20410420 - AN420 - NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 2

Introduce to the study and implementation of more advanced numerical approximation techniques, in particular related to approximate solution of ordinary differential equations, and to a further advanced topic to be chosen between the optimization and the fundamentals of approximation of partial differential equations.


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Mutuazione: 20410420 AN420 - ANALISI NUMERICA 2 in Scienze Computazionali LM-40 FERRETTI ROBERTO


Ordinary Differential Equations
Finite difference approximation for ordinary differential equations: Euler's method. Consistency, stability, absolute stability. Second order Runge-Kutta methods.
Single step implicit methods: backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson methods. Convergence of single step methods. Multi-step methods: general structure, complexity, absolute stability. Stability and consistency of multi-step methods. Adams methods, BDF methods, Predictor-Corrector methods. (Reference: Chapter 7 of curse notes "Appunti del corso di Analisi Numerica")

Partial Differential Equations
Finite difference approximation for partial differential equations. Semi-discrete approximations and convergence. The Lax-Richtmeyer theorem. Transport equation: the method of characteristics. The "Upwind" (semi-discrete and fully-discrete) scheme, consistency and stability. Heat equation: Fourier approximation. Finite difference scheme, consistency and stability. Poisson equation: Fourier approximation. Finite difference scheme, convergence. (Reference: notes by R. LeVeque, "Finite Difference methods for differential equations", selected chapters 1, 2, 3, 12, 13)

Core Documentation

Roberto Ferretti, "Appunti del corso di Analisi Numerica", in pdf on the course page

Roberto Ferretti, "Esercizi d'esame di Analisi Numerica", in pdf on the course page

Lecture slides in pdf on the course page

Additional notes provided by the teacher

Type of delivery of the course

frontal teaching course, with coding lab activity



Type of evaluation

theoretical written test (2h30m) and matlab programming test on the numerical schemes introduced in the course (2h)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410420 AN420 - ANALISI NUMERICA 2 in Scienze Computazionali LM-40 FERRETTI ROBERTO


Ordinary Differential Equations
Finite difference approximation for ordinary differential equations: Euler's method. Consistency, stability, absolute stability. Second order Runge-Kutta methods.
Single step implicit methods: backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson methods. Convergence of single step methods. Multi-step methods: general structure, complexity, absolute stability. Stability and consistency of multi-step methods. Adams methods, BDF methods, Predictor-Corrector methods. (Reference: Chapter 7 of curse notes "Appunti del corso di Analisi Numerica")

Partial Differential Equations
Finite difference approximation for partial differential equations. Semi-discrete approximations and convergence. The Lax-Richtmeyer theorem. Transport equation: the method of characteristics. The "Upwind" (semi-discrete and fully-discrete) scheme, consistency and stability. Heat equation: Fourier approximation. Finite difference scheme, consistency and stability. Poisson equation: Fourier approximation. Finite difference scheme, convergence. (Reference: notes by R. LeVeque, "Finite Difference methods for differential equations", selected chapters 1, 2, 3, 12, 13)

Core Documentation

Roberto Ferretti, "Appunti del corso di Analisi Numerica", in pdf on the course page

Roberto Ferretti, "Esercizi d'esame di Analisi Numerica", in pdf on the course page

Lecture slides in pdf on the course page

Additional notes provided by the teacher

Type of delivery of the course

frontal teaching course, with coding lab activity



Type of evaluation

theoretical written test (2h30m) and matlab programming test on the numerical schemes introduced in the course (2h)