One of the main aims of this Course of Study is the acquisition of competences in two foreign languages, which is based on the development of the four active and passive written-oral skills, to analyse the study of intercultural and transcultural phenomena through the tools and methodologies of linguistic and philological analysis, as well as the theory and practice of translation.
Spanish Language and Translation III is amongst the distinguishing activities of the "Language and translation" area. The aim of the module is to provide students with level C1 (based on the CEFR) and to enhance their language strategies. It also aims at developing their ability to move in the linguistic context, both at a diachronic and a diatopic level, and to consolidate their metatextual consideration skills.
Students will be able to put into practice the acquired linguistic and communicative skills (active, passive and mixed); delve deeper in translation problems related to different textual genres, also in a transmedia perspective; interpret reality in a multilingual and multicultural perspective thanks to a strengthened intercultural competence; they will also possess consolidated communicative and argumentative skills.
Pre-requisite: Spanish Language and Translation II
Spanish Language and Translation III is amongst the distinguishing activities of the "Language and translation" area. The aim of the module is to provide students with level C1 (based on the CEFR) and to enhance their language strategies. It also aims at developing their ability to move in the linguistic context, both at a diachronic and a diatopic level, and to consolidate their metatextual consideration skills.
Students will be able to put into practice the acquired linguistic and communicative skills (active, passive and mixed); delve deeper in translation problems related to different textual genres, also in a transmedia perspective; interpret reality in a multilingual and multicultural perspective thanks to a strengthened intercultural competence; they will also possess consolidated communicative and argumentative skills.
Pre-requisite: Spanish Language and Translation II
teacher profile teaching materials
Torrens Álvarez, Mª. Jesús, Evolución e historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2007.
Chaume Valera, Frederic, Cine y traducción, Madrid, Cátedra, 2004.
Caimi, Annamaria - Perego, Elisa, «Sottotitolazione: lo stato dell’arte», RILA – Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 34: 1-2, 2002, pp. 19-51 (Disponibile online).
Eventual other bibliographical references will be provided during the course.
2) Texts
Cantare del Cid, trad. A. Baldissera con testo spagnolo a fronte, Milano, Garzanti, 2003.
Chaves Nogales, Manuel, A sangre y fuego. Héroes, bestias y mártires de España, Barcelona, Libros del Asteroides, 2013.
Piglia, Ricardo, Plata quemada, Barcelona, Debolsillo, 2017.
Sánchis Sinisterra, José, Ñaque - ¡Ay, Carmela!, ed. M. Aznar Soler, Madrid, Cátedra, 2011.
Abenámar, Alejandro – Hernández Alejandro, Mientras dure la guerra (guion):
Mientras dure la guerra di Alejandro Abenámar (2019)
¡Ay, Carmela! di Carlos Saura (1990)
Plata quemada di Marcelo Piñeyro (2000)
Additional mandatory material for students who have failed their final tests and for non-attending students:
Lapesa, Rafael, «El español arcaico. Juglaría y clerecía. Comienzo de la prosa», en Historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Gredos, 1981, 9ª ed. (in particolare, pp. 193-226).
Martín Zorraquino, María Antonia, «Problemas lingüísticos en el Cantar de mio Cid», Rev. Zurita, 55, 1987, pp. 7-22 (Disponibile online).
The course includes a series of lectures of a theoretical nature on the diachronic variety of Spanish. The student will be able to put into practice the notions acquired through the analysis of the adopted medieval Castilian text, practising the intralinguistic translation and the translating commentary of the Italian versions. The second part of the course will deal with subtitling, paying particular attention to linguistic varieties, culturospecific elements and strategies imposed by the specific technical restrictions of audiovisual translation.Core Documentation
1) Textbooks and critical essaysTorrens Álvarez, Mª. Jesús, Evolución e historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2007.
Chaume Valera, Frederic, Cine y traducción, Madrid, Cátedra, 2004.
Caimi, Annamaria - Perego, Elisa, «Sottotitolazione: lo stato dell’arte», RILA – Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 34: 1-2, 2002, pp. 19-51 (Disponibile online).
Eventual other bibliographical references will be provided during the course.
2) Texts
Cantare del Cid, trad. A. Baldissera con testo spagnolo a fronte, Milano, Garzanti, 2003.
Chaves Nogales, Manuel, A sangre y fuego. Héroes, bestias y mártires de España, Barcelona, Libros del Asteroides, 2013.
Piglia, Ricardo, Plata quemada, Barcelona, Debolsillo, 2017.
Sánchis Sinisterra, José, Ñaque - ¡Ay, Carmela!, ed. M. Aznar Soler, Madrid, Cátedra, 2011.
Abenámar, Alejandro – Hernández Alejandro, Mientras dure la guerra (guion):
Mientras dure la guerra di Alejandro Abenámar (2019)
¡Ay, Carmela! di Carlos Saura (1990)
Plata quemada di Marcelo Piñeyro (2000)
Additional mandatory material for students who have failed their final tests and for non-attending students:
Lapesa, Rafael, «El español arcaico. Juglaría y clerecía. Comienzo de la prosa», en Historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Gredos, 1981, 9ª ed. (in particolare, pp. 193-226).
Martín Zorraquino, María Antonia, «Problemas lingüísticos en el Cantar de mio Cid», Rev. Zurita, 55, 1987, pp. 7-22 (Disponibile online).
Reference Bibliography
Odicino, Raffaella – Campos, Cecilia – Sánchez, Majorie, Gramática española. Tercera edición, Torino, Utet, 2022. Barbero Bernal, Juan – Bermejo, Felisa – San Vicente, Félix, Contrastiva. Grammatica della lingua spagnola. Spagnolo Italiano, Bologna, Clueb, 2012. Tam, Laura, Grande dizionario di spagnolo con CD-ROM, Milano, Hoepli, 2009 (2ª ed.) Arqués, Rossend – Padoan, Adriana, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012. Seco, Manuel; Ramos, Gabino; Andrés, Olimpia, Diccionario del Español Actual, Madrid, Santillana, 2006.Type of delivery of the course
30 hours in frontal teaching methodology + 6 hours other forms of assisted didacticsAttendance
The course will take place during the first semester. Regular attendance is highly recommended to guide students in their personal study, which is in any case essential. The lessons, which combine theory and practice, will be accompanied by activities and in itinere tests, monitored for final assessment purposes. A good knowledge of the Italian language is required.Type of evaluation
For attending students: 1) Active attendance and coursework (20%); 2) Written exam (30%); 3) Oral exam (50%). For non-attending students: 1) Non-attendant students have to contact the teacher at least three months before the exam sessions in order to accord program’s integration and written essay; 2) Written essay in Spanish language: analysis of 2 "tiradas" from the Cantar de mio Cid and commentary on the corresponding Italian translations; the work is due before the start of the three appeal sessions (summer, autumn and winter) in which the student plans to take the exam. 3) Oral exam conform with integrations previously accorded in point 1) e 2).