Promote in students the knowledge about the empirical-experimental methodologies used in educational research in order to develop basic skills for the recognition and detection of the variables that influence and co-determine educational phenomena. In detail, the following learning objectives are described:
- Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of empirical research methods in education.
- Ability to apply knowledge and development of critical ability
Understanding, planning and implementing empirical research in education
Learn to evaluate and use the results of empirical studies and evaluate an empirical research plan.


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History, theoretical models and methods of investigation in empirical research in education.
Methods and tools for the scientific study of cognitive processes: mental schemes, interests and didactic-evaluation questions.
Emotions, motivations, psychic conflict and dynamics (processes and outcomes) of learning.

Core Documentation

1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.

2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED.

3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.

Type of delivery of the course

A mixed mode will be adopted: face-to-face and online. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the remote modalities via Teams will be applied.

Type of evaluation

Colloquium centered on the themes of the program

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22910271 Sperimentazione educativa in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 BIASCI VALERIA


History, theoretical models and methods of investigation in empirical research in education.
Methods and tools for the scientific study of cognitive processes: mental schemes, interests and didactic-evaluation questions.
Emotions, motivations, psychic conflict and dynamics (processes and outcomes) of learning.

Core Documentation

1) Domenici, G., Lucisano, P. & Biasi V. (2021). Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione. Milano: McGraw-Hill Education.

2) Biasi V. (2019). Conflitto psichico e Educazione. Fenomenologia e sperimentazione. Milano: LED.

3) Biasi V. (2017). Dinamiche dell’apprendere. Schemi mentali, interessi e questioni didattico-valutative. Roma: Carocci.

Type of delivery of the course

A mixed mode will be adopted: face-to-face and online. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the remote modalities via Teams will be applied.

Type of evaluation

Colloquium centered on the themes of the program