Nowadays, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) it is considered as one of the cardinal topics to enhance business competitivity, encouraging the company in adopting socially and financially sustainable progression models.
The course offers detailed case-studies based on principles, models and practical examples on Corporate Social Responsibility, adopting an integrated approach to analyse the matter under different prospects thanks to a technical survey method.
The leading aim of the educational program is to spread among the students a strong knowledge of the phenomenon, as a result of an accurate and meticulous investigation of business case studies, providing the development of an ethical culture conscious of the importance of responsible actions.
The ultimate purpose of the course is to foster the ability to recognise socially sustainable activities in order to adopt consistent behaviours in corporate management in keeping with the forthcoming development of the European economy.
The course offers detailed case-studies based on principles, models and practical examples on Corporate Social Responsibility, adopting an integrated approach to analyse the matter under different prospects thanks to a technical survey method.
The leading aim of the educational program is to spread among the students a strong knowledge of the phenomenon, as a result of an accurate and meticulous investigation of business case studies, providing the development of an ethical culture conscious of the importance of responsible actions.
The ultimate purpose of the course is to foster the ability to recognise socially sustainable activities in order to adopt consistent behaviours in corporate management in keeping with the forthcoming development of the European economy.
teacher profile teaching materials
1) non-financial reporting ex d.lgs. 254/2016; the enforcement tools and the dialogue with the Juridicalization of stakeholders’ interests;
2) the current dimension of the company’s interest;
3) the benefit corporation model;
4) the engagement policies of institutional investors; the promotion of diversity in listed companies;
5) the corporate environmental responsibility.
S. FORTUNATO, L’informazione non-finanziaria nell’impresa socialmente responsabile, in Giur. Comm., 3/2019, 415-428.
L. PAPI, Crisi del sistema “volontaristico” e nuove frontiere europee della responsabilità sociale d’impresa, in Rivista del Diritto Commerciale, 1/2019, 109-163.
D. STANZIONE, Profili ricostruttivi della gestione di società benefit, in Rivista del Diritto Commerciale, 3/2018, 487-544.
The aim of the course is to describe the judicial framework – both regulatory and doctrinal - regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The course will particularly delve into interactions with business law, especially in connection with issues such as:1) non-financial reporting ex d.lgs. 254/2016; the enforcement tools and the dialogue with the Juridicalization of stakeholders’ interests;
2) the current dimension of the company’s interest;
3) the benefit corporation model;
4) the engagement policies of institutional investors; the promotion of diversity in listed companies;
5) the corporate environmental responsibility.
Core Documentation
ADOPTED TEXTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY:S. FORTUNATO, L’informazione non-finanziaria nell’impresa socialmente responsabile, in Giur. Comm., 3/2019, 415-428.
L. PAPI, Crisi del sistema “volontaristico” e nuove frontiere europee della responsabilità sociale d’impresa, in Rivista del Diritto Commerciale, 1/2019, 109-163.
D. STANZIONE, Profili ricostruttivi della gestione di società benefit, in Rivista del Diritto Commerciale, 3/2018, 487-544.
Type of delivery of the course
Five theoretical and practical frontal lessons. Final test: oral exam.Type of evaluation
PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION: Requirements for admission to the final test: 1) attendance at the course lessons; 2) passing the exam of Diritto Commerciale II (the final exam can be may also be taken on the same day as the final exam of Diritto Commerciale II). Final test: oral exam.