Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.
En el taller del editor de textos/ In the workshop of the text editor is one of the characterising modules of the programme. It aims at further consolidating linguistic-communicative skills (advanced level) and methodological, historical-linguistic, and analytic competences as applied to Spanish literary texts, with a special focus on Siglo de Oro (1550-1650) theatre. The module is thematically related to the unit “El teatro español entre dramaturgia y representación” and provides students with the required philological tools necessary to the creation of a critical edition: general overview, history of the textual transmission, determination of the critical edition, annotations, variants apparatus, etc. Through the unit, students will acquire both highly advanced autonomous critical competence and the skills involved in the realisation of a complex editorial product, which can be used for other chronological and cultural domains.
At the end of the module, students will be able to: prepare a critical edition of a text with philological-linguistic and historical-literary annotations thus applying theories and tools acquired during the unit; communicate module contents (advanced level).
Requirements: Students must have already taken La literatura española en el espejo del tiempo/ Spanish literature in the mirror of time.
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.
En el taller del editor de textos/ In the workshop of the text editor is one of the characterising modules of the programme. It aims at further consolidating linguistic-communicative skills (advanced level) and methodological, historical-linguistic, and analytic competences as applied to Spanish literary texts, with a special focus on Siglo de Oro (1550-1650) theatre. The module is thematically related to the unit “El teatro español entre dramaturgia y representación” and provides students with the required philological tools necessary to the creation of a critical edition: general overview, history of the textual transmission, determination of the critical edition, annotations, variants apparatus, etc. Through the unit, students will acquire both highly advanced autonomous critical competence and the skills involved in the realisation of a complex editorial product, which can be used for other chronological and cultural domains.
At the end of the module, students will be able to: prepare a critical edition of a text with philological-linguistic and historical-literary annotations thus applying theories and tools acquired during the unit; communicate module contents (advanced level).
Requirements: Students must have already taken La literatura española en el espejo del tiempo/ Spanish literature in the mirror of time.
teacher profile teaching materials
Starting from two canonical texts of Lope de Vega's literary production, one related to theatre and the other to prose, the course aims to deepen the discourse on the transmission of texts in the Baroque era from a sociological as well as ecdotical point of view. The course will be developed following two phases: a first, theoretical phase will cover the historical-literary framework and introduce the student to the history of printing in the 17th century, starting with the textual transmission of El perro del hortelano and Las fortunas de Diana. In a second phase, the student will be provided with the methodological tools necessary for the production of a critical edition (recensio and constitutio textus, punctuation and orthographic modernisation, annotation, apparatus of variants, analysis of errors) and will examine specific cases taken from the works included in the programme.
• Lope de Vega, El perro del hortelano (digital edition:;
• Lope de Vega, Las fortunas de Diana (digital edition:
"Lope de Vega and the publishing market through the centuries: between printing and publishing".Starting from two canonical texts of Lope de Vega's literary production, one related to theatre and the other to prose, the course aims to deepen the discourse on the transmission of texts in the Baroque era from a sociological as well as ecdotical point of view. The course will be developed following two phases: a first, theoretical phase will cover the historical-literary framework and introduce the student to the history of printing in the 17th century, starting with the textual transmission of El perro del hortelano and Las fortunas de Diana. In a second phase, the student will be provided with the methodological tools necessary for the production of a critical edition (recensio and constitutio textus, punctuation and orthographic modernisation, annotation, apparatus of variants, analysis of errors) and will examine specific cases taken from the works included in the programme.
Core Documentation
TEXTS:• Lope de Vega, El perro del hortelano (digital edition:;
• Lope de Vega, Las fortunas de Diana (digital edition:
Reference Bibliography
2) CRITICISM and LITERARY HISTORY NOTICES a) A. Blecua, Manual de crítica textual, Madrid, Castalia, 1983; b) M. G. Profeti, 'Tradición impresa y voluntad del autor: el problema del teatro áureo', in: Filologia dei testi a stampa: area iberica (Actas del Simposio, Pescara, 20-22 de noviembre de 2003), ed. Patrizia Botta, Modena, Mucchi Editore, 2005, pp. 57-72; c) F. Rico, El texto del Quijote (ch. I, "Cómo se hacía un libro en el Siglo de Oro"), pp. 53-93; d) all supporting critical materials that will be indicated and/or provided by the lecturer during the course.Type of delivery of the course
The course will be conducted according to different types of assisted teaching. For the theoretical part, the lectures given by the lecturer will be flanked by lectures from the cycle of didactic seminars "El teatro de los Siglos de Oro: patrimonio y nuevas perspectivas". There will also be a purely laboratory section with various activities and exercises on the ecdotical aspects dealt with, assessed for the purposes of the final examination.Attendance
Active and constant attendance is highly recommended for an adequate preparation of the examination and for the completion of the in itinere assessments, necessary for the attainment of the expected knowledge and critical-philological skills. An attending student is one who actively attends more than 70% of the lectures, carrying out all the exercises assigned during the course and participating in all the lectures of the seminar series referred. Non-attending students are invited to contact the lecturer at least two months before the call to which they intend to attend: an ad hoc programme will be established during the interview and all the necessary indications for individual study will be provided. Those who have not followed this procedure will not be allowed to take the final examination.Type of evaluation
For attending students, an in itinere assessment will be carried out by means of exercises assigned in the classroom and will have a weight equivalent to 70% of the final assessment; the remaining 30% of the skills acquired will be assessed by means of an oral test. For non-attending students, the final assessment will be given by the outcome of the oral test.