First language (module II B)
Achievement of b2 level in all skills. Development of:
A) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
B) comprehension of written texts on the basis of acquired knowledge.
C) ability to use translation tools;
D) improvement of autonomous learning skills.

Second language
Achievement of B1 level in both receptive and productive skills.
Development of:
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas and intentions;
c) comprehension and analysis of written texts on the basis of acquired knowledge;
d) knowledge of basic translation resources and tools;
e) basic autonomous learning skills.

European Language (2° year OCI)
Achievement of b2 level in all skills. Development of:
A) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
B) ability to communicate ideas, information and intentions.
C) comprehension of written texts on the basis of acquired knowledge.
D) ability to use translation tools;
E) improvement of autonomous learning skills.
Introduction to different issues related to cultural contexts and related to the foreign language. Knowledge and comprehension of some of the theoretical and methodological problems related to translation as cultural and language mediation.
Introduction to translation of short texts belonging to different text typologies.


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Type of evaluation

Online oral exams; video conference on Microsoft Teams.

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Mutuazione: 20706023 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE SPAGNOLA 2 B - 1^ LINGUA / 2^ LINGUA / OCI in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 N0 PARATORE CARLOTTA

Type of evaluation

Online oral exams; video conference on Microsoft Teams.