The course of General Didactics, starting from a reflection on the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline, intends to analyze some of the most known and significant models of organization of didactics in formal education contexts, also in relation to the most recent contribution provided by ICT to education and learning processes.
The course includes laboratory activities, to be carried out mainly online, related to the application on the field of tools for the self-assessment of strategic skills.
With the study of General Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives:
In terms of knowledge and comprehension:
- know the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline;
- know the main models of organization of the didactics;
- to know the innovative aspects of the application of ICT to teaching and learning processes;
- understand the importance of regulatory evaluation of teaching and learning processes.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- elaborate projects in the educational field by defining objectives, methodologies and evaluation tools;
- apply tools for the self-assessment of strategic competences within training contexts.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- analyse and interpret training needs within a given context and define appropriate action plans;
- develop reflective skills on one's own professional actions.
In terms of communication skills:
- recognize and analyze one's professional beliefs and competences through the self-administration of the QPCC (Perception Questionnaires of one's Convictions and Competencies, Pellerey, 2000);
- present in written and oral form the outcome of reflexive analyses of one's own strategic competences.
In terms of learning ability:
- grasp the main evolutionary aspects of the discipline by identifying the main sources of updating (national and international scientific journals).
The course aims to give knowledge on the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural fundamentals of teaching and skills in the design of participatory didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Knowledge and understanding
- Know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching;
- Understand the relationship between disciplinary content and educational organization.
Applying knowledge and understanding
- Identify the didactic actions able to favor the development of disciplinary and transversal skills;
- Identify the didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Making judgements
- Design educational actions based on different evolutionary periods;
- Design educational actions aimed at improving learning contexts.
Communication skills
- Contribute to group work;
- Simulate educational actions.
Learning skills
- Analyze a problematic situation from several points of view;
- Be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
The course of General Didactics, starting from a reflection on the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline, intends to analyze some of the most known and significant models of organization of didactics in formal education contexts, also in relation to the most recent contribution provided by ICT to education and learning processes.
The course includes laboratory activities, to be carried out mainly online, related to the application on the field of tools for the self-assessment of strategic skills.
With the study of General Didactics the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives:
In terms of knowledge and comprehension:
- know the fundamentals, methods of investigation and aims of the discipline;
- know the main models of organization of the didactics;
- to know the innovative aspects of the application of ICT to teaching and learning processes;
- understand the importance of regulatory evaluation of teaching and learning processes.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- elaborate projects in the educational field by defining objectives, methodologies and evaluation tools;
- apply tools for the self-assessment of strategic competences within training contexts.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- analyse and interpret training needs within a given context and define appropriate action plans;
- develop reflective skills on one's own professional actions.
In terms of communication skills:
- recognize and analyze one's professional beliefs and competences through the self-administration of the QPCC (Perception Questionnaires of one's Convictions and Competencies, Pellerey, 2000);
- present in written and oral form the outcome of reflexive analyses of one's own strategic competences.
In terms of learning ability:
- grasp the main evolutionary aspects of the discipline by identifying the main sources of updating (national and international scientific journals).
The course aims to give knowledge on the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural fundamentals of teaching and skills in the design of participatory didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Knowledge and understanding
- Know the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching;
- Understand the relationship between disciplinary content and educational organization.
Applying knowledge and understanding
- Identify the didactic actions able to favor the development of disciplinary and transversal skills;
- Identify the didactic actions able to favor the processes of inclusion.
Making judgements
- Design educational actions based on different evolutionary periods;
- Design educational actions aimed at improving learning contexts.
Communication skills
- Contribute to group work;
- Simulate educational actions.
Learning skills
- Analyze a problematic situation from several points of view;
- Be able to access the relevant scientific literature.
teacher profile teaching materials
Thematic cores
- The historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching.
- The main methods of teaching design. Effective and inclusive teaching strategies.
- The relationship between knowledge and skills. The skills for lifelong learning. Teaching design for skills.
- Evaluation as a tool for regulation and self-regulation of the teaching process.
- Teacher training.
- The Italian legislation and the main European documents concerning the organization of educational systems.
Zanniello, G. (2016). La didattica tra storia e ricerca. Roma: Armando
Calvani, A. (2011). Principi dell’istruzione e strategie per insegnare. Criteri per una didattica efficace. Roma: Carocci
Chiappetta Cajola L., Ciraci A.M. (a cura di) (2019). La formazione degli insegnanti: ricerca, didattica, competenze. Roma: Aracne
Online activities (on
Unit 1: Instructional design for skills.
Unit 2. School abandonment: social hardship, economic damage, political privilege.
Unit 3. The assessment of skills.
Unit 4. Initial teacher training.
Unit 5. The teacher researcher.
Unit 6. The Italian legislation and the main European documents.
The Course starts from a reflection on the historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural fundamentals of Didactic and aims to acquire knowledge and skills on the main methodological approaches for an effective didactic planning. In particular, the theme of "planning by skills" is highlighted, which represents the strategic key for a didactics able to face the challenges of diversity and lifelong learning. Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood.Thematic cores
- The historical, epistemological and methodological-procedural foundations of teaching.
- The main methods of teaching design. Effective and inclusive teaching strategies.
- The relationship between knowledge and skills. The skills for lifelong learning. Teaching design for skills.
- Evaluation as a tool for regulation and self-regulation of the teaching process.
- Teacher training.
- The Italian legislation and the main European documents concerning the organization of educational systems.
Core Documentation
Paper textsZanniello, G. (2016). La didattica tra storia e ricerca. Roma: Armando
Calvani, A. (2011). Principi dell’istruzione e strategie per insegnare. Criteri per una didattica efficace. Roma: Carocci
Chiappetta Cajola L., Ciraci A.M. (a cura di) (2019). La formazione degli insegnanti: ricerca, didattica, competenze. Roma: Aracne
Online activities (on
Unit 1: Instructional design for skills.
Unit 2. School abandonment: social hardship, economic damage, political privilege.
Unit 3. The assessment of skills.
Unit 4. Initial teacher training.
Unit 5. The teacher researcher.
Unit 6. The Italian legislation and the main European documents.
Reference Bibliography
Zanniello, G. (2016). La didattica tra storia e ricerca. Roma: Armando. Calvani, A. (2011). Principi dell’istruzione e strategie per insegnare. Criteri per una didattica efficace. Roma: Carocci. Chiappetta Cajola L., Ciraci A.M. (a cura di) (2019). La formazione degli insegnanti: ricerca, didattica, competenze. Roma: Aracne.Type of delivery of the course
The course includes a base path done face-to-face and a deepening path online which develops specific topics and fields of interest, and offers theoretical-operative activities (exercises and laboratories) to apply acquired knowledge.Type of evaluation
The final exam consists of an oral discussion. teacher profile teaching materials
Considering the current historical and social framework characterized by uncertainty, complexity and continuous transformations, a reflection on the role of educational research in the field of teaching will be proposed, with reference to the possible data collection tools to redesign teaching in a flexible and conscious way.
The course is divided into three modules.
In the first module the training orientation, the circularity between research and educational action, the strategies of individualization of teaching will be examine in depth. Some data collection tools will be presented, as well as the main evaluation and monitoring processes of teaching, learning styles, organization and modular design as a training strategy.
The second module will present studies conducted on teachers through field observations and advanced models of instructional design as well as experimental evidence-based research achieved in the international arena. The aim is to examine these fundamentals in depth and reflect on how they can be put into practice to promote effective, efficient and engaging learning.
The third module will focus on educational innovation, educational technologies and how it is possible to consciously introduce them in a learning context, reflecting on the didactic and pedagogical implications. In particular, starting from empirical research, strategies and methodologies will be explored to help develop reading skills, keeping in mind the spread of mobile devices and analyzing the concepts of multimedia, multimodality and interactivity. Issues of didactic planning and educational research will be explored.
Domenici, G. (2009). Manuale dell’orientamento e della didattica modulare. Roma-Bari: Laterza.
Calvani, A. & Trinchero, R. (2019). Dieci falsi miti e dieci regole per insegnare bene. Roma: Carocci editore.
Morini, A. L. (2017). Leggere in digitale. Nuove pratiche di lettura nel contesto scolastico. Anicia: Roma.
The course will examine the main aspects of didactics, with reference to the theoretical and practical teaching-learning models that can be applied in formal education contexts.Considering the current historical and social framework characterized by uncertainty, complexity and continuous transformations, a reflection on the role of educational research in the field of teaching will be proposed, with reference to the possible data collection tools to redesign teaching in a flexible and conscious way.
The course is divided into three modules.
In the first module the training orientation, the circularity between research and educational action, the strategies of individualization of teaching will be examine in depth. Some data collection tools will be presented, as well as the main evaluation and monitoring processes of teaching, learning styles, organization and modular design as a training strategy.
The second module will present studies conducted on teachers through field observations and advanced models of instructional design as well as experimental evidence-based research achieved in the international arena. The aim is to examine these fundamentals in depth and reflect on how they can be put into practice to promote effective, efficient and engaging learning.
The third module will focus on educational innovation, educational technologies and how it is possible to consciously introduce them in a learning context, reflecting on the didactic and pedagogical implications. In particular, starting from empirical research, strategies and methodologies will be explored to help develop reading skills, keeping in mind the spread of mobile devices and analyzing the concepts of multimedia, multimodality and interactivity. Issues of didactic planning and educational research will be explored.
Core Documentation
The texts adopted in the General Didactics course are:Domenici, G. (2009). Manuale dell’orientamento e della didattica modulare. Roma-Bari: Laterza.
Calvani, A. & Trinchero, R. (2019). Dieci falsi miti e dieci regole per insegnare bene. Roma: Carocci editore.
Morini, A. L. (2017). Leggere in digitale. Nuove pratiche di lettura nel contesto scolastico. Anicia: Roma.
Type of delivery of the course
The 9 credit General Didactics course is divided into a general course (6 credits) and an in-depth course (3 credits). The in-depth course material and the online activities take place on the platform of the Department of Education at: The general course (6 credits) includes 36 hours of synchronous lessons that take place in person with simultaneous connection through the Microsoft Teams platform, in order to attend the lesson online. Class attendance is strongly recommended, but not mandatory. Classes will take place during the second semester. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all relevant provisions on the modalities of carrying out teaching activities will be applied. In particular: the teaching activities will be carried out through the integrated use of the Moodle online platform of the Department of Education Sciences ( and the Microsoft Teams platform. In the general course there will be lessons with participation and students will be invited to interact in an active way. Teaching strategies aimed at promoting collaborative learning, critical thinking and the reflective skills of students will be introduced. Tools will be used to encourage self-assessment and formative feedback both between teacher and student and between peers. Multimedia devices and apps will be used to encourage student involvement and to enhance the learning process. The in-depth course (3 credits) includes 18 hours of laboratory activities carried out both online and in person. The course involves the creation of peer work groups that will be given specific assignments to be carried out within a certain due date. The groups will be formed during the course. Those who are unable to participate in group activities will be provided with supplementary group or individual activities, which will be agreed upon at least one month before the date on which the student intends to take the final exam. All the indications for the development of the in-depth course (activities, timing and methods) will be presented in detail on the Moodle online platform of the course: formonline.uniroma3.itAttendance
Class attendance is strongly recommended but not mandatory.Type of evaluation
The final examination for the General Didactics course, educator curriculum, consists of a written test with 40 multiple-choice questions and two open-ended questions. The exam time is 75 minutes. In order to take the exam, it is necessary to register by following the procedures indicated on the online platform “Portale dello Studente” under the section called "Prenotazione esami", respecting the deadlines.