One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign languages and literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
Slavonic Philology is one of the characteristic training activities of the "Philological disciplines" area. It aims at providing the students with the basic knowledge of the genesis and history of the Slavic language and literary civilization, from the Proto-Slavic period to the dawn of the modern age (with special attention to the activities of Constantino-Cyril and Methodius and their students from the mid-ninth to the beginning of the tenth century). It wants to give the students an understanding of the formation of modern language and literature in Russia, and related countries, based on the centuries-old tradition of Orthodox Slavia.
Students will be able to understand linguistic and literary phenomena in Russia, and related countries, and acquire basic philological knowledge of Slavonic languages.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course presents an introduction to the history of the development of Slavic languages and their current status.
Basic concepts of historical linguistics. From Indo-European to Proto-Slavic: major linguistic processes.
From Proto-Slavic to modern Slavic languages.
Slavonic languages of the South Slavonic, West Slavonic and East Slavonic groups: phonetic and grammatical structure, basic features.

Core Documentation

Alexander Schenker, The Dawn of Slavic, New Haven 1994
Lilia Skomorochova Venturini, Corso di lingua paleoslava. Grammatica. Edizioni ETS 2005
Natalino Radovich, Profilo di linguistica slava. Cymba, 1969
Marcello Garzaniti. Gli slavi. Storia, culture e lingue dalle origini ai nostri giorni. 2019.
(Ulteriori materiali vengono distribuiti durante il corso)

Reference Bibliography

Bibliografia: Alexander Schenker, The Dawn of Slavic, New Haven 1994 Lilia Skomorochova Venturini, Corso di lingua paleoslava. Grammatica. Edizioni ETS 2005 Natalino Radovich, Profilo di linguistica slava. Cymba, 1969 Marcello Garzaniti. Gli slavi. Storia, culture e lingue dalle origini ai nostri giorni. 2019. (Ulteriori materiali vengono distribuiti durante il corso)

Type of delivery of the course

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lezioni frontali

Type of evaluation

Oral exam on the course topics