20710255 - Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (russo)

General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication.
In the Text analysis and translation workshop (Russian) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper.
Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.

Pre-requisite: Russian Literature II; Russian Language and Translation II
teacher profile | teaching materials


Meetings focus on:
PC use for writing the thesis
Use of the University's bibliographic resources
Use of Italian and Russian bibliographic resources
Tools and methodologies for the analysis, translation of the narrative and poetic text
Introduction to literary criticism
Introduction to archive research

Core Documentation

The materials needed to perform the activities will be uploaded to the MOODLE/TEAMS platform

Reference Bibliography

Criteri redazionali per la stesura della tesi di laurea (dispensa) R. Bertazzoli, La traduzione: teorie e metodi, Roma, Carocci, 2021, pp. 84-114; Ju. Dobrovolskaja, Il russo: l’ABC della traduzione, Milano, Hoepli, 2016, pp. 1-39; B. Mortara Garavelli, Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche, Bari, Laterza, 2010. Un testo a scelta (anche delle scuole superiori) per l’analisi del testo letterario da consultare durante le attività del laboratorio. M. Bustreo, Tesi di laurea step by step. La guida per progettare, scrivere e argomentare prove finali e scritti professionali senza stress, Milano, Hoepli, 2015. U. Eco, Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Milano, Bompiani, 2003.

Type of delivery of the course

The course involves the active participation of the student in the activities proposed by the teacher in class or on MOODLE platform.


Attendance is compulsory (80% of lessons). The course is taught in Italian/Russian

Type of evaluation

The student will obtain suitability in the laboratory activities through the attendance of at least 80% of the lessons and the performance of the required activities.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The meetings will focus on:

National bibliographic resources: OPAC SBN catalog;
Compile a bibliography;
Read and discuss a specialist article;
Write an abstract;
Translation from Russian to Italian of a narrative text;
Translation from Russian into Italian of a poetic text;
Translation from Russian to Italian of an essay text.

Core Documentation

The course material will be provided in class or uploaded on the Moodle platform.

Type of delivery of the course

The course involves the active participation of the student in the activities proposed by the teacher in class or in the Moodle/Teams platforms.


Attendance is compulsory (80% of lessons). The course is taught mainly in Italian.

Type of evaluation

The student will obtain suitability in the laboratory activities through the attendance of at least 80% of the lessons and the required activities.