Section 1 (6CFU) Give the student a thorough understanding of the structural and electronic properties of solids, their transport properties, the response to electromagnetic fields
Section 2 (3CFU) Give the student an in-depth understanding of the physical properties of low-dimensional systems, with nanometric characteristic sizes.
Section 2 (3CFU) Give the student an in-depth understanding of the physical properties of low-dimensional systems, with nanometric characteristic sizes.
teacher profile teaching materials
Electronic properties of solids
Reminds on band structure calculation methods. Band structure of III-V and IV semiconductors. Band structures and Fermi surfaces of selected metals. Effective mass approximation. Impurity levels in doped semiconductors.
Transport properties
The Drude Model. Semiclassical equations of transport. Boltzmann equation. Electron phonon interaction. Relaxation time approximation. Electrical conductivity in the relaxation time approximation. Thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity. Drift and diffusion currents. Generation and recombination of electron-hole pairs in semiconductors. Continuity equation. Recombination times and diffusion length. Current voltage characteristics of the p-n junction.
Optical properties
Maxwell Equations in solids. Complex Dielectric Constant. Absorption and reflection coefficients. Kramers Kronig Relations. Lorentz Oscillator. The Drude theory of the optical properties of metals. Optical properties of semiconductors and insulators. Direct interband transitions and critical points. Optical constants of Ge and Graphite. Absorption from impurity levels. Exciton effects. Indirect phonon-assisted transitions. Spontaneous and stimulated Emission, Photoluminescence, Electroluminesce, optical gain. Semiconductor diode laser.
Magnetic properties of matter.
Energy levels and density of states of a free electron gas in a magnetic field. Filling of Landau levels as a function of the magnetic field. Magneto-transport.
Quantum mechanical treatment of magnetic susceptibility. Pauli paramagnetism. Magnetic susceptibility of closed-shell systems. Permanent magnetic dipoles in atoms and ions with partially filled shells. Paramagnetism of localized magnetic moments. Curie law. Van Vleck paramagnetism, Pauli paramagnetism and Landau diamagnetism. Magnetic ordering in crystals. Mean field theory of ferromagnetism: Weiss model. Curie-Weiss law. Anti-Ferromagnetism. Exchange interaction and Heisemberg model. Microscopic origin of the coupling between localized magnetic moments. Dipolar interaction and magnetic domains.
Section 2- Program
Heterojunctions and heterostructures. 2, 1, -0 dimensional systems: electronic states and density of states. 2 dimensional electron gases. Characteristics lengths for the electrical transport in low dimensional systems. Resonant tunnel diode. Aharonov-Bohm effect. Balistic transport and conductance quantization in 1D systems. 2D gas in a magnetic field: Shuinikov-de-Haas oscillations and quantum Hall effect. Single electron tunneling and coulomb blockade effects. Single electron transistor. Semiconductor qu-bits for quantum computing (brief).
Optical properties of nanostructures: interband and intersubband transitions in quantum wells. Nanostructures for light-emitters: heterostructure LED and lasers, quantum cascade lasers (brief).
Grosso-Pastori-Parravicini: "Solid State Physics"
Datta s.: Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems [Cambridge university press ]
Davies j. H. : The physics of low dimensional semiconductors [Cambridge university press)
Section 1 ProgramElectronic properties of solids
Reminds on band structure calculation methods. Band structure of III-V and IV semiconductors. Band structures and Fermi surfaces of selected metals. Effective mass approximation. Impurity levels in doped semiconductors.
Transport properties
The Drude Model. Semiclassical equations of transport. Boltzmann equation. Electron phonon interaction. Relaxation time approximation. Electrical conductivity in the relaxation time approximation. Thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity. Drift and diffusion currents. Generation and recombination of electron-hole pairs in semiconductors. Continuity equation. Recombination times and diffusion length. Current voltage characteristics of the p-n junction.
Optical properties
Maxwell Equations in solids. Complex Dielectric Constant. Absorption and reflection coefficients. Kramers Kronig Relations. Lorentz Oscillator. The Drude theory of the optical properties of metals. Optical properties of semiconductors and insulators. Direct interband transitions and critical points. Optical constants of Ge and Graphite. Absorption from impurity levels. Exciton effects. Indirect phonon-assisted transitions. Spontaneous and stimulated Emission, Photoluminescence, Electroluminesce, optical gain. Semiconductor diode laser.
Magnetic properties of matter.
Energy levels and density of states of a free electron gas in a magnetic field. Filling of Landau levels as a function of the magnetic field. Magneto-transport.
Quantum mechanical treatment of magnetic susceptibility. Pauli paramagnetism. Magnetic susceptibility of closed-shell systems. Permanent magnetic dipoles in atoms and ions with partially filled shells. Paramagnetism of localized magnetic moments. Curie law. Van Vleck paramagnetism, Pauli paramagnetism and Landau diamagnetism. Magnetic ordering in crystals. Mean field theory of ferromagnetism: Weiss model. Curie-Weiss law. Anti-Ferromagnetism. Exchange interaction and Heisemberg model. Microscopic origin of the coupling between localized magnetic moments. Dipolar interaction and magnetic domains.
Section 2- Program
Heterojunctions and heterostructures. 2, 1, -0 dimensional systems: electronic states and density of states. 2 dimensional electron gases. Characteristics lengths for the electrical transport in low dimensional systems. Resonant tunnel diode. Aharonov-Bohm effect. Balistic transport and conductance quantization in 1D systems. 2D gas in a magnetic field: Shuinikov-de-Haas oscillations and quantum Hall effect. Single electron tunneling and coulomb blockade effects. Single electron transistor. Semiconductor qu-bits for quantum computing (brief).
Optical properties of nanostructures: interband and intersubband transitions in quantum wells. Nanostructures for light-emitters: heterostructure LED and lasers, quantum cascade lasers (brief).
Core Documentation
Ashcroft-Mermin: "Solid State Physics"Grosso-Pastori-Parravicini: "Solid State Physics"
Datta s.: Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems [Cambridge university press ]
Davies j. H. : The physics of low dimensional semiconductors [Cambridge university press)
Type of delivery of the course
Lectures . The details of the mathematical calculations will be performed on the black-board. Some topics will be shown by projecting slides and reporting examples taken from recent scientific literature as an example. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and students' evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods are applied: “ lessons in wen seminar using the Teams platform”.Type of evaluation
final oral examination. The examination consists in 2-3 questions on the topics of the course. The student should demonstrate his capability in putting the requested topic in a more general frame as well as to perform mathematical calculations teacher profile teaching materials
Electronic properties of solids
Reminds on band structure calculation methods. Band structure of III-V and IV semiconductors. Band structures and Fermi surfaces of selected metals. Effective mass approximation. Impurity levels in doped semiconductors.
Transport properties
The Drude Model. Semiclassical equations of transport. Boltzmann equation. Electron phonon interaction. Relaxation time approximation. Electrical conductivity in the relaxation time approximation. Thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity. Drift and diffusion currents. Generation and recombination of electron-hole pairs in semiconductors. Continuity equation. Recombination times and diffusion length. Current voltage characteristics of the p-n junction.
Optical properties
Maxwell Equations in solids. Complex Dielectric Constant. Absorption and reflection coefficients. Kramers Kronig Relations. Lorentz Oscillator. The Drude theory of the optical properties of metals. Optical properties of semiconductors and insulators. Direct interband transitions and critical points. Optical constants of Ge and Graphite. Absorption from impurity levels. Exciton effects. Indirect phonon-assisted transitions. Spontaneous and stimulated Emission, Photoluminescence, Electroluminesce, optical gain. Semiconductor diode laser.
Magnetic properties of matter.
Energy levels and density of states of a free electron gas in a magnetic field. Filling of Landau levels as a function of the magnetic field. Magneto-transport.
Quantum mechanical treatment of magnetic susceptibility. Pauli paramagnetism. Magnetic susceptibility of closed-shell systems. Permanent magnetic dipoles in atoms and ions with partially filled shells. Paramagnetism of localized magnetic moments. Curie law. Van Vleck paramagnetism, Pauli paramagnetism and Landau diamagnetism. Magnetic ordering in crystals. Mean field theory of ferromagnetism: Weiss model. Curie-Weiss law. Anti-Ferromagnetism. Exchange interaction and Heisemberg model. Microscopic origin of the coupling between localized magnetic moments. Dipolar interaction and magnetic domains.
Section 2- Program
Heterojunctions and heterostructures. 2, 1, -0 dimensional systems: electronic states and density of states. 2 dimensional electron gases. Characteristics lengths for the electrical transport in low dimensional systems. Resonant tunnel diode. Aharonov-Bohm effect. Balistic transport and conductance quantization in 1D systems. 2D gas in a magnetic field: Shuinikov-de-Haas oscillations and quantum Hall effect. Single electron tunneling and coulomb blockade effects. Single electron transistor. Semiconductor qu-bits for quantum computing (brief).
Optical properties of nanostructures: interband and intersubband transitions in quantum wells. Nanostructures for light-emitters: heterostructure LED and lasers, quantum cascade lasers (brief).
Grosso-Pastori-Parravicini: "Solid State Physics"
Datta s.: Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems [Cambridge university press ]
Davies j. H. : The physics of low dimensional semiconductors [Cambridge university press)
Section 1 ProgramElectronic properties of solids
Reminds on band structure calculation methods. Band structure of III-V and IV semiconductors. Band structures and Fermi surfaces of selected metals. Effective mass approximation. Impurity levels in doped semiconductors.
Transport properties
The Drude Model. Semiclassical equations of transport. Boltzmann equation. Electron phonon interaction. Relaxation time approximation. Electrical conductivity in the relaxation time approximation. Thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity. Drift and diffusion currents. Generation and recombination of electron-hole pairs in semiconductors. Continuity equation. Recombination times and diffusion length. Current voltage characteristics of the p-n junction.
Optical properties
Maxwell Equations in solids. Complex Dielectric Constant. Absorption and reflection coefficients. Kramers Kronig Relations. Lorentz Oscillator. The Drude theory of the optical properties of metals. Optical properties of semiconductors and insulators. Direct interband transitions and critical points. Optical constants of Ge and Graphite. Absorption from impurity levels. Exciton effects. Indirect phonon-assisted transitions. Spontaneous and stimulated Emission, Photoluminescence, Electroluminesce, optical gain. Semiconductor diode laser.
Magnetic properties of matter.
Energy levels and density of states of a free electron gas in a magnetic field. Filling of Landau levels as a function of the magnetic field. Magneto-transport.
Quantum mechanical treatment of magnetic susceptibility. Pauli paramagnetism. Magnetic susceptibility of closed-shell systems. Permanent magnetic dipoles in atoms and ions with partially filled shells. Paramagnetism of localized magnetic moments. Curie law. Van Vleck paramagnetism, Pauli paramagnetism and Landau diamagnetism. Magnetic ordering in crystals. Mean field theory of ferromagnetism: Weiss model. Curie-Weiss law. Anti-Ferromagnetism. Exchange interaction and Heisemberg model. Microscopic origin of the coupling between localized magnetic moments. Dipolar interaction and magnetic domains.
Section 2- Program
Heterojunctions and heterostructures. 2, 1, -0 dimensional systems: electronic states and density of states. 2 dimensional electron gases. Characteristics lengths for the electrical transport in low dimensional systems. Resonant tunnel diode. Aharonov-Bohm effect. Balistic transport and conductance quantization in 1D systems. 2D gas in a magnetic field: Shuinikov-de-Haas oscillations and quantum Hall effect. Single electron tunneling and coulomb blockade effects. Single electron transistor. Semiconductor qu-bits for quantum computing (brief).
Optical properties of nanostructures: interband and intersubband transitions in quantum wells. Nanostructures for light-emitters: heterostructure LED and lasers, quantum cascade lasers (brief).
Core Documentation
Ashcroft-Mermin: "Solid State Physics"Grosso-Pastori-Parravicini: "Solid State Physics"
Datta s.: Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems [Cambridge university press ]
Davies j. H. : The physics of low dimensional semiconductors [Cambridge university press)
Type of delivery of the course
Lectures . The details of the mathematical calculations will be performed on the black-board. Some topics will be shown by projecting slides and reporting examples taken from recent scientific literature as an example. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and students' evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods are applied: “ lessons in wen seminar using the Teams platform”.Type of evaluation
final oral examination. The examination consists in 2-3 questions on the topics of the course. The student should demonstrate his capability in putting the requested topic in a more general frame as well as to perform mathematical calculations