The aim of the course is to provide an essential picture of the concepts and theoretical perspectives that can be used to observe and account in a sociologically appropriate way for the main phenomena of contemporary social reality

At the end of the course the student has:
- knowledge and ability to use the basic sociological lexicon
- ability to apply sociological concepts to the analysis of the main phenomena and processes that characterize the transformations of contemporary society.
teacher profile | teaching materials


If you think of sociology as reflective thinking about man, on his acting in society, one can say that he has always existed: from philosophy, literature, scholars of all ages to the most diverse fields. A science stems from the need for men to meet certain needs, proposing answers, practical solutions to certain problems or cognitive needs. Early sociological elaborations were attempts to reach an understanding of how, and through which actors, society was transforming and provide some guidance in establishing new social orders. As the problems of urban and industrial societies worsened, both in size and complexity, as the capitalist system developed, new political movements emerged and with them collective movements, sociology assumed the task of investigating and try to solve the multiple problems of a modern society. Today, the sociologist has to be able to analyze and respond to other issues of social coexistence: globalization, ecology, gender and sexuality, migrations ... great themes that bring in the transformations of social relationships, family, stratification , education, religion, the arts, the use of mass media. The course intends to address the forms and changes of living in society, according to different theories and methods of investigation. Particular attention will be paid to the topics closest to the professional path of the Degree Course.
During the course seminars will be organized.
Students are required to present on the day of the exam (not in written form) an oral speech relating to a research project conceived and freely chosen from one of the topics covered by the course (e.g. how to study in the field the presence of immigrants in a district of one's city / country) using sociological theories, elaborating personal research hypotheses, choosing research techniques that are considered most suitable. For further information, students are invited to attend the lessons or contact the teacher to arrange a meeting during the student reception.

Core Documentation


Testi di esame consigliati:

1) Neil J. Smelser, Manuale di Sociologia, Il Mulino
Franco Ferrarotti, Manuale di Sociologia, Laterza (in biblioteca)
Nuovo Manuale di Sociologia, a cura di R. Cipriani, Maggioli Ed, Seconda edizione

2) un testo a scelta tra:
E. Goffman, La vita quotidiana come rappresentazione o I rituali dell’interazione, L. Berger, T. Luckmann, La realtà come costruzione sociale, M. Weber,Lo spirito protestante e le origini del capitalismo o La scienza come professione. La politica come professione, , E. Durkheim, Il Suicidio, P. H. Marcuse, L’uomo ad una dimensione, W. Adorno, La personalità autoritaria, P. Bourdieu, Il dominio maschile, Feltrinelli, C.W. Mills, L'immaginazione sociologica, Il Saggiatore, Hannah Arendt, Vita activa o Le origini del totalitarismo, qualsiasi edizione, Franco Ferrarotti, La sociologia alla riscoperta della qualità/oppure/ La sociologia, Agnes Heller, Per una teoria dei sentimenti, Mary Wollstonecraft, I diritti delle donne, Z. Bauman, Amore liquido.

3) Milena Gammaitoni, Storie di vita di artiste europee, dal Medioevo alla contemporaneità, Cleup, Padova

4) Un testo a scelta tra:
(qualsiasi edizione, molti testi sono presenti in biblioteca e si possono richiedere nel sistema interbibliotecario nazionale)

M. D’Amato a cura, Immaginario e satanismo, K. Carnà, S. Rossetti, Corpi e identità, donne dal subcontinente indiano all’Italia, Maori Ed. 2021, Grassi E., Etica e intelligenza artificiale, questioni aperte, Armando, 2020, Chiara Carbone, Voci indigene e saperi sovversivi, Le donne Maori innovano le conoscenze, Mimesis, 2021, K Carnà, Nuove identità in una società multietnica, Percorsi tra scuole, religioni, famiglie, Cleup, 2020, C. Costa, B. Morsello, Incerta religiosità, forme molteplici del credere, Franco Angeli, 2020, F. Antonelli, a cura, Genere, sessualità e teorie sociologiche, Cedam, 2018, A. Romeo, Per una sociologia del corpo, Mondadori, 2018, I. Bartholini, Violenza di prossimità. La vittima, il carnefice, lo spettatore e il «grande occhio», M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Le arti e la politica. Le risposte della sociologia, Cleup, 2015, M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Per una sociologia delle arti. Storia e storie di vita, Cleup, 2012 L. Aversano, O. Caianiello, M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Musiciste e Compositrici, Storia e storie di vita, SEdM, 2021 ( ordinabile nel sito www.sedm.it), M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Roma in mutamento? Intercultura e inclusione per servizi pubblici innovativi, Cleup, 2021.
I libri dell'editore Cleup si possono ordinare direttamente a redazione@cleup.it oppure on line su ibs libri,

Reference Bibliography

Luciano Gallino, Dizionario di Sociologia Franco Ferrarotti Trattato di Sociologia Nicolò Govoni, Se fosse tuo figlio Elena Giannini Belotti dalla parte delle bambine Marina D’Amato, Ci siamo persi i bambini, Laterza

Type of delivery of the course

SOral about Texts and all students are required to present on the day of the exam (not in written form) an oral speech relating to a research project conceived and freely chosen from one of the topics covered by the course (e.g. how to study in the field the presence of immigrants in a district of one's city / country) using sociological theories, elaborating personal research hypotheses, choosing research techniques that are considered most suitable. For further information, students are invited to attend the lessons or contact the teacher to arrange a meeting during the student reception

Type of evaluation

Exam on textes suggested and all Students are required to present on the day of the exam (not in written form) an oral speech relating to a research project conceived and freely chosen from one of the topics covered by the course (e.g. how to study in the field the presence of immigrants in a district of one's city / country) using sociological theories, elaborating personal research hypotheses, choosing research techniques that are considered most suitable. For further information, students are invited to attend the lessons or contact the teacher to arrange a meeting during the student reception