22910168 - General education

The course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge and skills related to:
- care, education and socialization of children from 0 to 6 years;
- the analysis of individual and group educational needs;
- the analysis of social and cultural reality of territories;
- the use of appropriate research methods in the educational field.

Through the study of General Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:

Knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge and critical understanding of the epistemological foundations of the pedagogical disciplines, the main currents of thought and the historical and social dimensions of the educational models and of the policies of the processes of social inclusion.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- understand the specificity of educational situations by analyzing them from different points of view (social, cultural, etc.) in order to adopt appropriate educational practices.
Making judgements:
- ability to critically analyze and elaborate educational choices in a reflective form.
Communication skills:
- ability to enhance and use the various formats of books and new communication and information technologies in care, education and socialization of children.
Learning skills:
- ability to observe the contexts and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them;
- ability to access scientific literature in the sector of education, identifying reliable sources.


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The workshop aims to deepen the central themes of general pedagogy within the context of the integrated 0-6 system through the reflection and shared discussion of ministerial documents and guidelines, as well as the deepening of the key words concerning education and care in early childhood educational settings. This work will make use of moments of debate, cooperative work and the production of written and / or multimedia material that accounts for the in-depth work for the acquisition of a specific terminology of reference, capable of guiding future knowledge. The laboratory will be a space for experimentation, in which students will be able to build moments of exchange, sharing, questions and proposals of a theoretical and practical nature in reference to the proposed stimuli.

Core Documentation

1) M. Amadini- A. Bobbio - A.Bondioli - E. Musi, Itinerari di pedagogia dell'infanzia, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2022 (Le parti del testo da studiare saranno indicate in sede di inaugurazione delle lezioni laboratoriali).
2) Due documenti ministeriali:
A) Adozione degli “Orientamenti nazionali per i servizi educativi per l’infanzia” di cui all’articolo 5, comma 1, lettera f) del decreto legislativo 13 aprile 2017, n. 65
B) Adozione delle “Linee pedagogiche per il sistema integrato zerosei” di cui all’articolo 10, comma 4, del decreto legislativo 13 aprile 2017, n. 65.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course




Type of evaluation


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General Pedagogy Program (A-L) 2023-2024 (Prof. Marco Giosi)

This General Pedagogy Course intends to focus on some crucial problems relating to the pedagogical-educational dimension in its complex articulation of themes, issues and problems that are very current.

First Part: Historical introduction to General Pedagogy and its basic notions
1) The analysis and deepening of the fundamental issues relating to key categories such as education, training, pedagogy, education.
2) How crucial is the question concerning the origin, nature and significance of the Educational Sciences. These have been affirming themselves, during the twentieth century, within a progressive and constant growth, particularly in recent decades, when a definitive and total conversion of Pedagogy in the Sciences of Education has been highlighted. In fact, in today's condition, pedagogy is increasingly being defined through the reference to specific, multidisciplinary, extra-pedagogical knowledge: psychology, sociology, neuroscience, psychoanalysis, anthropology, linguistics, history, philosophy, etc. The pedagogical harmonization of knowledge or education sciences must therefore be activated through a reflexivity that highlights the peculiar elements of the pedagogical, namely that of educating / forming, which operates as a giver of meaning.
3) And it is precisely the General Pedagogy, understood in its aspect of critical reflection, as a reflection on the problems of educating and forming, which is called to carry out this coordination action: both by promoting the unitary elaboration of the various disciplines that are part of the of the Sciences of Education, both by highlighting the dissonances with respect to the pedagogical, and by orienting itself in the sense of translating and integrating different languages, methods and assumptions on the common ground which is, precisely, that relating to the action of educating and of forming. In essence, the General Pedagogy must operate an action which is to:
a) coordination between the different sectoral disciplines that are part of the Educational Sciences;
b) translation of lexicons and methods born in different epistemological contexts (Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Sociology, etc.) on the ground of the "pedagogical";
c) critical reflection on the problems of educating, training and caring, addressing them "in situation" (historical, social, institutional), by gender, by area (family, school, etc.), by emerging problems (schial marginality, immigration, sexual difference, etc.
d) analysis of the fundamental pedagogical antinomies: form-process, mind-body, identity-difference, authority-freedom, rationality-emotions, culture-profession
4) Within this perspective, Franco Cambi's text, Le pedagogie del Novecento, will provide students with the necessary and indispensable historical introduction relating to the birth and development of Pedagogy during the twentieth century, in its different orientations and lines of thought (Idealism , Marxism, Personalism, etc.), knowing full well that the philosophical reflection on educating was born well before, starting from the Socratic-Platonic philosophy, the first true form of critical Pedagogy ever. But Cambi's text puts pedagogical knowledge in dialogue with the historical, social, political, economic dimension of the entire twentieth century, as well as with the history and development of Educational Institutions summarized in the trinomial Family, School, Society (and State), in addition to projecting this pedagogical knowledge towards a constant confrontation with the great social issues still open: the migration issue, the issues of social justice, the problems relating to the school-work connection, training within the current learning environments and growth (with advanced technology) typical of today's communications society, etc.

Second Part: analysis of the processes of development, care, and educational relationship in children from 0 to 6 years.

The other crucial point of this Course is that which specifically concerns the analysis of the psycho-pedagogical development of the child, from 0 to 6 years, as well as the related models and care practices.
1) The approach proposed here will use the most significant contributions to the study of growth processes developed by Psychology of the Developmental Age, by Psychoanalysis, as well as the indispensable contributions offered by Sociology, Neuroscience, Philosophy of Education, in the belief that only within a very broad, global, interdisciplinary perspective (but always within the pluralism that is proper to the Sciences of Education, as underlined) it is possible to have an adequate and in-depth analysis of the crucial and peculiar problems faced.
2) The essential point of reference will be that constituted by the Psychology of the Evolutionary Age and by its greatest representatives, Piaget and Vygotskij in primis. It will be above all the psycho-pedagogical conception developed by Lev Vygotskij to constitute the guiding principle of this Course, through the study of his text Imagination and creativity, a work of crucial importance in the analysis of the processes of cognitive, emotional, perceptual-sensorial and imaginative of the child, within a dialogic vision of "giving shape". Focal points of the perspective developed by Vygotsky: a) dialogue b) social construction of learning c) mutual cooperation in this learning process d) proximal zone of development. Of fundamental importance is the role assigned by Vygotskij (but, from a different perspective, also by Winnicott), to play and creativity as primary factors aimed at promoting more complex and open care and teaching practices on the front of the crucial aesthetic experience as a factor. central to the growth of the child.
Based on the study of this text, the following key categories related to the development of the child will be analyzed:
development of perception and attention
mastery of memory and thought
relationship between language and thought
interaction between learning and development
role of play and creativity in the growth of the child

3) The theme constituted by the mother-child relationship will be of fundamental importance, which Psychoanalysis, in particular, has placed in due importance through decades of scientific research and investigations of inalienable value: from the contributions of René Spitz and Margaret Mahler to those of Donald Winnicott and John Bowlby (always against the background of the tradition inaugurated by Freud and differently declined by scholars such as Melanie Klein and Anna Freud, etc.), without ignoring the precious suggestions coming from the Psychology of the Self, with the studies of Heinz Kohut and Daniel Stern, in particular. Pedagogy, we can say, precisely by virtue of these contributions and contributions, has reached a much greater understanding and analysis of the phenomena connected to the development processes of the first years of life in infancy, with particular reference to the mother-child dyad, such as said.

Exam texts
1) F. Cambi, The Pedagogies of the Twentieth Century, Laterza, Rome-Bari, 2005
2) L.S. Vygotskij, Immaginazione e creatività nell' età infantile, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 2011.
3) B. Bettelheim, Un genitore quasi perfetto, Feltrinelli, MIlano, 2022.
4) R. Sardelli- M. Fiorucci, On the side of the least. A popular school in the shacks of Rome, Donzelli Editore, 2020.

General Pedagogy Laboratory (A-L) 2022-2023
Dr. Lisa Stillo (3 CFU)
The workshop aims to deepen the central themes of general pedagogy within the context of the integrated 0-6 system through the reflection and shared discussion of ministerial documents and guidelines, as well as the deepening of the key words concerning education and care in early childhood educational settings. This work will make use of moments of debate, cooperative work and the production of written and / or multimedia material that accounts for the in-depth work for the acquisition of a specific terminology of reference, capable of guiding future knowledge. The laboratory will be a space for experimentation, in which students will be able to build moments of exchange, sharing, questions and proposals of a theoretical and practical nature in reference to the proposed stimuli.

1) M. Amadini - A. Bobbio - A. Bondioli - E. Musi, Itineraries of childhood pedagogy, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2022 (The parts of the text to be studied will be indicated at the inauguration of the laboratory lessons).
2) Two ministerial documents:
A) Adoption of the "National guidelines for educational services for children" referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, letter f) of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, no. 65
B) Adoption of the "Pedagogical guidelines for the integrated zerosei system" referred to in Article 10, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, no

Core Documentation

1)F. Cambi, Le Pedagogie del Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005
2) B. Bettelheim, Un genitore quasi perfetto, Feltrinelli, MIlano, 2022
3) L.S. Vygotskij, Immaginazione e creatività nell' età infantile, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 2011.

Come lettura (obbligatoria ai fini dell'esame):
4)R. Sardelli- M. Fiorucci, Dalla parte degli ultimi. Una scuola popolare tra le baracche di Roma, Donzelli Editore, 2020.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

/In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.


/In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.

Type of evaluation


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to initiate students to the study of themes and problems of general Pedagogy, with particular attention to the pedagogical and educational reflection that emerged during the twentieth century. Some significant constructs of the pedagogical discourse will be examined in depth, in comparison with the Socratic lesson: education and paideia, ethics and moral action, practice of care and self-care, communication and dialogic relationship.
Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children.

Core Documentation

A. Broccoli, Dialogare, Morcelliana, Brescia 2021;
Platone, Apologia di Socrate, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005 (edizione consigliata);
M. Attinà, A. Broccoli. V. Rossini (a cura di), Percorsi inattuali dell'educazione. Suggestioni, idee, proposte, Anicia, Roma 2023;

Per il Laboratorio obbligatorio (3 CFU):

M. F. D'Amante, Polifonia pedagogica. Armonia, forma, educazione, Anicia, Roma 2023.


Type of delivery of the course

The course (9 CFU, 6 + 3 of Laboratory) includes 36 hours of conventional didactics and 18 hours of LABORATORY work, in total carried out in the form of frontal lessons and students' participation. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following arrangements will apply: - use of the Form on Line platform for audio files related to the lessons and any activation of an interactive Forum in which the participation of students is required; - use of the Microsoft Teams platform for interviews, receptions and live lectures.



Type of evaluation

The examination consists of an interview on the topics of the course, which will ascertain the possession of specific knowledge of some topics in General Pedagogy. The final grade, expressed in thirtieths, will take into account: Of the ability to move easily through the topics covered during the lectures, from the proposed texts; Of the ability to critically rework the knowledge acquired; of the possession of adequate expressive property and specialized terminology