Students will be familiar with the different theoretical approaches that address the relation between law and gender: from the critiques of the neutrality of the legal subject, to the discussion on intersectionality, to the relation between care, social reproduction and exploitation. Students will also acquire knowledge of the penal instrument contrasting violence against women at national and European and will critically address the issue gender representation in the media.
teacher profile teaching materials
Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender
Histories and theories of feminism
The gender of modernity
Making rights from below: the CEDAW
Criminal Law and Gender: general framework
Gender violence: the crime of stalking Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights
Culturally motivated crimes
Gender, migrations and human rights
Gender and social reproduction Theory
Sexual orientation and politics
Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence
Pornography and law
other readings will be suggested during cLasses
Mutuazione: 20110594 Law and Gender in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 RIGO ENRICA
The course "Law and Gender", in English language, aims to investigate the relevance of the gender concept in the legal debate, focusing on the philosophy and criminal law.Syllabus:
Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender
Histories and theories of feminism
The gender of modernity
Making rights from below: the CEDAW
Criminal Law and Gender: general framework
Gender violence: the crime of stalking Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights
Culturally motivated crimes
Gender, migrations and human rights
Gender and social reproduction Theory
Sexual orientation and politics
Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence
Pornography and law
Core Documentation
Angela Davis, Women, Race and Classother readings will be suggested during cLasses
Type of delivery of the course
the course is in presenceAttendance
course attendacy is compulsoryType of evaluation
students'evaluation will consider active class partecipation, courseworks and the final oral exam teacher profile teaching materials
Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender
Histories and theories of feminism
The gender of modernity
Making rights from below: the CEDAW
Criminal Law and Gender: general framework
Gender violence: the crime of stalking Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights
Culturally motivated crimes
Gender, migrations and human rights
Gender and social reproduction Theory
Sexual orientation and politics
Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence
Pornography and law
other readings will be suggested during cLasses
Mutuazione: 20110594 Law and Gender in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 RIGO ENRICA
The course "Law and Gender", in English language, aims to investigate the relevance of the gender concept in the legal debate, focusing on the philosophy and criminal law.Syllabus:
Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender
Histories and theories of feminism
The gender of modernity
Making rights from below: the CEDAW
Criminal Law and Gender: general framework
Gender violence: the crime of stalking Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights
Culturally motivated crimes
Gender, migrations and human rights
Gender and social reproduction Theory
Sexual orientation and politics
Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence
Pornography and law
Core Documentation
Angela Davis, Women, Race and Classother readings will be suggested during cLasses
Type of delivery of the course
the course is in presenceAttendance
course attendacy is compulsoryType of evaluation
students'evaluation will consider active class partecipation, courseworks and the final oral exam