20810257 - Diritto dei Dati

Provide an introduction to the main principles and rules concerning data governance under Italian and European law. Study the legal distinction between personal and non personal data, with reference to the main instruments related to property, access, and circulation of data (intellectual property, trade secret, personal data protection). Analyse the issues deriving from the use of data in algorithmic decisions, both in administrative and private law contexts.


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Data law (teacher: Alfonso Contaldo)

Data protection on digital platforms in the European Union, the United States, Great Britain (the process of the Online Safety Bill): first notes on the various regulatory rationes

Abuse of dominant position, digital platforms and state interventions: brief review of European and Italian antitrust interventions as well as notes on the Digital Service Act in the USA
Competition on the net, with illustration of cases of abuse of dominant position in the Google case
The future prospects of the European antitrust for digital platforms
A look at US solutions: the Digital Service Act plus antitrust measures.

Acquisition and processing of data through the platforms
Data processing carried out by commercial users through the platforms
Information and transparency on data processing with Big Data
Algorithm and accountability in data processing
Checks on the methods of data processing

Public platforms in the PNNR implementation legislation
Legal profiles of the person and the tasks assigned to the data protection officer in the public context and digital platforms
The obligation for organizations and private managers of digital platforms to appoint a DPO
The alleged certifications of the legitimacy of the DPO under the GDPR
Overview of the functions and duties of the Data Protection Officer
The assessments in the first three years of verification of the function and the guidelines of the Guarantor regarding the remuneration of the DPO

The information society and responsibility in the management of digital platforms.
The complex balance between online sharing and protection of the work in light of the copyright law
A first approach to copyright issues also in force in the digital platform system
The rights of use of the protected work and the management of rights
The role of AGCOM in terms of copyright protection also in the light of jurisprudence
The protection of intellectual property in multimedia works and databases
The Directive n. 2019/790 / EU on the copyright of the European Union

The ongoing European discipline of the digital sector in itinere: the proposals
Regulatory policy strategies for digital Europe
The process of the regulation on the single market for digital services
Very large online platforms
Implementation and enforcement tools: the role of the European Commission,
the Coordinator of Digital Services and the Committee for Digital Services
The proposal for a regulation on fair and contestable markets in the sector

Text: a) Mannoni S. Stazi G., Is competition a click away? Sfida al monopolio nell'era digitale, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2018; b) AA.VV., Le piattaforme digitali. Profili giuridici ed economici nel nuovo ecosistema, a cura di Contaldo A., Pisa, Pacini giuridica, 2021

Core Documentation

Text: a) Mannoni S. Stazi G., Is competition a click away? Sfida al monopolio nell'era digitale, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2018; b) AA.VV., Le piattaforme digitali. Profili giuridici ed economici nel nuovo ecosistema, a cura di Contaldo A., Pisa, Pacini giuridica, 2021

teacher profile | teaching materials


Data law (teacher: Alfonso Contaldo)

Data protection on digital platforms in the European Union, the United States, Great Britain (the process of the Online Safety Bill): first notes on the various regulatory rationes

Abuse of dominant position, digital platforms and state interventions: brief review of European and Italian antitrust interventions as well as notes on the Digital Service Act in the USA
Competition on the net, with illustration of cases of abuse of dominant position in the Google case
The future prospects of the European antitrust for digital platforms
A look at US solutions: the Digital Service Act plus antitrust measures.

Acquisition and processing of data through the platforms
Data processing carried out by commercial users through the platforms
Information and transparency on data processing with Big Data
Algorithm and accountability in data processing
Checks on the methods of data processing

Public platforms in the PNNR implementation legislation
Legal profiles of the person and the tasks assigned to the data protection officer in the public context and digital platforms
The obligation for organizations and private managers of digital platforms to appoint a DPO
The alleged certifications of the legitimacy of the DPO under the GDPR
Overview of the functions and duties of the Data Protection Officer
The assessments in the first three years of verification of the function and the guidelines of the Guarantor regarding the remuneration of the DPO

The information society and responsibility in the management of digital platforms.
The complex balance between online sharing and protection of the work in light of the copyright law
A first approach to copyright issues also in force in the digital platform system
The rights of use of the protected work and the management of rights
The role of AGCOM in terms of copyright protection also in the light of jurisprudence
The protection of intellectual property in multimedia works and databases
The Directive n. 2019/790 / EU on the copyright of the European Union

The ongoing European discipline of the digital sector in itinere: the proposals
Regulatory policy strategies for digital Europe
The process of the regulation on the single market for digital services
Very large online platforms
Implementation and enforcement tools: the role of the European Commission,
the Coordinator of Digital Services and the Committee for Digital Services
The proposal for a regulation on fair and contestable markets in the sector

Text: a) Mannoni S. Stazi G., Is competition a click away? Sfida al monopolio nell'era digitale, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2018; b) AA.VV., Le piattaforme digitali. Profili giuridici ed economici nel nuovo ecosistema, a cura di Contaldo A., Pisa, Pacini giuridica, 2021

Core Documentation

Text: a) Mannoni S. Stazi G., Is competition a click away? Sfida al monopolio nell'era digitale, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2018; b) AA.VV., Le piattaforme digitali. Profili giuridici ed economici nel nuovo ecosistema, a cura di Contaldo A., Pisa, Pacini giuridica, 2021

teacher profile | teaching materials


Data law (teacher: Alfonso Contaldo)

Data protection on digital platforms in the European Union, the United States, Great Britain (the process of the Online Safety Bill): first notes on the various regulatory rationes

Abuse of dominant position, digital platforms and state interventions: brief review of European and Italian antitrust interventions as well as notes on the Digital Service Act in the USA
Competition on the net, with illustration of cases of abuse of dominant position in the Google case
The future prospects of the European antitrust for digital platforms
A look at US solutions: the Digital Service Act plus antitrust measures.

Acquisition and processing of data through the platforms
Data processing carried out by commercial users through the platforms
Information and transparency on data processing with Big Data
Algorithm and accountability in data processing
Checks on the methods of data processing

Public platforms in the PNNR implementation legislation
Legal profiles of the person and the tasks assigned to the data protection officer in the public context and digital platforms
The obligation for organizations and private managers of digital platforms to appoint a DPO
The alleged certifications of the legitimacy of the DPO under the GDPR
Overview of the functions and duties of the Data Protection Officer
The assessments in the first three years of verification of the function and the guidelines of the Guarantor regarding the remuneration of the DPO

The information society and responsibility in the management of digital platforms.
The complex balance between online sharing and protection of the work in light of the copyright law
A first approach to copyright issues also in force in the digital platform system
The rights of use of the protected work and the management of rights
The role of AGCOM in terms of copyright protection also in the light of jurisprudence
The protection of intellectual property in multimedia works and databases
The Directive n. 2019/790 / EU on the copyright of the European Union

The ongoing European discipline of the digital sector in itinere: the proposals
Regulatory policy strategies for digital Europe
The process of the regulation on the single market for digital services
Very large online platforms
Implementation and enforcement tools: the role of the European Commission,
the Coordinator of Digital Services and the Committee for Digital Services
The proposal for a regulation on fair and contestable markets in the sector

Text: a) Mannoni S. Stazi G., Is competition a click away? Sfida al monopolio nell'era digitale, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2018; b) AA.VV., Le piattaforme digitali. Profili giuridici ed economici nel nuovo ecosistema, a cura di Contaldo A., Pisa, Pacini giuridica, 2021

Core Documentation

Text: a) Mannoni S. Stazi G., Is competition a click away? Sfida al monopolio nell'era digitale, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2018; b) AA.VV., Le piattaforme digitali. Profili giuridici ed economici nel nuovo ecosistema, a cura di Contaldo A., Pisa, Pacini giuridica, 2021