22910158 - Organizational sociology

The teaching of Sociology of organizations will make students acquire the basic concepts of the theoretical framework of organizational sociology and examine the interconnections with other disciplines, which have, as their object of study, work and organizations, through the analysis of organizational theories and empirical study of new organizational models operating in innovative companies and public administrations.

The Workshop on Organisational Learning proposes:
 to illustrate and to comment principal concepts related to the theoretical framework, which describes and explains the organisational learning, with particular reference to factors which promote it;
 to understand the relevance for the organizational practice of the concepts and models discussed through the presentation of one case study.

The workshop on Empowerment Tools for organisations aims to achieve, in particular, the following learning objectives.
1. Provide useful theoretical and methodological assumptions to understand various tools of empowerment of the subject and the specificity that characterizes them for organizational purposes, with a focus on counseling and coaching.
2. Develop emotional skills, self-evaluation and reflective skills, through the experiential dimension, that will allow them to experience some of the tools of personal growth that will be presented.
3. Promote critical reflection on the organizational use of such instruments.
Knowledge and understanding:
- to provide knowledge of historical, theoretical and methodological models for the transition from Taylor-Fordist type of organizational and bureaucratic approach “cognitive”, and the analysis of the interconnections of a cultural and management relating to the affirmation of the company network and the Total Quality Management.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- to develop skills and expertise in the analysis of the processes of evolution of organizational models, on the development of organizational learning, in view of intertwining of individual and collective dynamics in the functioning of organizations and the necessary integration between the strategic variables: people, processes, technologies and facilities.
Making judgements:
- to promote critical analysis of the evolution of organizational models in public administration, on the transformation of the bureaucratic model and the success of the telocratic model of new public management, based on analysis of business case studies and testimonials.
Communication skills:
- can communicate about their understanding, skills and activities, concerning the course contents, with peers, supervisors and clients.
Learning skills:
- have the learning skills to undertake further studies related to the analysis of the various organizational models, with particular attention to the structural and cultural dimensions, to the coordination mechanisms, to the redesign of innovative organizational models, with a high degree of autonomy.

Organisational Learning
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- acquire the fundamental concepts of the theoretical framework of organizational learning: the pushes and resistance to change within an organization; organizational learning and skills development; organizational learning as a key to preside over change and innovation; explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge and knowledge management; reflexive skills as a key to a balanced development of competences in organizations.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- develop skills in the analysis of explicit and tacit learning processes in organizations.
In terms of independent judgment:
- develop the capacity for critical analysis of the evolution of the reference theoretical models of organizational learning.
In terms of communication skills:
- being able to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems and solutions, relating to the topics of the course, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
In terms of learning ability:
- develop the skills to undertake subsequent studies, related to the analysis of organizational learning models, to the design of analysis models, even innovative ones, with a high degree of autonomy.

Empowerment Tools for organisations
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- acquire the fundamental concepts related to organizational empowerment tools by comparing methodologies and experimenting with some approaches to improve organizational processes and enhance human resources.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- develop skills to recognize and implement different tools in use
In terms of independent judgment:
- to develop the capacity for critical analysis with respect to the evolution of theoretical models related to organizational planning and the valorisation of HR.
In terms of communication skills:
- being able to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems and solutions, relating to the topics of the course, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
In terms of learning ability:
- develop the skills to undertake subsequent studies, related to the evolution of empowerment tools for organizations, to the planning and sharing of experiences and good practices with a high degree of autonomy.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course contemplates three main parts.
The first one provides knowledge of historical, theoretical and methodological models for the transition from Taylor-Fordist type of organizational and bureaucratic approach “cognitive”, and the analysis of the interconnections of a cultural and management relating to the affirmation of the company network and the Total Quality Management.
The second part aims to develop skills and expertise in the analysis of the processes of evolution of organizational models, on the development of organizational learning, in view of intertwining of individual and collective dynamics in the functioning of organizations and the necessary integration between the strategic variables: people, processes, technologies and facilities.
The last one has to objective to promote a critical analysis of the evolution of organizational models in public administration, on the transformation of the bureaucratic model and the success of the telocratic model of new public management, based on analysis of business case studies and testimonials.

Core Documentation

COCOZZA A., Organizzazioni. Culture, modelli, governance, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014.
COCOZZA A., Il sistema scuola. Autonomia, sviluppo e responsabilità nel lifewide learning, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.

Type of delivery of the course

In addition to the online supporting material, online team work is promoted about the analysis of the proposed themes.

Type of evaluation

The learning evaluation takes place through a final oral exam, during which these issues are examined in depth: - the fundamental concepts of the theoretical reference framework proposed during the course, illustrated also in the adopted texts; - the acquired skills to analyze and compare policies related to the topics of organization, training and skills development, negotiation and regulation of employment relationships in the PAs.

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The main topics are:
The theoretical and operational model of organizational learning in Argyris and Schön
The complexity and environmental instability factors and the need of change in organizations (introduction to the change management)
The incentives and resistances to change within an organization
Organizational learning and competences development: the Boyatzis model
Organizational learning as a key to oversee change and innovation: the March model
Explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge and knowledge management (introduction to knowledge management ): from Polanyi to Nonaka
Reflexive skills as a key to a balanced development of competences in organizations
Presentation of a case study of organizational learning tools and methods / Planning and implementation of the project of organizational learning in a highly innovative enterprise

Core Documentation

Argyris, C. & Schon, D.A. (1998). Apprendimento organizzativo. Teoria, metodo e pratiche. Milano: Guerini e Associati.

Type of delivery of the course

Topics will be introduced by the teacher and discussed by participants through team works and individual study, during face-to-face lessons. Workshops will be proposed in online way on the platform FORMONLINE. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: the lessons will take place on the TEAMS platform and will be accompanied by workshops proposed on FORMONLINE.

Type of evaluation

Students' learning will be assessed on the basis of knowledge acquired thanks to individual study and the in-depth analysis of the text proposed, and of competences acquired thanks to the team work on the case study. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Given the complexity of contemporary organizational contexts, increasingly characterized by network structures with high organizational and technological complexity, the advanced Sociology of Organizations module intends to dwell in particular on the thrusts introduced by the whirling digital innovation process.
In continuity with the course of Sociology of the organization (6 - CFU Prof. Cocozza), which presents the theoretical frame of reference of the sociological organizational disciplines and the new organizational models that tend to increasingly recognize the person as a strategic lever of development.

Given the complexity of contemporary organizational contexts, increasingly characterized by reticular structures with high relational, emotional and communicative complexity, the laboratory "Empowerment tools in organizations" intends to illustrate to students the most functional methodologies and tools for managing this complexity, in a perspective of empowerment of the subject and the organization.
In continuity with the Sociology of Organization course which presents the theoretical reference framework of the sociological organizational disciplines and the new organizational models that tend to increasingly recognize the person as a strategic lever of development, particular attention will be dedicated to the tools of personal growth such as philosophical practices, counseling and coaching nowadays widely used also in managerial training and considered important tools for enhancing and coordinating groups.
The laboratory is characterized by its theoretical-practical setting with which it is intended to provide students in addition to the necessary theoretical framework of reference also an experiential dimension through which to mature a personal growth process that leads them to develop emotional skills, self-evaluative and reflective, today fundamental for living and working in a complex society.
The laboratory alternates theoretical sessions with practical sessions aimed at activating / exercising emotional competence. An integral part of the workshop is the creation of individual thematic in-depth courses.
Given its experiential nature, attendance is strongly recommended, however, those who cannot participate in the meetings can agree with the teacher targeted exercises to be performed remotely through the e-learning learning environment that will support all interactions with the teacher and with the class group.

Core Documentation

Study Materials
 study material provided by the teacher
 Ashkanasy N., Humphrey R., Current Emotion Research i Organizational Behavior, in Emotion Review, Vol. 3, n. 2, Aproò 2011).

A book to be chosen among:

1. Ken Blanchard , John P. Carlos , Alan Randolph, Le tre chiavi dell'empowerment. Come liberare il potenziale dei collaboratori offrendo dei risultati entusiasmanti, Franco Angeli

2. Ron Johnson , David Redmond, L'arte dell'empowerment. Come realizzare un'organizzazione snella più competitiva coinvolgendo e responsabilizzando il personale, Franco Angeli

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

The methodology adopted: Research-Based Learning The laboratory is based on a research path that sees the students as active protagonists through individual works alternated with moments of presentation, reflection and collaboration in groups. Written test for attending and non-attending students with a critical summary of one of the texts chosen from those proposed Oral interview on the course contents.