22910317 - Language, learning and deafness

The course will provide theoretical knowledge and methodological and didactic competences related to the fields
of education and training and to the learning-teaching processes addressed to deaf pupils; a critical reflection on
the family, school and social context that welcomes the child/young person with deafness; competences related to
the main communicative and didactic strategies to be used to establish a productive educational relationship with
deaf pupils; basic knowledge related to the Italian Sign Language (LIS) for a first approach with the deaf pupil.
Knowledge and understanding:
- Knowledge and critical understanding of language acquisition and learning processes of the deaf child;
- general knowledge of psychological, neuropsychological and linguistic research on the topic of deafness
and the acquisition/learning processes of speech and sign language in deaf people.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Knowledge and understanding are functional to the definition of educational and training interventions
aimed at deaf pupils of all school levels and with different family, linguistic and rehabilitation backgrounds.
Making judgements:
- Ability to analyze different school contexts in which the deaf pupil is placed (ordinary school, bilingual Italian/LIS
- ability to critically reflect on the functional diagnosis of the deaf pupil followed in a school or extracurricular context;
- ability to reconstruct the different causes that have determined a certain problematic situation;
- ability to draw conclusions based on a variety of observed or inferred facts.
Communication skills:
- to know and recognise one's own emotions, those of the deaf pupil and those of his/her family;
- to show willingness to listen while maintaining a professional role;
- to encourage networking with all the professionals (speech therapists, doctors, psychologists, teachers)
who support the deaf child;
- to prevent and mediate conflicts;
- to be a facilitator of communication in speech or sign language respecting the communication and
language habits of the deaf child/young person;
- to adopt a positive attitude of open-mindedness and critical thinking skills.
Learning skills:
- to master the specific scientific language;
- to be able to find bibliographies and to access the scientific literature produced on the topic of deafness, language
acquisition of deaf children, learning/teaching processes for deaf students and sign languages;
- to acquire the learning skills necessary for cultural growth, professional development and further education and
to undertake new studies with a high degree of autonomy.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The programme of this course includes:

- a first general part of knowledge about deafness (etiology, types, degrees of deafness, early diagnosis, assistive listening devices);
- psychological aspects of the family following the diagnosis of their child's deafness and their choices;
- acquisition of speech and sign language in the deaf child;
- methods and treatments for oral and written language education;
- assessment of outcomes (assessment of cognitive development, language development in both Italian and Italian Sign Language);
- knowing how to correctly read a functional diagnosis for educational purposes;
- the work plan for the deaf pupil at school (PEI);
- different types of schools for deaf pupils in Italy;
- school integration of the deaf pupil;
- professional figures around the deaf pupil in school (curricular teacher, support teacher, communication assistant, OEPAC);
- the language skills of deaf pupils in written Italian;
- text comprehension: simplification vs. facilitation;
- visual methodologies towards innovative didactics for the deaf pupil.

The course also consists of a practical part in collaboration with a native signing deaf teacher. The rudiments of the Italian Sign Language (LIS) will be taught for a first approach with the deaf pupil.

Core Documentation

Rinaldi P., Tomasuolo E., Resca A. (a cura di) (2018). La sordità infantile: nuove prospettive di intervento. Erikson: Trento.

Maragna, S., Roccaforte, M. Tomasuolo E. (2013). Una didattica innovativa per l'apprendente sordo: con esempi di lezioni multimediali e tradizionali. Franco Angeli: Milano.

Reference Bibliography

Rinaldi P., Di Mascio T., Knoors H.,Marschark M. (2015). Insegnare agli studenti sordi. Aspetti cognitivi, linguistici, socioemotivi e scolastici. Il Mulino: Bologna. Caselli M.C., Maragna S., Volterra V. (2006). Linguaggio e Sordità: Gesti, segni e parole nello sviluppo e nell'educazione. Il Mulino: Bologna. Maragna S. (2008). La Sordità. La sordità. Educazione, scuola, lavoro e integrazione sociale. Hoepli: MIlano.

Type of delivery of the course

In order to achieve the expected learning results, the following teaching methods and tools will be used to support the teaching: frontal lessons, case analyses, practical exercises to simplify/facilitate written texts, watching videos, Italian Sign Language workshop carried out in collaboration with a native deaf signing teacher. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, the course will be entirely distance learning.


Attendance of the course is compulsory (20% absences allowed).

Type of evaluation

The assessment of learning takes the form of a two-hour written test comprising multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The final exam grade will also take into account the commitment shown in the Italian Sign Language part of the language laboratory. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, the examination will be entirely remote.