Learning goals: the student is able to discuss learning changes moved by digital technologies and to design blended learning paths.
Relational goals: the student improves his communicating skills and is well active in learning communities
- Knowledge and understanding: the student is conscius that knowledge is endlessly changing
- Applying knowledge and understanding: the student uses Internet effectively
- Making judgements: the student is well oriented on Internet
- Communication skills: the student is able in public speaking
- Learning skills: the student knows his meta-learnig
Relational goals: the student improves his communicating skills and is well active in learning communities
- Knowledge and understanding: the student is conscius that knowledge is endlessly changing
- Applying knowledge and understanding: the student uses Internet effectively
- Making judgements: the student is well oriented on Internet
- Communication skills: the student is able in public speaking
- Learning skills: the student knows his meta-learnig
teacher profile teaching materials
- analyze the basic elements of educational and instructional design;
- analyze the concept of educational and instructional design in the relational/systemic perspective of the Network;
- analyze and design formal, informal and non-formal networked learning environments;
- identify teaching methodologies and strategies by integrating learning models and teaching patterns;
- analyze the network of roles in the school and social community from the perspective of team teaching and educational and training groups;
- identify and describe real educational-didactic situations at school and in different educational and training contexts and to compare with models of teaching and intervention in digital and non-digital learning environments;
- analyze the impact of new media on students' learning processes and related educational-didactic and training strategies;
- explore the new modes of communication and interaction introduced by social media and connect them to the complexity of cognitive and relational processes in light of evolving learning theories.
M. Ranieri, "Competenze digitali per insegnare. Modelli e proposte operative", Carocci, Roma 2022.
E. Sadin., "Critica della ragione artificiale. Una difesa dell'umanità", Luiss University Press, Roma 2019.
In alternativa a questo ultimo testo si propone:
K. Crawford., "Né intelligente, né artificiale. Il lato oscuro dell'IA", Il Mulino, Bologna 2021.
Program- analyze the basic elements of educational and instructional design;
- analyze the concept of educational and instructional design in the relational/systemic perspective of the Network;
- analyze and design formal, informal and non-formal networked learning environments;
- identify teaching methodologies and strategies by integrating learning models and teaching patterns;
- analyze the network of roles in the school and social community from the perspective of team teaching and educational and training groups;
- identify and describe real educational-didactic situations at school and in different educational and training contexts and to compare with models of teaching and intervention in digital and non-digital learning environments;
- analyze the impact of new media on students' learning processes and related educational-didactic and training strategies;
- explore the new modes of communication and interaction introduced by social media and connect them to the complexity of cognitive and relational processes in light of evolving learning theories.
Core Documentation
U. Zona, M. De Castro, "Edusfera. Processi di apprendimento e macchine culturali nell'era social", Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2020M. Ranieri, "Competenze digitali per insegnare. Modelli e proposte operative", Carocci, Roma 2022.
E. Sadin., "Critica della ragione artificiale. Una difesa dell'umanità", Luiss University Press, Roma 2019.
In alternativa a questo ultimo testo si propone:
K. Crawford., "Né intelligente, né artificiale. Il lato oscuro dell'IA", Il Mulino, Bologna 2021.
Reference Bibliography
Bocci F., De Angelis B., Fregola C., Olmetti Peja D., Zona U. (2016). Rizodidattica. Teorie dell’apprendimento e modelli didattici inclusivi. Lecca: Pensa Multimedia Bonaiuti G., Calvani A. (2016). Fondamenti di didattica. Teoria e prassi dei dispositivi formativi. Roma: Carocci Brin, S. & Page, L. (1998). The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. Computer Networks, vol. 30, 107-117. Cardon, D. (2016). Che cosa sognano gli algoritmi? Le nostre vite al tempo dei big data. Milano: Mondadori. Castoldi M. (2015). Didattica generale. Milano: Mondadori Cheney-Lippold, J. (2017). We Are Data. Algorithms and the Making of Our Digital selves. New York: New York University Press. Domingos P. (2016). L’algoritmo definitivo. La macchina che impara da sola e il futuro del nostro mondo. Torino: Borighieri. Haraway D. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. London: Routledge. Haraway D. (2018). Manifesto cyborg. Donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo. Milano: Feltrinelli Noble, S. U., Tynes, B. M. (ed.) (2016). The Intersectional Internet. Race, Sex, Class and Culture Online. New York: Peter Lang. Noble, S.U. (2018). Algorithms of Oppression. How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. New York: New York University Press. O’Neil, C. (2017). Armi di distruzione matematica. Come i big data aumentano la disuguaglianza e minacciano la democrazia. Milano: Bompiani. Ranieri M. (2022). Competenze digitali per insegnare. Modelli e proposte operative. Roma: Carocci Srnicek, N. (2016). Capitalismo digitale. Google, Facebook, Amazon e la nuova economia del web. Roma: Luiss University Press.Type of delivery of the course
Lessons in the course will be held in frontal and laboratory modes. Active student participation will be encouraged. There is provision for online lessons if force majeure reasons require it or to supplement the in-presence lessons.Type of evaluation
Assessment of acquired knowledge and skills by oral discussion to be conducted during the examination. There is provision for forms of in-progress assessment related to laboratory activities to be conducted in presence or online.