Studying pedagogy of narration the students will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.

In terms of knowledge and understanding:
-to know the main paradigms of the narrative in relation to representations of diversity forms;
-to know the characteristics of the specific setting of the narrating context and the main national and international theoretical contributions in the field of pedagogy.

In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
-to analyse the different narrative languages and to distinguish the different products;
-to build narrative settings with reference to consolidated pedagogical methods.

In terms of independent judgment:
-to design educational- training interventions to enhance the recognition of the need to tell/self tell in narrative settings;
-to evaluate the most suitable narrative forms for different contexts.

In terms of communication skills:
-to master the different expressive languages with the children aged 0-6 years;
-to use educational relationship strategies in formal and non-formal educational contexts.

In terms of learning skills:
- to orientate between the forms of narrative and to propose new targeted pathways;
- to identify the network links with services such as libraries and expressive-creative laboratories, enhancing the language specificity.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of this course is to present systematic reflections on the relationship between pedagogic knowledge and narrative, giving value to the educational potential of stories in the growth process of girls and boys in the current multi-cultural contexts.
The course is organized into two parts.
In the first, the importance of narrative practices and expressive languages in cognitive and emotional development and in the construction of identity in early childhood (0-6 years old) will be analysed.
In the second, different types of narrations will be analysed, with a focus on fables and silent books for the deconstruction of stereotypes and the construction of supportive communities.

Core Documentation

Recommended texts

For the first part
E. Mignosi, G. Nuti (a cura di) (2020), Un'infanzia fatta di scienza e arte, FrancoAngeli, Milano. All first part (pp.23-88) and the last chapter of the second part (pp. 174-186). You can replace this text with: G. Annacontini, M. D’Ambrosio, N. Di Genova, C. Iorio, A. G. Lopez, A. P. Paiano, A. Vaccarelli, E. Zizioli, Bambini e bambine in fuga dalla guerra. L’accoglienza scolastica fra Pedagogia dell’emergenza e intercultura, Anicia, Roma 2022.
Pages chosen from the text by Maria Montessori, Lezioni da Londra 1946, a cura di Annette Haines, Il leone verde, Torino, pp.12-17 (Education as an aid to life); pp.187-196 (The construction of immagination); pp. 204-210 (Truths and Fables). E. Fierli, G. Lancia, G. Franchi, S. Marini (2017). Leggere senza stereotipi. Percorsi educativi 0-6 anni per figurarsi il futuro, Settenove,Cagli (Pu).

For the second part
B. Bettelheim, Il mondo incantato. Uso, importanza e significati psicoanalitici delle fiabe, qualsiasi edizione purché integrale. Il testo è disponibile anche in formato e-book.
A fairy tale of your choice: Beatrice Solinas Donghi (2020), Fiabe incatenate, Topi Pittori, Milano; Karrie Fransman, Jonathan Plackett (2021), Myriam Sayalero, Dani Torrent (2022), Fiabe mai raccontate. Per ragazze senza paura, Mondadori, Milano.

Three picture books: one for each of the three proposed paths.

First path- I discover the world from myself
F. Sharafeddine (2018), Le mie mani, Gallucci, Roma 2018.
F. Sharafeddine (2018), I miei piedi, Gallucci, Roma 2018.
Tana Hoban, Lo sai chi siamo?, Editoriale Scienza, Firenze-Trieste.
Leo Leonni (2018), Pezzettino, Babalibri, Milano (ed. or.1975).
Suzy Lee (2008) Mirror, Corraini edizioni, Mantova.
Crockett Johnson (2020), Harold e la matita viola, CameloZampa, Monselice (PD) (ed.or.1955).
Tina Oziewicz, Aleksandra Zając (2021), Ci conosciamo? Sentimenti, emozioni e altre creature, Terre di mezzo, Milano.

Second path- Growing authentically
Cristian Bruel, Anne Bozellec (2015) Storia di Giulia che aveva un'ombra da bambino, Settenove edizioni, Cagli (Pu).
Luisa Aguilar, André Neves (2017), Orecchie di farfalla, Kalandraka, Firenze.
Ed Vere (2019), Questo (non) è un leone, Terre di mezzo, Milano.
Beatrice Alemagna (2019), La bambina di vetro, Topipittori, Milano.
Raquel Díaz Reguera (2019), Libere di volare, EDT Giralangolo,Torino.
Sibylle Delacroix (2021), Altissima, Terre di mezzo, Milano.
Giulio Fabroni, Gloria Francella (2021), Achille cane quadrato, Sinnos, Roma.

TERZO PERCORSO – Girls and boys in the word
Daniela Valente, Ilaria Bochicchio (2013), Adrian vuole andare a scuola, Edizioni Coccole e Caccole, Castrovillari (CS).
Claude K. Dubois (2014), Akim corre, Babalibri, Milano.
Chiara Lorenzoni, Paolo Domeniconi (2016), Amali e l’Albero, Giralangolo, EDT,Torino.
Fulvia Degl’Innocenti, Anna Forlati (2015), Io sono Adila, Settenove, Cagli (Pu).
Kate Milner (2018), Il mio nome non è rifugiato, Les Mots Libres edizioni.
Daniele H. Chambers, Federico Delicato (2018), Un viaggio diverso, Kalandra, Firenze.
Holis Kurman, Ill. Barroux (2021), Tutti contano!, Edizioni Clichy, Firenze.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons (with use of multimedia). Lectures by representatives of local educational realities; educational visits. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the arrangements that regulate the operating methods of lessons and evaluations will be adopted. Particularly, a teaching channel will be created on the Teams platform for lessons and a specific didactic space will be created on the Moodle platform (https://formonline.uniroma3.it/).


Attendance is recommended and planned in blended mode (presence-distance) via the Teams platform. Students also have access to a teaching channel on the Moodle platform (https://formonline.uniroma3.it/) where materials are published and forums for in-depth teaching are animated.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam on the texts in the program with analysis of the chosen narratives. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all the arrangements that regulate the operating methods of lessons and evaluations will be adopted. Particularly, evaluation will proceed through evaluation tests via the Teams platform and within the didactic space on the Moodle platform (https://formonline.uniroma3.it/).