The objectives of the course are to enable the students to acquire the necessary skills to practice an affective teaching of Physics in the secondary school, with particular attention to: a) knowledgeÿof literature research on Physic teaching; the Italian educational system and school regulations; b) the design of culturally significant educational paths for Physics teaching; c) the production of materials for the measurement and verification of learning through the exercise of formative evaluation; d) the role of the "laboratory" as a way of working that involves students in an active and participated way, which encourages experimentation and planning.
teacher profile teaching materials
Module 2. Physics education, a research fieldOrigin and development of research in physics education in Italy; the constructivist paradigm; concepts and misconceptions; research on mental representations; conceptual change models; the conceptual nuclei of Physics.
Module 3. Scientific teaching in secondary school Design the curriculum of Physics in the different orders and in the various study addresses; the teaching / learning process; orientation teaching and laboratory teaching as a didactic methodological approach; from content to programming by skills; training orientation.
Module 4. The role of the "laboratory" in learning Physics Integration between theory and experimental verification; from observation of the phenomenon to the construction of the model; the different ways of "doing laboratory"; design of work units identifying the most appropriate experimental activities (demonstration; in the classroom with poor materials, in the instrumental laboratory, simulated through multimedia aids); implementation of laboratory operational skills for experiment management.
Module 5. Flexible and modular design of content / knowledge, teaching methodologies and learning environments Core foundations of Physics; analysis and planning of didactic courses that respond to verticality criteria (evolution of concepts coherent and appropriate to students' cognitive development) and transversality (integration of Physics with other disciplines); simulations of teaching methodologies such as: dialogue lesson, microteaching, co-planning, peer-to-peer evaluation, cooperative learning activities, group work.
Module 6. Learning evaluation of learning Modes and tools used in the various stages of monitoring, measurement, verification, evaluation and self-evaluation of learning; identification of learning contexts capable of developing and detecting skills; the National Evaluation System (SNV).
Module 7. Modern and Contemporary Physics The role of modern and contemporary Physics in school curricula: what content / paths to propose that guarantee students a real understanding of them. The new State Exam and the role of Physics in the second written test in scientific high schools. Instrumental laboratory. Five instrumental laboratories of three hours each in the months of March, April and May.
Arons Arnold B. 1992, Guida all'insegnamento della fisica, Zanichelli•P. Guidoni, M. Arcà 2000 –Guardare per sistemi e guardare per variabili –l’educazione scientifica di base -AIF Editore•Vicentini M., Mayer M. (a cura di) (1999). Didattica della Fisica, Loescher Editore.•Grimellini Tomasini N., Segré G. (a cura di) (1991). Conoscenze scientifiche: le rappresentazioni mentali degli studenti, La Nuova Italia, Firenze.•La fisica secondo il PSSC, 25 film del Physical Science Study-Zanichelli•F. Bocci, Manuale per il laboratorio di fisica: introduzione all’analisi dei dati sperimentali -Zanichell
Fruizione: 20410502 DIDATTICA DELLA FISICA in Fisica LM-17 DE ANGELIS ILARIA, Postiglione Adriana
Module 1. From common knowledge to scientific knowledge. The indicators of scientific knowledge; the contribution of formal education to the image of science; scientific communication.Module 2. Physics education, a research fieldOrigin and development of research in physics education in Italy; the constructivist paradigm; concepts and misconceptions; research on mental representations; conceptual change models; the conceptual nuclei of Physics.
Module 3. Scientific teaching in secondary school Design the curriculum of Physics in the different orders and in the various study addresses; the teaching / learning process; orientation teaching and laboratory teaching as a didactic methodological approach; from content to programming by skills; training orientation.
Module 4. The role of the "laboratory" in learning Physics Integration between theory and experimental verification; from observation of the phenomenon to the construction of the model; the different ways of "doing laboratory"; design of work units identifying the most appropriate experimental activities (demonstration; in the classroom with poor materials, in the instrumental laboratory, simulated through multimedia aids); implementation of laboratory operational skills for experiment management.
Module 5. Flexible and modular design of content / knowledge, teaching methodologies and learning environments Core foundations of Physics; analysis and planning of didactic courses that respond to verticality criteria (evolution of concepts coherent and appropriate to students' cognitive development) and transversality (integration of Physics with other disciplines); simulations of teaching methodologies such as: dialogue lesson, microteaching, co-planning, peer-to-peer evaluation, cooperative learning activities, group work.
Module 6. Learning evaluation of learning Modes and tools used in the various stages of monitoring, measurement, verification, evaluation and self-evaluation of learning; identification of learning contexts capable of developing and detecting skills; the National Evaluation System (SNV).
Module 7. Modern and Contemporary Physics The role of modern and contemporary Physics in school curricula: what content / paths to propose that guarantee students a real understanding of them. The new State Exam and the role of Physics in the second written test in scientific high schools. Instrumental laboratory. Five instrumental laboratories of three hours each in the months of March, April and May.
Core Documentation
Students can take advantage of the following teaching material on the Platform of the Department of Mathematics and Physics: Power-pointrelative presentations to the contents of the lessons, research articles, work material (texts to be analyzed taken from textbooks, articles of scientific dissemination, original memories , “tutorial” cards, videos, applets, cards for group work, grids for assessing learning, web-sites).ESSENTIAL BIBLIOGRAFY
Arons Arnold B. 1992, Guida all'insegnamento della fisica, Zanichelli•P. Guidoni, M. Arcà 2000 –Guardare per sistemi e guardare per variabili –l’educazione scientifica di base -AIF Editore•Vicentini M., Mayer M. (a cura di) (1999). Didattica della Fisica, Loescher Editore.•Grimellini Tomasini N., Segré G. (a cura di) (1991). Conoscenze scientifiche: le rappresentazioni mentali degli studenti, La Nuova Italia, Firenze.•La fisica secondo il PSSC, 25 film del Physical Science Study-Zanichelli•F. Bocci, Manuale per il laboratorio di fisica: introduzione all’analisi dei dati sperimentali -Zanichell
Type of delivery of the course
The lectures highlight some "methodological" aspects of the didactic action and the ways of working that the national and international didactic research consider more appropriate for the significant and lasting learning of Physics and Sciences. A wide variety of teaching methodologies are shown in action. The students experience: dialogue lesson, microteaching, co-planning, peer-to-peer assessment, cooperative learning activities, group work with the support of a "tutorial" sheet. In the workshop activities, discussion and group work seen as an ordinary methodology for the development of educational and professional growth projects. The way of working is therefore collaborative through the socialization of didactic experiences, the comparison of ideas and reflection on concrete problems.Type of evaluation
THE EXAMINATION CONSISTS OF AN ORAL TEST teacher profile teaching materials
Fruizione: 20410502 DIDATTICA DELLA FISICA in Fisica LM-17 DE ANGELIS ILARIA, Postiglione Adriana
see the profile of the professor in charge of the courseCore Documentation
see the profile of the professor in charge of the courseType of delivery of the course
see the profile of the professor in charge of the courseType of evaluation
see the profile of the professor in charge of the course