20710253 - Text analysis and translation workshop (English)

General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication.
In the Text Analysis and Translation Laboratory (English) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper.
Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.

Pre-requisite: English Literature II or American-English Literature II; English Language and Translation II


teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.

1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).

2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop activities (unless special measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are applied).


ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.

1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).

2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop. General references:

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, “Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects”, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

General references: Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Il corso sarà in italiano.
Per il laboratorio di quest'anno terrò sei lezioni sulla letteratura inglese, così ripartite:
1) Da Chaucer a Shakespeare
2)Il Sei e Settecento
3) I poeti romantici e i romanzieri della prima metà del secolo: Jane Austen, Sir Walter Scott, le sorelle Brontë
4) L'età vittoriana
5) I primi del '900: L'International Modernism e la letteratura inglese
6) La letteratura inglese dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi.

Core Documentation

La storia letteraria cui farà riferimento il docente nelle sue lezioni è "Letteratura inglese. Un profilo storico" di Franco Marucci (Carocci, 2020). Gli studenti potranno utilizzare i manuali su cui hanno studiato in passato.

Reference Bibliography

"Letteratura inglese. Un profilo storico" di Franco Marucci (Carocci, 2020).

Type of delivery of the course

I corsi verranno tenuti online. Gli studenti verranno divisi in sei gruppi, ciascuno dei quali si concentrerà su uno dei periodi trattati. Agli studenti verrà chiesto di preparare un elaborato di una pagina su un singolo autore/autrice. Questo elaborato dovrà essere inviato a tutti i partecipanti.

Type of evaluation

Gli studenti che avranno seguito saranno tutti dichiarati idonei.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Both lectures and workshops will be online

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.E

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.

1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).

2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, “Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects”, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
General references: Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards required for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive, and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments and Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 -- available in Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop activities (traditional or distance teaching/learning, depending on the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19).


ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

Type of evaluation

To obtain their ECTS credits, students are required to attend at least 80% of classes and do the assigned exercises.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop activities.


Attendance is mandatory.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.

1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).

2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, “Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects”, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
General references: Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop activities

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop activities

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Bibliografia di riferimento
Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Both lectures and workshops will be online

Type of evaluation

Active class participation, with in itinere evaluation, is a condition to pass the exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop activities.


Attendance is mandatory.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.

1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).

2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Reference Bibliography

Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, “Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects”, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

Compulsory attendance at lectures and workshop activities.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops.
1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research).
2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.

Core Documentation

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.

Bibliografia di riferimento
Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Reference Bibliography

The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop. Bibliografia di riferimento Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139)

Type of delivery of the course

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.


ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.

Type of evaluation

ECTS credits will be gained through regular attendance and active participation, which will be attested by means of ongoing assessment.