the oral exam: Italian. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths (30/30). The evaluation between 18 and 20 corresponds to a sufficient, yet low and basic, knowledge of the subject; the evaluation between 20 and 25 shows a more than sufficient / discreet knowledge; the evaluation between 25 and 29 shows a good or very good knowledge as well as commendable critical skills. The evaluation between 30 and 30 cum laude corresponds to a very good or excellent knowledge along with a high critical, analytical and connection skills. ERASMUS students are kindly requested to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course in order to agree on the exam’s programme. Extraordinary procedure for the Covid-19 emergency: for the entire duration of the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, the exams will be held exclusively in the remote mode, in accordance with the provisions of art. 1 of the Rector’s Decree n. ° 703 of 5 May 2020.