The Course Educational linguistics A LM (Module “Processes and instruments in second language teaching) falls within the domain of the Complementary learning activities of the Degree Course in Modern languages for International Communication, specifically the activities aiming at providing adequate tools for the analysis and the theoretical study of language acquisition and language teaching.
The course provides:
Knowledge of the main research findings of various research traditions in the field of language learning and teaching (first, second and foreign languages).
Knowledge of the different methodological approaches orienting second language teaching, with a focus on L2 Italian, the communicative approaches and, particularly, task-based language teaching.
Development of the ability to use effectively the main reference documents in the field of L2 learning and teaching, particularly the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.
Development of the ability to ananlyse critically teaching materials by means of both the acquired knowledge and specific observation tools.
Expected Learning Outcomes: students will know the research findings in the field of language learning and teaching; they will know different methodological approaches in language instruction; they will be able to use the main reference documents in the field of language learning and teaching; they will be able to analyse teaching materials and digital technologies relying on both the acquired knowledge and specific observation tools.
The course provides:
Knowledge of the main research findings of various research traditions in the field of language learning and teaching (first, second and foreign languages).
Knowledge of the different methodological approaches orienting second language teaching, with a focus on L2 Italian, the communicative approaches and, particularly, task-based language teaching.
Development of the ability to use effectively the main reference documents in the field of L2 learning and teaching, particularly the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.
Development of the ability to ananlyse critically teaching materials by means of both the acquired knowledge and specific observation tools.
Expected Learning Outcomes: students will know the research findings in the field of language learning and teaching; they will know different methodological approaches in language instruction; they will be able to use the main reference documents in the field of language learning and teaching; they will be able to analyse teaching materials and digital technologies relying on both the acquired knowledge and specific observation tools.
teacher profile teaching materials
Focus. The characteristics of Task-based language teaching, aimed to harmonise teaching programme and learners' internal syllabus, will be discussed in detail.
2) Cortés Velásquez D. & Nuzzo E., La didattica con i task: principi, applicazioni, prospettive. In: Cortés Velásquez D. & Nuzzo E. (a cura di), Il task nell’insegnamento delle lingue. Percorsi tra ricerca e didattica al CLA di Roma Tre, RomaTrE-Press, Roma, 2018, pp. 13-39. [book chapter]
3) Bygate, M., Samuda, V., & Van den Branden, K., A Pedagogical Rationale for Task-Based Language Teaching for the Acquisition of Real-World Language Use. In M. Ahmadian & M. Long (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 27-50. [book chapter]
Mutuazione: 20710615 DIDATTICA DELLE LINGUE MODERNE A LM (PROCESSI E STRUMENTI) in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 NUZZO ELENA
An overview of some key issues in second language learning and teaching research, with particular reference to the way in which teaching can facilitate and speed up the natural process of language acquisition.Focus. The characteristics of Task-based language teaching, aimed to harmonise teaching programme and learners' internal syllabus, will be discussed in detail.
Core Documentation
1) Van Patten B., Smith M., Benati A., Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition, Cambridge University Press, 2020. [book]2) Cortés Velásquez D. & Nuzzo E., La didattica con i task: principi, applicazioni, prospettive. In: Cortés Velásquez D. & Nuzzo E. (a cura di), Il task nell’insegnamento delle lingue. Percorsi tra ricerca e didattica al CLA di Roma Tre, RomaTrE-Press, Roma, 2018, pp. 13-39. [book chapter]
3) Bygate, M., Samuda, V., & Van den Branden, K., A Pedagogical Rationale for Task-Based Language Teaching for the Acquisition of Real-World Language Use. In M. Ahmadian & M. Long (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 27-50. [book chapter]
Type of delivery of the course
Lessons and laboratories.Attendance
OptionalType of evaluation
Open-ended questions