The teaching of Estetica aims to give students the knowledge of two different interpretations of the art typical of our time, the psychological and socio-political, within a philosophical framework of reference.
With the study of Aesthetics the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and skills
- to know the structural and content elements of aesthetics, both from a theoretical and a historical point of view;
- to recognize the fundamental concepts of the discipline, in relation to the monographic topics dealt with during the course;
- understand the specific lexicon of the discipline.
Ability to apply knowledge and skills
- apply the knowledge and skills acquired in educational contexts;
- to deal autonomously and consciously with themes and concepts.
Autonomy of judgement
- development of autonomous processing skills and critical reading skills.
-to connect the concepts addressed during the course with the cultural transformations taking place.
Communication skills
- acquisition and use of the specific lexicon of the discipline in different contexts.
With the study of Aesthetics the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and skills
- to know the structural and content elements of aesthetics, both from a theoretical and a historical point of view;
- to recognize the fundamental concepts of the discipline, in relation to the monographic topics dealt with during the course;
- understand the specific lexicon of the discipline.
Ability to apply knowledge and skills
- apply the knowledge and skills acquired in educational contexts;
- to deal autonomously and consciously with themes and concepts.
Autonomy of judgement
- development of autonomous processing skills and critical reading skills.
-to connect the concepts addressed during the course with the cultural transformations taking place.
Communication skills
- acquisition and use of the specific lexicon of the discipline in different contexts.
teacher profile teaching materials
F. Desideri, C. Cantelli, Storia dell'Estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze, Carocci editore, Roma.
For editions up to 2019 the pages to study are: 17-20; 23-24; 35-51; 59-64; 65-69; 129-135; 152-155; 173-176; 251-263; 275-277; 295-299; 371-375; 577-579; 584-588).
For the new edition F. Desideri, C. Cantelli, Storia dell'Estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze – edizione 2020 : 1. L’estetica antica 23-26; 28-30 (Arte come mímēsis); 41-58; 67-74; 2. L’estetica medievale 75-78; 3 L’Estetica del Quattrocento e Cinquecento 154-159; 163-166; 181-187; 4. L’estetica Barocca 212-214; 5. L’estetica del Settecento 249-257; 305-321; 6. L’estetica dell’Ottocento 331-335; 349-357; 359-363; 438-442; 7. XX-XXI sec. 469-470; 485-487;530-535; 549-551; 650-651;682-685.
1. Aesthetics, the epistemological statute; 2. Aesthetical experience as anthropological practice: an historical path; 3. The Aesthetics of Media: the aestheticization of communication (M. McLuhan, J. Habermas);4. The contemporary context: between real and digital. A reflection about a possible redefinition of the concepts of perception and experience; 5. Virtual realities and illusory worlds: the paradigm of Augmented Reality, an aesthetic anthropological reading. Digital identity and online identity processes: datamining, practical profiles of identification "without body"; 6.The new narrative modalities. An interpretation of reality through the "aesthetics" of the TV series. 7. The processes of aestheticization in the different cultural contexts (India, Africa, Europe).Core Documentation
The reference text used isF. Desideri, C. Cantelli, Storia dell'Estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze, Carocci editore, Roma.
For editions up to 2019 the pages to study are: 17-20; 23-24; 35-51; 59-64; 65-69; 129-135; 152-155; 173-176; 251-263; 275-277; 295-299; 371-375; 577-579; 584-588).
For the new edition F. Desideri, C. Cantelli, Storia dell'Estetica occidentale. Da Omero alle neuroscienze – edizione 2020 : 1. L’estetica antica 23-26; 28-30 (Arte come mímēsis); 41-58; 67-74; 2. L’estetica medievale 75-78; 3 L’Estetica del Quattrocento e Cinquecento 154-159; 163-166; 181-187; 4. L’estetica Barocca 212-214; 5. L’estetica del Settecento 249-257; 305-321; 6. L’estetica dell’Ottocento 331-335; 349-357; 359-363; 438-442; 7. XX-XXI sec. 469-470; 485-487;530-535; 549-551; 650-651;682-685.
Reference Bibliography
For further information F. Desideri - A. Mecacci, Estetica contemporanea. Dalle filosofie della crisi alle culture postmediali, Carocci Editore, Roma 2023 (è un libro impegnativo e vanno fatte solo alcune parti: da p. 59 a 65; da p. 97 a 121; da p. 132 a 148). P. Bernardi, L’ombra della morte nella pittura occidentale, Scholé, Brescia 2021 C. Caneva, Bellezza e persona. L’esperienza estetica come epifania dell’umano in Luigi Pareyson, Armando, Roma 2008. C. Caneva, La musica arte dell'interiorità: per una fenomenologia del suono in Orientamenti pedagogici, 2019, n.2 (376) vol. 66, pp. 33-44. A. Caneva, C. Caneva, C. Costa, F. Orlando, L’immaginario contemporaneo. La grande pro-vocazione delle serie TV, Mimesis, Milano 2018. V. Codeluppi, Mi metto in vetrina. Selfie, Facebook, Apple, Hello Kitty, Renzi e altre “vetrinizzazioni”, Mimesis, Milano 2015. P. Granata, Arte, estetica e nuovi media, Fausto Lupetti editore, Bologna 2009. T. Griffero, Atmosferologia. Estetica degli spazi emozionali, Bompiani, Milano 2007. W. Kandisky, Lo spirituale nell'arte, SE, Milano 2012 A. Kolnai, Il disgusto, Marinotti, Milano 2017. A. Mazzoni, La musica nell'ermenutica contemporanea, Mimesis, Milano 2005. E. Morin, Sull'Estetica, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2012. L. Pareyson, Estetica. Teoria della Formatività, Bompiani Milano 2005. F. Schiller, Lettere sull'educazione estetica dell'uomo, Armando, Roma (ma qualsiasi edizione va bene) G. Matteucci, Il sapere estetico come prassi antropoologica; Cassirerm Gehlen e la configurazione del sensibile, ETS, Pisa 2010..Type of delivery of the course
front lessons + moodle platformAttendance
Attendance is not expected except, if it is possible, for some classes in synchronous modeType of evaluation
Students will have to pass a test with multiple-choice questions and two open questions. The assessment will take into account the average of the test and the written presentation in the two open questions