teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22902520-1 ANTROPLOGIA CULTURALE E SOCIALE in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 POMPEO FRANCESCO


The main course of 6 credits in presence proposes a survey of themes and central problems of cultural and social anthropology. After having retraced some hubs of research - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, some research lines will therefore be studied in depth with a selection of themes from scientific journals.This program may be integrated with the 3 cfu Ethnography Laboratory.

Core Documentation

a. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino, (Fourth edition revised and extended)

b. Contemporary Ethnographic Lectures

1. Lila Abu-Lughod, «Le donne musulmane hanno veramente bisogno di essere salvate? Riflessioni antropologiche sul relativismo culturale e i suoi altri» (PDF disponibile su Teams).

2. Emanuela Naclerio, «Diventare musulmane : riflessioni sull’esperienza di alcune donne convertite all’Islam in Italia» (PDF disponibile su Teams).

3. Enzo V. Alliegro, «Contaminazione ambientale ed elaborazione del rischio sanitario: i costi dell’incertezza. Una ricerca antropologica sul “gass-ra-doon” nel quartiere “Tamburi” (Taranto)», Archivio antropologico mediterraneo [Online], Anno XXI, n. 20 (2) | 2018. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/aam/623; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/aam.623

4. Andrea Filippo Ravenda, «“Frizioni famigliari”. Lavoratori, salute e conflitti in un’area industriale siciliana», Archivio antropologico mediterraneo [Online], Anno XXIII, n. 22 (1) | 2020. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/aam/2724; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/aam.2724

5. Valentina Porcellana, «Diventare ‘senza fissa dimora’. Politiche e pratiche del welfare alla lente dell’etnografia» (PDF disponibile su Teams).

6. Veronica Redini, «Fabule e Trame. Una prospettiva etnografica su lavoro e movimento nella produzione globale (PDF disponibile su Teams).

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching takes place mainly in the traditional way, in addition to seminar meetings and some online materials.In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.

Type of evaluation

The general mode is the oral examination: students will bring the expected program and will be assessed through an interview on the texts (one / two questions for each text for a maximum duration of 20 minutes). The written, or multiple choice questionnaire is optional and can be requested or proposed in relation to large numbers. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.