22910169 - Children's literature

With the course of Children’s literature, students will be able to achieve the following educational goals:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge in the field of children's literature, with particular attention to the historical development of this discipline and the aspects of research and the interpretative criticism of literary text for children
- knowledge of the prospects and theoretical models of children’s literature
- knowledge of the main models of didactic design and evaluation methods of the child-narrative-book relationship.
- knowledge of IT tools and technologies for innovation-based teaching, in particular relating to the use of paper and digital texts
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- ability to create an authentic educational relationship aimed at emotional-emotional, socio-cultural and cognitive maturation gained through a conscious use of pre-reading and reading;
- ability to design and realize training paths that use narrative and book with a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and learning progression;
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- Attitudes to problematize situations and educational events, to analyze them deeply and to elaborate them in a reflective way, putting children in the condition of always elaborating a personal reading perspective;
- Aptitude to consider alternative solutions to problems and to make decisions that respond to the children’s training needs, stimulating them, for example, from switching from verbal to graphic language when approaching narratives;
- Aptitude to renew didactic practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation through the use of appropriately selected editorial products.
In terms of communicative abilities:
- ability to expose in an organized manner the objectives and the nature of the educational activity through educational planning, with particular reference to the use of illustrated stories;
- the ability to entertain positive relationships with families, showing openness and genuine interest in dialogue and adopting the humanistic-affective log of communication, with particular reference to families of different culture or religion;
- the ability to use digital communication tools in educational contexts.
In terms of learning ability:
- Aptitude to always extend their knowledge of editorial novelties in the field of literature for children.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will take place in both the first and second semester.
The Children's Literature course is aimed at future nursery and children's services educators in order to provide them with hermeneutical, didactic, historiographic, linguistic, playful and iconographic tools useful to face, with due pedagogical awareness, the reading of texts intended for children.
The lessons will be mainly dedicated to the identification of strategies and methods to educate children in reading and to stimulate in them the necessary motivational processes. Reading aloud, animated reading, the construction of the reading environment, the physical relationship with the object-book, the reading of images, the places to promote reading (nursery, school, library, playroom, home, etc.), the creative relationship between narration, reading and writing: these are just some of the great themes that go through and determine the complex relationship of the child with the literary and iconic text and that need to be tackled with care and pedagogical professionalism in order to counter the serious problem of young people moving away from reading practices and the use of literary texts.
Alongside these theoretical aspects, the lessons of Prof. Cantatore will be characterised by:
1. appropriate historical focus to identify the most important steps in the progressive formation of a literary tradition specifically dedicated to early childhood;
2. practical demonstrations of how to read a book to/with children (in this case the active participation of the students is foreseen).
During the course, cinematic transpositions of literary texts for children will be shown and writers, illustrators, critics, publishers, booksellers, educators and teachers specialised in children's literature will be invited to give lessons.
The course will also include virtual meetings between the teacher and the students by telematic means (exchange of teaching materials, urgent notices, information on events related to children's literature in which it is possible to participate such as exhibitions, shows, exhibitions, fairs, etc.). It is therefore essential that all students subscribe to the Roma Tre formonline platform.

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Core Documentation

• Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, Come si uccidono le anime, a cura di L. Cantatore, Edizioni ETS
• Susanna Barsotti, Lorenzo Cantatore (a cura di), Letteratura per l’infanzia: forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo, Carocci
• In cerca di guai. Studiare la letteratura per l’infanzia, Junior

Albi illustrati:
• Leo Lionni, Piccolo blu e piccolo giallo¸ Babalibri
• Maurice Sendak, Nel paese dei mostri selvaggi, Adelphi
• Roberto Innocenti, Rosa Bianca, La Margherita

Romanzi (da leggere in edizione integrale):
• Lewis Carrol, Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie (edizione consigliata Rizzoli)
• Collodi, Le avventure di Pinocchio (edizione consigliata Feltrinelli)
• Ferenc Molnár, I ragazzi della via Pál (edizione consigliata Feltrinelli)
• Robert Louis Stevenson, L’isola del tesoro (edizione consigliata Rizzoli)
• Mark Twain, Le avventure di Tom Sawyer (edizione consigliata Rizzoli)
• Vamba, Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca (edizione consigliata Rizzoli)
• Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Calzelunghe (edizione consigliata Salani)
• Michael Ende, La storia infinita (edizione consigliata Salani)
• Roald Dahl, Matilda

Type of delivery of the course

Oral interview

Type of evaluation

Oral interview

teacher profile | teaching materials


Il corso di Letteratura per l’infanzia è rivolto ai futuri educatori di nido e dei servizi per l’infanzia per fornire loro strumenti ermeneutici, didattici, storiografici, linguistici, ludici e iconografici utili ad affrontare, con la dovuta consapevolezza pedagogica, la lettura di testi destinati al pubblico dei bambini.
Le lezioni saranno dedicate prevalentemente all’individuazione delle strategie e dei metodi per educare i più piccoli alla lettura e per stimolare in loro i necessari processi motivazionali. La lettura ad alta voce, la lettura animata, la costruzione dell’ambiente di lettura, il rapporto fisico con l’oggetto-libro, la lettura delle immagini, i luoghi dove svolgere promozione della lettura (nido, scuola, biblioteca, ludoteca, casa ecc.), il rapporto creativo fra narrazione, lettura e scrittura: sono questi solo alcuni dei grandi temi che attraversano e determinano il complesso rapporto del bambino con il testo letterario e iconico e che occorre affrontare con cura e professionalità pedagogica per contrastare il grave problema dell’allontanamento dei giovani dalle pratiche di lettura e dalla fruizione dei testi letterari.
Accanto a questi aspetti teorici le lezioni saranno caratterizzate da:
1. opportuni focus storici per individuare i passaggi più importanti del progressivo formarsi di una tradizione letteraria specificamente dedicata alla prima infanzia;
2. dimostrazioni pratiche di come si può leggere un libro ai/con i bambini (in questo caso è prevista l’attiva partecipazione degli studenti).

Core Documentation

• Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, Come si uccidono le anime, a cura di L. Cantatore, Edizioni ETS
• Susanna Barsotti, Lorenzo Cantatore (a cura di), Letteratura per l’infanzia: forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo, Carocci
• In cerca di guai. Studiare la letteratura per l’infanzia, Junior

• Leo Lionni, Piccolo blu e piccolo giallo¸ Babalibri
• Maurice Sendak, Nel paese dei mostri selvaggi, Adelphi
• Roberto Innocenti, Rosa Bianca, La Margherita

Novels (to be read in full-length editions):
• Lewis Carrol, Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie (suggested edition Rizzoli)
• Collodi, Le avventure di Pinocchio (suggested edition Feltrinelli)
• Ferenc Molnár, I ragazzi della via Pál (suggested editionFeltrinelli)
• Robert Louis Stevenson, L’isola del tesoro (suggested edition Rizzoli)
• Mark Twain, Le avventure di Tom Sawyer (suggested edition Rizzoli)
• Vamba, Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca (suggested edition Rizzoli)
• Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Calzelunghe (suggested edition Salani)
• Michael Ende, La storia infinita (suggested edition Salani)
• Roald Dahl, Matilda

Type of delivery of the course

The lessons will be held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam on the programme.