teacher profile teaching materials
The internal internship is a single path of recognition and mapping of the services on the territory by the student.
The external internship instead provides the possibility of enhancing the experiential dimension of the future professional, integrating it with the theoretical-disciplinary references learned.
The socio-pedagogical professional educator profile provides for the acquisition of basic knowledge, skills and technical skills in line with the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 594 of Law 205/2017.The internal internship is a single path of recognition and mapping of the services on the territory by the student.
The external internship instead provides the possibility of enhancing the experiential dimension of the future professional, integrating it with the theoretical-disciplinary references learned.
Core Documentation
Olivieri F., Le professioni educative tra Italia e Europa: percorsi di pedagogia professionale. Ed. Il papavero.http://edizioniilpapavero.it/catalogo/collane-scientifiche/il-gomitolo/fabio-olivieri
Type of delivery of the course
There is no exam.Type of evaluation
The evaluation of the external internship takes place by the teacher tutor of reference, having as elements of interest: the process of internship , the student's final report and the report of the company tutor.