Antennas are fundamental components of modern wireless communication systems for smart environments such as pervasive systems for distributed information and computing, advanced space systems, intelligent transportation systems. This course aims at providing a selection of advanced topics in antenna engineering, including analytical and numerical techniques: theory and applications of periodic structures; resonant and traveling-wave antennas for terrestrial and space communication systems; smart and MIMO antenna arrays; numerical techniques based on differential formulations (finite differences in time and frequency) and on boundary integral formulations (method of moments); the main commercial CAD tools for antennas based on the above numerical techniques will also be illustrated.
teacher profile teaching materials
Introductory concepts:
Linear algebraic systems and their numerical solution
Singular-value decomposition (SVD) of general complex matrices.
Fundamentals of radiation.
Antenna parameters.
Elementary array theory.
Beyond elementary array theory.
Microstrip and Printed antennas:
Overview, basic principles of operation, feeding methods, and radiation characteristics.
Design procedures and CAD formulas.
Circular polarization, broadband and multi-band antennas, and miniaturization.
Periodic structures:
Introduction, basic theory (space harmonics, Floquet theorem).
Brillouin diagrams.
Bloch analysis.
Leaky-wave antennas (LWAs):
General features and classification.
Design procedures for 1D LWAs.
Fabry-Perot cavity antennas; general features of 2D LWAs
Arrays for wireless communications:
Characterization of the wireless channel.
Arrays and diversity.
Introduction to Multiple-Input/Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems.
Boundary integral equations and the Method of Moments (MoM):
MoM for 1D integral equations; basis and test functions.
MoM for thin wires.
Boundary integral representations of the electromagnetic field and boundary integral equations.
Mixed-Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) in free space.
MoM for MPIE: basis and test functions.
MPIE in layered media.
Sommerfeld integrals, asymptotic extractions, and spatial singularities.
Acceleration techniques for integral and series in electromagnetic problems.
MoM for MPIE: periodic structures (free space and layered media).
III (Numerical simulations with commercial electromagnetic software)
Electromagnetic CAD:
Ansys Designer and FEKO: introduction and general features.
Analysis of microstrip antennas: simple patch antenna, mutual coupling, and array configurations.
Analysis of Frequency Selective Surfaces. (FSSs)
• Slides of the lessons available on the Moodle area of the course
Mutuazione: 20810154 ADVANCED ANTENNA ENGINEERING in Ingegneria elettronica per l'industria e l'innovazione LM-29 BACCARELLI PAOLO
I PARTIntroductory concepts:
Linear algebraic systems and their numerical solution
Singular-value decomposition (SVD) of general complex matrices.
Fundamentals of radiation.
Antenna parameters.
Elementary array theory.
Beyond elementary array theory.
Microstrip and Printed antennas:
Overview, basic principles of operation, feeding methods, and radiation characteristics.
Design procedures and CAD formulas.
Circular polarization, broadband and multi-band antennas, and miniaturization.
Periodic structures:
Introduction, basic theory (space harmonics, Floquet theorem).
Brillouin diagrams.
Bloch analysis.
Leaky-wave antennas (LWAs):
General features and classification.
Design procedures for 1D LWAs.
Fabry-Perot cavity antennas; general features of 2D LWAs
Arrays for wireless communications:
Characterization of the wireless channel.
Arrays and diversity.
Introduction to Multiple-Input/Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems.
Boundary integral equations and the Method of Moments (MoM):
MoM for 1D integral equations; basis and test functions.
MoM for thin wires.
Boundary integral representations of the electromagnetic field and boundary integral equations.
Mixed-Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) in free space.
MoM for MPIE: basis and test functions.
MPIE in layered media.
Sommerfeld integrals, asymptotic extractions, and spatial singularities.
Acceleration techniques for integral and series in electromagnetic problems.
MoM for MPIE: periodic structures (free space and layered media).
III (Numerical simulations with commercial electromagnetic software)
Electromagnetic CAD:
Ansys Designer and FEKO: introduction and general features.
Analysis of microstrip antennas: simple patch antenna, mutual coupling, and array configurations.
Analysis of Frequency Selective Surfaces. (FSSs)
Core Documentation
Teaching material:• Slides of the lessons available on the Moodle area of the course
Type of delivery of the course
lectures, tutorials, seminarsType of evaluation
The evaluation is based on two oral open questions on topics covered in the course. There is a on-going test, not mandatory, which consists of an open question on the first (I) part of the course. In case of a positive outcome of the on-going test, the final oral exam will be based on a single open question on the second (II) part of the course.